SPECIAL REPORTS: Muslim Americans: A National Portrait (2009) (Muslim West Facts Project, Gallup, Inc.) Scholars of Islam & the Tragedy of Sept. 11th (Study of Islam Section, Amer. Acad. of Religion) |
- Africa and Islam
- África and Islam -- Biblioteca Virtual (, Barcelona, Spain) Selected online books, journals, and links on information about Africa and Islamic societies.
- ARISA--Annual review of Islam in South Africa. (Online) -- Cape Town: Department of Religious Studies, University of Cape Town, 1998-
- Sudanic Africa. (Online): TOC and Excerpts, 1990- (Bergen, Norway)
- Tijaniyya or Tijani Sufi Islam below.
- The Libraries of Timbuktu and related links (via Columbia University)
- See also: Islam in Contemporary Africa --and-- Muridiyya below.
- África and Islam -- Biblioteca Virtual (, Barcelona, Spain)
- (Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project, UK ; Qom, Iran) A comprehensive site, with a very good subject index.
- ALMISBAH--Database of Online Resources Via MENALIB--Middle East Virtual Library. (The State- and University Library Saxony-Anhalt, Halle, Germany)
- American Moslem Foundation (Covington, Washington, USA)
- Averroes (William Turner, The Catholic Encyclopedia, via New Advent)
Avicebron (William Turner, The Catholic Encyclopedia; via New Advent)
Avicenna (William Turner, The Catholic Encyclopedia; via New Advent)
A brief illustrated guide to understanding Islam (I. A. Ibrahim)
Center for Islam and Science: Annotated Bibliography -- Major Voices -and- Through the Ages (Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada)
Columbia University Libraries: Islamic Canonical Texts (Abed Aladien)
Dawat-e-Islami: Islamic Propagational Movement of Quran & Sunnah (Karachi, Pakistan)
- Free Islamic resources (Mohamed Ghounem) Many downloadable resources and information on others
Glossary of Islamic Terms and Concepts (MSA-USC)
Discovering Islamic Art From Museum With No Frontiers (MWNF)
- The Forty Hadith of al-Nawawi In Arabic and English translation. (With comments by Dr. Jamal Ahmed Badi, International Islamic University, Malaysia)
- Forty Hadith Qudsi In Arabic--with audio--and English translation. (ProjectNur.Com, UK)
- Hadith: Introduction to the Science of Hadith (Suhaib Hassan, via Muslim Students Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
- Hadith Resources (Muslim Students Association, University of Buffalo, New York)
- Muwatta of Malik ibn Anas (translated by A'isha 'Abdarahaman al-Tarjumana & Ya'qub Johnson ; via Muslim Students Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
- Sahih al-Bukhari (translated by M. Muhsin Khan ; via Muslim Students Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
- Sahih Muslim: partial translation (Abdul Hamid Siddiqui ; via Muslim Students Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
- Search the Hadith Database (Muslim Students Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
- Selective Bibliography of Hadith Studies (Behnam Sadeghi ; via University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
- Sunan Abu Dawud: partial translation (Ahmad Hasan ; via Muslim Students Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
Hajj (Princeton University, Dept. of Near Eastern Studies)
Hijab (Institute of Islamic Information & Education ; via Muslim Students Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
Internet Islamic History Sourcebook (2007) (Paul Halsall et al., Fordham University, New York)
The Muhyiddin Ibn al-'Arabi Society (Berkeley, California, USA & Oxford, UK)
ISIM: International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Note: The activities of the Institute ceased January 1, 2009. -
Islam and the Question of violence (Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Al-Serat: a journal of Islamic studies. ; via Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project, UK)
- Islam in Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa (February 2006) A bibliography compiled by Paul Schrijver. Library, Documentation, and Information Department. (Afrikastudiecentrum = African Studies Centre, University of Leiden, The Netherlands) See also: Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa -- Web Dossier (2005). Produced for a Conference on "Islam, Disengagement of the State, and Globalization in Sub-Saharan Africa" held at UNESCO in Paris on 12-13 May 2005. Plus: Islam in Nigeria--Web Dossier and Bibliography (2005).
Islam Online (United Kingdom)
Islamic Book Reviews. Jannah.Org (Huma Ahmad, USA)
- Islamic Finder (Wasat.Com) "Islamic Finder provides information about Islamic organizations, centers, services, and prayer times in the US and Canada."
- IslamiCity.Com (Culver City, California) A major portal for Islamic information and discussion fora, Quranic texts and recitation audio files, subscription-based services,
plus Prayer Times.
Islamic Law
- CIMEL, Centre of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (SOAS, University of London, UK)
- The development of ijtihad and Islamic reform, 1750-1850 (Knut S. Vikor, University of Bergen, Norway ; via 3rd Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies, Joensuu, Finland, 19-22 June 1995)
- Shariah and Fiqh (Perspective ; via Muslim Students Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
- Usul al-fiqh al-Islami = Source methodology in Islamic jurisprudence (Taha Jabir Al'Alwani ; via Muslim Students Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
- Islamic Philosophy Online (Muhammad Hozien et al., USA) The site features: a dictionary of Islamic philosophy; an extensive list of major philosophers, their thought, and their works; tables of contents for The Journal of Islamic Philosophy; and related web links.
