Sunday, February 26, 2012

unto love you have returned

from love you have cometh
unto love you have returned
through grief and sorrow will i know true love
as i chant thine name
in this oceanfloor of mercy
in remembrance of this gift of love
through these tears i no longer have
though in this ocean of mercy i will forever lie
through your grace you have carried me
this gift of love you have you have given spirit and body
the chosen one you are
for therein lie so much love you will provide
long before i have spoken to you
of the promise i shall keep
from dawn to dusk of humanity thine's grace i shall seek
through pain and sorrow
unselfishly you have provided me
an abode of love for a sign i shall become
your abode of mercy is a paradise of plenty
in it grows a garden of eternal beauty
flesh and blood i have become
every single vein in me from yours they have come
from dawn to dusk till nightfall repeatedly
i call your name in deep reverie
to return the gift of me you hadth given me
each and every cell in my body
i shall return to thee with verses of peace i say daily
you have known me since Time was not yet born
i had asketh you if i could i could be given a dwelling in which Love reigns supreme
you are Love embodied
i am Love in search of a body
so that I may traverse this world of grace and bounty
with humility
guided by the Light dimmed by many
you and i will become memories
when Time no longer dance in harmony
at dawn i have become soul and body
at midday i have learned to walk with awe to know this world of  mystery
at the end of midday i have known what life is and what living means
at dusk i have spoken in silence atop mount mercy
as nightfall i have been blessed with a meeting with the keeper of the signs of mysteries
as i bid farewell to the day i traverse the depths of many worlds never before seen by many
it is your Love and your alone that has given me these and oceans of mercy aplenty
we have become what we have destined to be
return we must to Love
we came from Love
in-between these worlds
there are no boundaries
all that exists
as we can clearly see
in all its glory

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