- azlyrahmanThe Malaysian Indian Congress must now perform its hijrah/mass exodus out of the eternal samsara of existing in the world of neo-duryodhanas
- azlyrahmanThe Malaysian Chinese Association must now perform its hijrah/mass exodus out of the Old Regime; history will be kinder to the marginalized
- azlyrahmanMalaysians work hard to abolish your Internal Security Act; that neo-colonial tool of repression used by totalitarian regimes.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Exodus for MCA and MIC
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Grandma’s Gangsta Chicken Curry and Gangsta Stories from My Hippie Sixties by Azly Rahman
MY MEMOIR IS NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON! https://www.amazon.com/Grandmas-Gangsta-Chicken-Stories-Sixties-ebook/dp/B095SX3X26/ref=sr_1_1?dchild...

by azly rahman it was the period of rock music whose influence came from down south, Singapore .. words reflecting the sociolect of t...
The political-economy of the monarchy by Azly Rahman The issue of the limits of political involvement of the Malaysian monarch...
MCA, Gerakan and MIC members as well as those Iban and Kadazan base parties must take the opportunity to embrace the new politics and to affect changes in Malaysia.
The time has come and it will never come again for another very long period of time unless Malaysians are brave enough to tell the people in power that enough is enough.
There will be no leaders in UMNO/Bn that are willing to reform for the benefit of the rakyat.
Just do it Malaysians!!!
Marley is a zionist cunt.
Tamerlane is a Muslim terrorist. See it can go both ways. Next time please do not be so stupid. My apologies to all my Muslim friends but I feel Tamerlane needs to know what racism means.
Anylyze his lyrics and you will see zionism. Can you illustrate the basis of your assumption that I’m a terrorist? Is it because I don’t smoke curry powder like you?
See Tamerlane the asshole, see how you immediately jump to your racist shit with the curry powder thing. Calling you a terrorist was to illustrate how you too easily call someone a Zionist cunt when that person has never done anything to the Palestinians. As much as I do not have the right to call you a Muslim terrorist, you also do not have the right to call someone a Zionist cunt. Zionism is a racial supremacy ideology of Israel just like the 'Ketuanan Melayu Shit' of UMNO. Is has no relation to the Zion referred to in The Exodus. The song tells a story of a people fleeing oppression. Do you see the difference?
Theres no difference. The songs (not just exodus) and the lyrics describe the the zionist ideals of marley. It’s a return to a zion homeland of the 6 pointed star, displacing others..Zionism, like it or not is part of what’s causing the terrorism in this world. I stopped listening to Marley a long time ago. He and his rasta dreadlock ganja smoking Zionist cunts can all burn in hell. . I know I’m a racist, I’m not even denying that. But thanks for highlighting that I’m a terrorist also. That way I can go blow up your stock pile of curry powder. You can call me all you want vinan it dont bother me one damn bit. You see, unlike you I don’t care what your black ass think of me.Watcha gonna do about that?
Typical racist asshole, the homeland of the six-pointed star is Tel Aviv. If you call Zion which is present day Palestine the home of the six-pointed star are you not acknowleging the Israeli regime as the legitimate ruler of all Palestine? Your stupidity brings shame on your race and religion.
Typical rotten curry powder thinking hes so smart and calling others stupid.Itu saja la modai yang hang ada lidah bercabang oi. Trying to put words in other peoples mouth.Who is acknowledging Palestine as the zionists home? Zionism is the movement that does that, claiming Palestine,ethiophia or wherever it is,their own. I was describing Zionism, not stating my opinion. Hang la yang bodo. The Zionists have no legitimate claim to the land. That is why they, like the Nazi Fascist use force to legitimize theor actions. Moses was aided by God by unleashing the Plagues upon Egypt. The Zionists are forsaken by God and have to resort to manipulating the strongest earthly powers.They cant invoke a godly covenant because that would force them to actually present themselves as abiding to Gods laws instead of being a decadent golden calf worshippers. They cant claim right by birth cos they were not born there. They cant claim by Jacob liniage because these European jews were the descendants of Japheth and not Shem. So whos head is stuck which asshole? Isnt it time for your daily sip of cow urine? And don’t forget to play marleys “get up standup” to inspire your limp dick to actually wake up.
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