I was asked by a friend of mine Syed Husin Ali (oF PKR) to share this letter widely. It is from a lawyer Hasan Karim, in Pontian, Johor
Hassan Karim
d/a Tetuan Hassan Karim & Co.,
Peguambela & Peguamcara
Bilik 6, Aras 2, Wisma Qaryah, Jalan Pejabat,
82000 Pontian, Johor.
Tarikh: 7hb Jun 2014
Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin
Menteri Besar Johor
Pejabat Menteri Besar Johor,
Aras 3, Bangunan Dato’ Jaafar Muhammad,
Kota Iskandar, 79000 Nusajaya, Johor
YAB Datuk Seri,
Asalamualaikum Saudara,
Dengan rendah hati saya memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya Hassan Karim seorang rakyat Johor, warganegara Malaysia yang tinggal di Pontian, Johor serta beralamat seperti di atas.
2. Surat terbuka ini ditujukan dan dialamatkan kepada saudara selaku Menteri Besar Johor. Saya ingin merujuk perkara yang tersebut di atas iaitu mengenai Rang Undang-Undang Lembaga Perumahan dan Hartanah Johor, ringkasnya RUU (LPHJ).
3. Saya mendapat maklum dari media bahawa pada hari Isnin ini 9.6.2014 RUU (LPHJ) akan dibentangkan di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Johor di Nusajaya. RUU(LPHJ) itu jika diluluskan oleh DUN maka ia akan menjadi satu enakmen yang mempunyai ciri-ciri, antara lainnya seperti berikut:-
(a) ia memberi kuasa kepada Sultan Johor untuk menyelia akaun LPHJ;
(b) Sultan Johor mempunyai kuasa membubar dan melantik ahli lembaga pengarah baharu;
(c) Sultan diberi kuasa menentukan jumlah elaun dan saraan ahli lembaga pengarah;
(d) Sultan diberi kuasa melantik seorang pengarah yang boleh dipilih sebagai Ketua Eksekutif LPHJ.
4. Saya percaya jika RUU (LPHJ) seperti yang ada sekarang diluluskan maka ia akan membawa implikasi bahawa Kerajaan Johor yang dipilih oleh rakyat memberi kuasa kepada Sultan untuk terlibat dalam urusan pentadbiran kerajaan.
5. Saudara sebagai Menteri Besar yang mempunyai pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam kabinet Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia tentu lebih faham bahawa RUU (LPHJ) yang akan dibentangkan di DUN Johor ini adalah bercanggah dengan konvensi sistem berkerajaan di Malaysia yang mengamalkan sistem Raja Berperlembagaan dan Demokrasi Berparlimen.
6. Saudara sebagai Menteri Besar Johor mestilah menjadi banteng untuk mempertahankan kedua-duanya iaitu institusi Raja Berperlembagaan dan Demokrasi Berparlimen. Saudara mesti mengambil apa juga langkah untuk mengelakkan supaya Sultan Johor tidak terlibat dalam pentadbiran kerajaan negeri secara langsung sebagai kuasa eksekutif. Ini untuk mengelakkan Sultan Johor dari terdedah kepada penghinaan. Sebagai contoh, sebagai seorang yang dilatih sebagai peguam, saudara tentu faham bahawa jika Sultan diberi kuasa untuk membubar dan melantik ahli lembaga pengarah LPHJ, maka keputusan Sultan itu adalah satu keputusan eksekutif kerajaan dan ia boleh dicabar di mahkamah di dalam prosiding Semakan Kehakiman (Judicial Review). Sanggupkah saudara melihat kebawah duli Sultan Johor diheret ke Mahkamah Sivil sebagai seorang responden oleh pihak-pihak yang berasa terkilan apabila diberhentikan sebagai ahli lembaga pengarah? Jika ini berlaku tidakkah Sultan akan terdedah kepada penghinaan? Jika saudara masih sayangkan Sultan!
