Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rubaiyat of Wall Street

Rubaiyat of Wall Street
by Azly Rahman

T'is neither Beast nor Beauty
But thoughts herein to tame those who are angry
For anger is  Fire of raw Desire
To be molded with clay -- to our Heart's Desire

The Beast is still a Beast within
The Beast speaks in quatrains
Whilst meditating in front of an Approaching A-Train!
A minute is like a thousand years
To hand the keys to Beasts who desire

Drink let us all -- from the cup of hot and cold
To reach the Heaven, from stories only we were told
Drink-- whilst I meditate upon chromosomes
Twenty plus THREE a pair -- all yearning to come home

The wind is like the Tempest's Ariel
High speed access of the Angel Gabriel
From seventh heaven the symphony cometh
Scent of the  One who reigns in a place
                             filled with Love and Warmth

Sing my love sing
So that you may find what is missing
Ecstasy is a meadow in this idea-scape of cybernetic philosophy
Where the King reigns in perfect harmony

Many hath journeyed and not come back
Scattered all over are multi-colored brand-named backpacks
But i am too in the forest and ocean floor
Living amongst myth, legends, and folklore

Worship, my Love worship
But not mute walls nor idols nor structures one reached through hardships
But speak thee with the Messengers entire
From dawn to dusk and night when souls are in slumber

Every inch of me embalmed in a computer diskette?
Like bones and marrow laid to rest in a rotting cascade?
The lightness of being is a state of Heaven's gate
No -- no -- not NIKE shoes nor Californian suiciders of Heaven's Gate

Wind -- I thank thee for stopping by
Come back to me, for more questions souls will live by
See me in my office -- between nine to five
All ten of you angels -- not the eleventh I banished whose union I denied

Origin matters
Origin matters
Else in life we will have metaphysical stutters
Tell me of the curse, my precious Love
I will send you a piece of my Love which will have it run wild

O'  Love
What hath been wrong with the way of the world
Forked tongue men in long flowing robe
    and women treated like hot-fudged swirls
My Love, if you cannot stand if this happens again
Sit still and meditate
   to unravel this mystery come snowstorms and rains of sand again

I am no beauty
Nor light in the dead and still of the night
But one who taught Alexandra how much to conquer
     and if Might is Right
Many eyes are sore
   diseased from too much of blinding light

O' Love
Tears of sadness flow down my cheek
Waiting for the seekers of Love --
    the young
    the old
    the oppressed
    the meek
News and views hath been sent  aplenty
Yet only a few will return to serve
     in this here-and-now Reality

May the force-- my Love
May the force --- be with you
This sword I give to you  is not brand new
Pass'd down from Sir Gawain
    the green knight he slained
This sword will split open the seven heavens
            with one strike so light
Engraved on this sword are so verses
                         so Right
                         so Mighty Right
  this word-- from a Beloved
     I will treasure till Death invites me aside  ---

Go forth in peace-- my Love.
 We shall meet again-- and become One.

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Grandma’s Gangsta Chicken Curry and Gangsta Stories from My Hippie Sixties by Azly Rahman