Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Amerika and I

This may sound corny
a blasphemy
an irony
... likened to a comedy
but i have missed you terribly
how have you been?
Like McD ... thank you for supersizing me
Like a Dunkin Donut ... you run on it
Like Coke, you teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony
Like Nike .. you tell me to just do it!
AMERIKA you are funny
I missed your comedy
your tragedy
your hegemony
your superiority
You make feel like an army of one
A Rambo
A Peace Corps volunteer in The Bronx Zoo
You and I
we chill ...
we're good to go
we're right when we have the might
We're like Starsky and Hutch
Ben and Jerry
Bonnie and Clyde
Tom and Jerry
Obama and Hillary
We're good we're good we're bad we're bad
AMERIKA ... I have missed you
Raise your torch Lady Liberty
When I land in New Jersey
AMERIKA .. you are funny

1 comment:

Starmandala said...

Know exactly what you mean! You find the best and the worst in Amerika :-)

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