7. Saya ingin bertanya, adakah saudara mendapat nasihat perundangaan dari Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Johor (PUNJ) apabila saudara sebagai ketua Majlis Jemaah Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Johor, mudahnya kerajaan Johor hendak membentangkan RUU (LPHJ)? Jika ada nasihat dari PUNJ, apakah nasihat mereka? PUNJ memikul tanggungjawab sebagai penasihat undang-undang kepada Kerajaan Johor. Siapa yang menderaf RUU (LPHJ) ini? Adakah diteliti oleh PUNJ? Jika PUNJ berkata “ Yes” sahaja terhadap RUU (LPHJ) itu nyata sekali PUNJ telah melakukan satu kecuaian. Tapi ini satu spekulasi sahaja.
8. Jadi siapa sebenarnya yang menderaf, mendesak supaya RUU (LPHJ) ini dibentangkan? Adakah Sultan Johor tahu? Adakah baginda setuju? Atau adakah baginda Sultan yang mengarahkan supaya dibentangkan dengan peruntukan seperti yang ada sekarang? Ini satu pertanyaan. Saudara mesti telus. Perkara ini sudah jadi isu nasional.
9. Sekarang saudara perlu memikul satu lagi tanggungjawab. Saudara jadi Menteri Besar kerana saudara menang sebagai calon di kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri Permas, dalam negeri Johor. Parti politik saudara UMNO/Barisan Nasional menjadi parti yang menang majoriti di DUN Johor. Saudara tidak berada di dalam DUN Johor kerana dilantik oleh Sultan. Rakyat yang lantik saudara. Jadi saudara perlu memikul satu lagi konvensi sistem bernegara dan bernegeri di Johor dan Malaysia ini iaitu sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen.
10. Demokrasi berparlimen adalah secara mudah difaham ialah kuasa rakyat yang memilik satu kerajaan iaitu kerajaan pilihan rakyat melalui satu pilihanraya yang bersih dan adil. Jadi tugas saudara sebagai Menteri Besar ialah sentiasa bersikap cermat, waspada, dan sentiasa cemburu supaya kuasa kerajaan pilihan rakyat tidak diceroboh oleh pihak istana. Bukan seperti apa yang berlaku sekarang. Saudara telah buka pintu seluas-luasnya untuk Sultan berkuasa di dalam hal ehwal pentadbiran kerajaan negeri khususnya dalam satu bidang yang amat penting dan strategik iaitu sektor perumahan dan hartanah. Jadi saudara telah pecah amanah yang diberi oleh rakyat. Saudara telah gagal untuk mempertahankan sistem demokrasi berparlimen di Johor. Perlu diingat, Johor bukan satu negeri berdaulat dan merdeka sendiri. Johor adalah satu komponen dalam Persekutuan Malaysia yang merdeka.
11. Saudara selaku Menteri Besar perlu memikul tanggungjawab terhadap isu ini yang boleh menjadi satu skandal perundangan dan perlembagaan. Saudara perlu dipersalahkan sekiranya akhirnya institusi raja dan Sultan Johor dihina rakyat. Saudara perlu melindungi hal seperti itu berlaku. Ini memerlukan seorang Menteri Besar yang bijaksana, tegas dan berpandangan jauh untuk menasihati Sultan, jika di pihak Sultan sendiri yang begitu ghairah untuk mempunyai kuasa eksekutif. Saudara mesti menasihati baginda.