Islamic Studies: A Bibliography, 2003 (Patrick S. O'Donnell, Santa Barbara City College, California ; via Columbia University Libraries) [.pdf file]
Bibliography on Islamic Spain (al-Andalus), 2006. Prepared by Paul Kohlbry, University of Southern California
Islamic Studies, Arabic and Religion Web Page (Alan Godlas, University of Georgia)
Islamic Supreme Council of America (Fenton, Michigan)
- al-Khazina - The Library (Princeton University, Dept. of Near Eastern Studies) A collection of Web Sites on Islam and Islamic History used in Near East Studies courses at Princeton University. Edited by Prof. Jerome W. Clinton.
United States National Library of Medicine: Islamic Medical Manuscripts (Bethesda, Maryland)
Muridiyya -or- Mouride Brotherhood on the Internet
- Hizbut Tarqiyyah -- Khâdimu-R-Rasûl: Le Serviteur Privilégé du Prophète (Paix et Salut sur Lui) (Touba, Sénégal)
- Le site de Hizbut-Tarqiyyah Siège et du Centre Culturel à Touba.
- Aperçu sur sa vie et son oeuvre -- Le Serviteur Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba
- MICA--Murid Islamic Community in America (New York) General information--biographical and cultural, announcements and events--including the annual visit of Serigne Mame Mor Mbacke; plus related links.
- Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba Mbacke, 1854-1927
- Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Khadimou Rassoul, le serviteur privilégié du Prophéte (Dahira Sahaadatoul Mouridina de Lille; via Mouride.Com, Lille, France)
- Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba (2001-2002) (Touba-Internet, France) Une entrée biographique du fondateur de la confrérie et celles de ses sucusseurs, avec quelques oeuvres litteraires choisies, et des autres pertinentes informations.
- Senegal Online: Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba
- Passport to Paradise: Visualizing Islam in West Africa and the Mouride Diaspora (UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles)
- Hizbut Tarqiyyah -- Khâdimu-R-Rasûl: Le Serviteur Privilégé du Prophète (Paix et Salut sur Lui) (Touba, Sénégal)
- Music and Islam
- Music -- A Topic of Dispute in Islam (1995) Anadolu. (Online)
By Mustafa Sabri. (Translated from the Turkish original, published in Beyan-ul-Haq, 1910)
- Music -- A Topic of Dispute in Islam (1995) Anadolu. (Online)
Muslim Public Affairs Council (Los Angeles, California)
Muslim Women's League (Los Angeles, California)
Qadiriya or Qadiri Sufi Islam
- Qadiriya Sufi Way. Khanqah Qadiriya Razviya--Sunni Razvi Society
- Qadiri Rifai Sufi Order (USA and Turkey)
- Qadiriya Sufi Way. Khanqah Qadiriya Razviya--Sunni Razvi Society
Qaradawi's Pages on the Internet In Arabic (Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi)
- The Holy Quran : al-Quran al-Karim (Masood Hashemi)
- Other Qur'an-related resources (Muslim Students Assoc., Univ. of Buffalo)
- Search the Koran (Humanities Text Initiative, University of Michigan)
- Search the Quran Database (Muslim Students Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
- Translations of Qur'an:
- Three English translations compared (for each verse of the Qur'an; via Muslim Studies Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
- Three English translations compared (for each verse of the Qur'an; via Muslim Studies Association, University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
Rizwi's Bibliography for Medieval Islam (2006) (Dr. Rizwi S. Faizer, McGill University, Canada)
- Shi'ite Encyclopedia (Salim Yusufali, Stanford University, Stanford, California)
- SIPRIn : Sadra Islamic Philosophy Research Institute (Iran)
- Supreme Islamic Shi'te Council, Lebanon
- International Association of Sufism (Novato, California)
- Islamic Sufi Orders on the WWW (Fariduddien Rice; via Sydney, Australia)
- Maktab Tariqhat Oveyssi Shahmaghsoudi
- Muridiyya or Mouride (See above)
- Naqshbandi Sufi Way
- Qadiriya or Qadiri (See above)
- Sufi Traditions: a brief outline of Sufism (Zos Imos)
- Islamic Sufi Orders on the WWW -and- Sufism and Shari'ah Last update in 1999 (Fariduddien Rice, Sydney, Australia)
- Sufism, Sufis and Sufi Orders: Sufism's many paths (Alan Godlas, Univ. of Georgia)
- Themes of the "Erotic" in Sufi Mysticism (Jonah Winters, Bahá'í Library Online, USA)
- Tijaniyya or Tijani (See below)
- Underground Friends of God and Their Adversaries: a Case Study and Survey of Sufism in Contemporary Yemen (1997) (David Buchman, State University of New York, Stony Brook; Yemen Update, "Yemen Webdate Archive", American Institute for Yemeni Studies, Sana'a; via Utah)
as-Sunnah Foundation of America
Tijaniyya or Tijani Sufi Islam
- The Tariqa Tijaniyya Unofficial site (USA)
- La Voie Tidjaniya -- Site officiel (Lyon, France)
- The Tariqa Tijaniyya Unofficial site (USA)
Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights (1981) (Al-Hewaar Center--The Center for Arab Culture and Dialogue, Washington, DC)
Resources for and about Muslim Women. Jannah.Org (Huma Ahmad, USA)
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when 2 worlds collide. Roger Miller
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