12. Saudara selaku Menteri Besar patut turun padang dan mendengar keluhan dan kegelisahan rakyat. Adakah saudara tahu bahawa di Johor sekarang sudah menjadi satu rahsia umum bahawa Sultan Johor secara langsung atau melalui nominenya atau proksinya terlibat dalam hal perniagaan termasuk dalam sektor perumahan dan hartanah. Saudara tentu sedar sektor hartanah terutamanya hartanah mewah sedang berkembang pesat di Iskandar Malaysia? Saudara tentu sedar banyak kawasan laut dan selat serta pantai sedang rancak di tambak di Johor Bahru dan Iskandar Malaysia seperti di Nusajaya dan Gelang Patah, juga Pengerang. Adakah saudara sedar bahawa tanah-tanah yang ditambak itu kemudiannya di jual kepada syarikat-syarikat pemodal asing dari Singapura, Hong Kong dan China? Masakan saudara sebagai Menteri Besar tidak sedar tentang hal ini atau saudara mahu menafikannya? Adakah saudara sedar ada dakwaan bahawa Sultan Johor terlibat dalam menjual tanah-tanah itu kepada syarikat milik asing?
13. Dengan saudara yang menerajui RUU (LPHJ) pada hari Isnin depan ini, maka saudara yang mesti pikul tanggungjawab jika Sultan Johor akan dipersoalkan oleh rakyat. Jika Sultan Johor terlibat dengan perniagaan dalam bidang hartanah, dan enakmen baru jika diluluskaan memberikan baginda kuasa ke atas urusan pentadbiran hal perumahan dan hartanah, tidakkah itu akan berlaku percanggahan kepentingan (conflict of intersest)? Sepatutnya saudara elakkan perkara ini daripada berlaku.Ini satu kecuaian saudara.
14. Apa tujuan sebenarnya saudara hendak bentangkan RUU(LPHJ) hari Isnin ini? Adakah saudara mahu melihat institusi raja di Johor ini lebih cepat berkubur apabila rakyat marah. Seperti apa yang berlaku dalam Revolusi Perancis dan dekat di sini Revolusi Sosial di Indonesia? Jangan orang melawak akhirnya di dunia ini tinggal raja dan permaisuri daun terup atau daun pakau sahaja. Tinggal raja lekuk, raja sepit dan suku sakatnya.
15. Saudara perlu bertanggungjawab selaku mamak menteri atau Menteri Besar jika peristiwa pemberontakan ke atas raja dan sultan berlaku di Johor. Ingat semula kisah benar Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang di Kota Tinggi. Di Pengerang, beratus-ratus nelayan miskin dari pelbagai kaum, tetapi majoritinya Melayu, periuk nasi mereka seperti “dicampak pasir” apabila pasir-pasir di tengahlaut disedut oleh Syarikat Mados Sdn Bhd dengan kelulusan Kerajaan Negeri Johor untuk ditambak di kawasan tangkapan ikan para nelayan tersebut untuk tujuan membina satu projek terminal laut dalam milik syarikat-syarikat besar. Syarikat Mados Sdn Bhd ini sebuah syarikat milik Sultan Johor.
16. Jadi saya nasihatkan sebelum Sultan Johor jadi mangsa skandal penghinaan yang lebih parah, lebih baik saudara tarik balik RUU(LPHJ) itu. Pinda semula. Gugurkan semua peruntukan yang memberi kuasa kepada Sultan dalam enakmen itu. Jangan heret Sultan ke dalam urusan pentadbiran kerajaan negeri. Saudara sebagai Menteri Besar dan para Exco saudara dalam Jemaah Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri yang mesti pikul tanggungjawab atau akauntabiliti dalam sistem demokrasi berparlimen. Baru ada fungsi Dewan Undangan Negeri untuk lakukan semak dan imbang/check and balance. Jika saudara silap, atau gagal, dalam pilihanraya umum nanti rakyat ada remedi untuk ganti kerajaan saudara dengan kerajaan lain pilihan rakyat. Rakyat tidak perlu marahkan Sultan. Sultan tidak bertanding dalam pilihanraya.
Sekian sahaja surat saya ini. Harap maaf jika ada tersilap kata dan bahasa.
Terima kasih.
Yang benar,
Hassan Karim
Finally, the limited role of the rulers was carefully provided for on Merdeka Day in the Federal Constitution. More specifically they have no role in the exercise of the executive functions of a State. Any rearrangement of these functions now - 57 years after Merdeka Day – will be inconsistent with the Constitution. Then, says Article 4 of the Federal Constitution, it shall be void.
The Sultan, State Administration and the Constitution
Gurdial Singh Nijar
Professor, Law Faculty, Universiti Malaya
The controversy surrounding the Johore Housing and Property Board Bill brings into sharp focus the role of a ruler in the constitutional scheme of Malaysia’s democratic set up. Critics say that the bill gives the ruler wide powers that bel...ong exclusively to the State Executive Council (ExCo). The Johore Menteri Besar (MB) refutes this and denies that the ExCo is surrendering its executive powers and says that he will be in control.
The bill - which deals with lucrative investments in the housing and property sector in Johore – has several features that seemingly give the Sultan a pre-eminent role in the controlling board. He can appoint 4 of the 11members of the board for two years; and revoke their appointment. The Sultan is also empowered to:
• Determine the remuneration or allowances of board members;
• Approve the appointment of a director, who can be appointed as the chief executive officer of the board;
• Scrutinise the accounts or appoint someone to do so; and
• Wind-up and dissolve the board.
The estimated expenses for each following year must be passed by the Sultan before submission for approval of allocations from the state government. Further the board must submit its annual report to the Sultan and the state authority before June 30 every year.
Do these cumulative provisions amount to the Sultan assuming some of the executive (that is administrative) functions of the State? If they do, then it is respectfully submitted, that is a clear violation of the Federal and State Constitution.
The executive functions of the running of a State are vested exclusively in the state ExCo by the Federal Constitution – which also states unequivocally that the Ruler in exercising his functions under the Constitution of a State, must act in accordance with the advice of the State ExCo and not the other way round. He is allowed to function in his absolute discretion only in a very limited number of situations - such as head of the Islamic religion or the customs of the Malays and in the choice of an MB (which is limited in turn by constitutional conventions). Of course he is entitled to ‘any information concerning the Government of the State which is available to the Executive Council’. But no more than that.
Further, where the State or Federal Constitution says that the Sultan is to act in accordance with or on advice, he must follow that advice. He has no choice in the matter.
The Federal Constitution requires these provisions to be embedded in every State constitution. They are called “essential provisions” and if they are departed from, then Parliament can override or remove any inconsistent provision.
The MB is quoted as saying that he will automatically be named the Chairman of the Board under the bill and “therefore executive powers rest with me and whatever decision or suggestions will be on advice of the menteri besar". The Bill is not publicly available so it is not possible to comment definitively on this assertion. Does the bill state categorically that in all situations the Sultan is the nominal head and must act in all circumstances in accordance with the directions given by the ExCo? If not, and indeed this seems to be the position, then clearly the bill will fall foul of the Federal Constitution.
If it does so state, then it may be pondered what useful purpose will be served by giving the sultan such a role in the board.
Other anomalies may arise. The Exco is answerable to the State legislature. Giving a role to the Sultan in this bill implies that any of his actions under the bill will be subject to control by the legislature. The Constitution never intended to subject a Sultan to such control. How will this conundrum be resolved without hurting the integrity of the institution of the monarchy?
Further, if it is true that the Sultan is also involved in the property business (which seems to be acceptable under the present order of governance), any decisions made while he has a role on the board, where his interest is even indirectly involved, may suggest a conflict of interest. Any hint of such conflict, even if baselessly made, could needlessly bring the institution’s integrity into question.
The Sultan, State Administration and the Constitution
Gurdial Singh Nijar
Professor, Law Faculty, Universiti Malaya
The controversy surrounding the Johore Housing and Property Board Bill brings into sharp focus the role of a ruler in the constitutional scheme of Malaysia’s democratic set up. Critics say that the bill gives the ruler wide powers that bel...ong exclusively to the State Executive Council (ExCo). The Johore Menteri Besar (MB) refutes this and denies that the ExCo is surrendering its executive powers and says that he will be in control.
The bill - which deals with lucrative investments in the housing and property sector in Johore – has several features that seemingly give the Sultan a pre-eminent role in the controlling board. He can appoint 4 of the 11members of the board for two years; and revoke their appointment. The Sultan is also empowered to:
• Determine the remuneration or allowances of board members;
• Approve the appointment of a director, who can be appointed as the chief executive officer of the board;
• Scrutinise the accounts or appoint someone to do so; and
• Wind-up and dissolve the board.
The estimated expenses for each following year must be passed by the Sultan before submission for approval of allocations from the state government. Further the board must submit its annual report to the Sultan and the state authority before June 30 every year.
Do these cumulative provisions amount to the Sultan assuming some of the executive (that is administrative) functions of the State? If they do, then it is respectfully submitted, that is a clear violation of the Federal and State Constitution.
The executive functions of the running of a State are vested exclusively in the state ExCo by the Federal Constitution – which also states unequivocally that the Ruler in exercising his functions under the Constitution of a State, must act in accordance with the advice of the State ExCo and not the other way round. He is allowed to function in his absolute discretion only in a very limited number of situations - such as head of the Islamic religion or the customs of the Malays and in the choice of an MB (which is limited in turn by constitutional conventions). Of course he is entitled to ‘any information concerning the Government of the State which is available to the Executive Council’. But no more than that.
Further, where the State or Federal Constitution says that the Sultan is to act in accordance with or on advice, he must follow that advice. He has no choice in the matter.
The Federal Constitution requires these provisions to be embedded in every State constitution. They are called “essential provisions” and if they are departed from, then Parliament can override or remove any inconsistent provision.
The MB is quoted as saying that he will automatically be named the Chairman of the Board under the bill and “therefore executive powers rest with me and whatever decision or suggestions will be on advice of the menteri besar". The Bill is not publicly available so it is not possible to comment definitively on this assertion. Does the bill state categorically that in all situations the Sultan is the nominal head and must act in all circumstances in accordance with the directions given by the ExCo? If not, and indeed this seems to be the position, then clearly the bill will fall foul of the Federal Constitution.
If it does so state, then it may be pondered what useful purpose will be served by giving the sultan such a role in the board.
Other anomalies may arise. The Exco is answerable to the State legislature. Giving a role to the Sultan in this bill implies that any of his actions under the bill will be subject to control by the legislature. The Constitution never intended to subject a Sultan to such control. How will this conundrum be resolved without hurting the integrity of the institution of the monarchy?
Further, if it is true that the Sultan is also involved in the property business (which seems to be acceptable under the present order of governance), any decisions made while he has a role on the board, where his interest is even indirectly involved, may suggest a conflict of interest. Any hint of such conflict, even if baselessly made, could needlessly bring the institution’s integrity into question.
Finally, the limited role of the rulers was carefully provided for on Merdeka Day in the Federal Constitution. More specifically they have no role in the exercise of the executive functions of a State. Any rearrangement of these functions now - 57 years after Merdeka Day – will be inconsistent with the Constitution. Then, says Article 4 of the Federal Constitution, it shall be void.
Wow hassan karrim solid letter like chili padi Sabah . I hope they can read the real meaning of this letter
Wow hassan karrim solid letter like chili padi Sabah . I hope they can read the real meaning of this letter
Rasanya macam sutan yg nak..
Dear Sir, iam worried to young children here johor specially tmn gaya, putri wangsa they are unstoppable, disobedience parents (arguing and beat if parents cannot give money) .......they even refused to go to school, using cigarette at the age of 12, to 17 they usually gathered around 5pm until 4am in the morning. . They are so many friends that sometimes lead to fighting and create noise at night..driving without licence........
Can official of this state can do something to make our country safe and quite such as
curfew for the age of 12 to 19
Hope will give this action
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