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Mantra of the 'super corridor' PDF Print E-mail
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Wednesday, 13 February 2008 13:44

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The central issue of these writings and debate and reflections is of equality and equity; an issue that continues to plague humanity in this age of rapidised technological developments, as echoed by many a contemporary social theorist.


Dr Azly Rahman

aar26@columbia.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Now we are aiming to be a major player in the Information Age industry. For this we will welcome with open arms foreign investments. Those who have experience doing business in Malaysia know that we are ever willing to listen and to act to meet the multifarious needs of foreign investors. And so the Multimedia Super Corridor is created to become a giant test-bed for the soft and hard products of the cyber age.- Dr Mahathir Mohamad, speech to MSC investors, 1998

Without doubt, machinery has greatly increased the number of well-to-do idlers. - Karl Marx, circa 1880s

In Sanskrit, the word "mantra" (mentera in Malay) means formula. Mantra is correlated to the idea of a grand strategy or a belief system in the form of political ideology that permeates the consciousness of the leader and the led or the author and the authored. Inscribed onto the consciousness of the people, via print, broadcast, and electronic media is the mantra of economic success rapidised by information technologies. The formula for success many developing nations, such as Malaysia, is undertaking is one characterized by the dependency on Informational Communications Technologies (ICT) particularly on the technology of the Internet/broadband to fuel the engine of capitalist development, relegating the state as a haven for cheap pool of labour in the microchips industry.

The mantra of success is one driven by the belief in the formula of "cybernetics." I will discuss how the "cybernetic chant", one orchestrated and broadcast by the government, permeates through the social environment. Let us first look at the genealogy of "cybernetics"

I shall relate the idea and genealogy of cybernetics to the idea of what is currently known as "Information Age" or its varying and more fanciful terms such as "The Age of Cybernetics," or "The Networked Economy," or "The Digital Age." I will then relate the idea of this "formula" of cybernetics to the notion of "inscription" of the ideology onto the landscape of human consciousness since the beginning of the second half of the twenty-first century.

On Cybernetics

The idea of "Information Society" or "The Network Society" stems out of the revolution in computing and has transformed our psychological, ideological, and material landscape of humanity. Social relations of production are altered and transformed as a result of new patterns of division of labour in what many a Chaos theorist would call patterns that arise out of randomness and chaos.

There are different levels of meaning of cultural change as it is impacted historically by "technologies of the body," such as the Internet. In the case of cybernetics as technologies of the mind, this seems to be a "natural progression of late stage of capital formation" and in fact, as the Critical Theorist Herbert Marcuse and many a Frankfurt School analysts would call an age wherein technologies are at its final stage of development which will actually liberate humanity out of mundaneness as a consequence of automation. Hence cybernetics, as a foundation of artificial intelligence and a philosophy close to the Cartesian philosophy of the mind and appealing to the "philosophy of human liberation via technological feats," is at the present, the highest stage in the development of techno-capitalism. This proposition is reminiscent of Vladimir Lenin's conclusion on the analysis of capitalism made almost a century ago.

Writings on social structures and political theory have primarily centred on the relationship between Capital, Humanity, and Nature. Many sociologists have written on how capitalism appropriates natural resources through the creation of labour and surplus value, which will then establish classes The debates that rage between the proponents of free market enterprise and command or controlled economies revolve around the issue of human nature, and who gets to control the production and dissemination and the monopoly of capital. At times, on a different plane there is also the reflection on the need for capital to be interpreted not only as physical or material, but also as cultural, and metaphysical. The central issue of these writings and debate and reflections is of equality and equity; an issue that continues to plague humanity in this age of rapidised technological developments, as echoed by many a contemporary social theorist.

In the age of cybernetics, French social philosopher Rousseau's notion of the discourse on the inequality amongst men can be used to explain the evolution of contemporary social problematique such as digital divide, architecture of power, and the erosion of the Self into fragmented and miniscule selves. Other themes also include the furtherance of protectionist democracy via the use of tools of cybernetics, the control over the coding, encoding, and decoding of information by those who monopolize information, and a range of other tools of imperialism and domination and hegemony deployed and employed to the fullest advantage of those who owns the means of social reproduction. And those who own the means to control these processes can also own the means to engineer cultural reconfigurations

The nature of thought formation and consciousness production in the world of broadcast media can be exemplified in the media capitalism of Rupert Murdoch whose empire span Britain and the United States made possible by the modern oligopolic system of capital accumulation

The scientific paradigm of cybernetics, by virtue of its origin in the mathematical and exact sciences, out of the Copernican Revolution, of Newtonian physics and of Principia Mathematica, onwards to its march of Classical Physics, and next, Quantum Physics and Informational and Decisional Sciences and so on - is a science which has appropriated the "Natural-ness" of the art of being human. Being a paradigm subjected to the development of propositions, verification by the testing of hypotheses, falsification by the rejecting and accepting of the null, and replicating these processes and so on and so forth, cybernetics creates a "space" between what is Natural and what is Artificial. In-between these spaces, Technology as the motivator of civilizations to progress and to dominate, to extent the limits of what otherwise is impossible (for example the navigational technology of Christopher Columbus which made it possible to open up European colonisation of the Native Indians of Amerigo Vespucci's America) is also psychologically, a way to create the Technocratic and Authoritarian self. In between these spaces of Nature versus the Artificial lie Media as technology of the mediated self. Technology, as it is developed not by the hands of the "Author" has thence become a powerful tool of the surreal - of inequality amongst men. Popular culture presents technology as a colonizer of humanity, as exemplified by the theme of the movie, The Matrix.

Cybernetics as a paradigm of thinking about the technology of action and feedback and the loops they produce is an interesting synthesis of three theoretical orientations: logical positivism, critical theory, and phenomenology The paradox is that on the one hand, it is derived from the Classical and Quantum Physics, on the one hand, it is a good foundational philosophy of technologism which combines many fields to form a unified theory of living things (like Critical Theory's attempt to universalize and integrate the disciplines, albeit in a dialectical fashion), and on the other hand, Cybernetics too is phenomenological.

Precisely because we can derive three clusters of theories out of the paradigms above makes Cybernetics appealing and hegemonising. The Internet as a manifestation of the ideology of cybernetics is a good example of how it is both a technology of advanced logical-positivism, and at the same time, one that is employed to make the concept of democracy more "accessible" when one goes into the study of free speech on the Internet.

Cybernetics and the idea of Cyberjaya

What is the link between the mantra of Cybernetics and the creation of Malaysia's Cyberjaya? I propose the existence of a possible link between Cybernetics and Cyberjaya; on how the idea of cybernetics, as Systems Theory (employed to explain the nature of how living systems operate in a loop-feedback fashion) suggested undergoes transcultural evolution. The idea is now interpreted and transmutated by the government of Malaysia to mean the base and superstructure of hypermodern digital cities such as Cyberjaya, a city that embodies a new spirit of national development. Hence, the term evolved from the description of the physics of living things to the politics of domination and control in what I argue, is commonly known in the world of militarism, as the science of Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C³I).

In each phenomena of social transformations, lies the history of dominant idea and of power, technology, and ideology. In the case of Malaysia's corridor, the idea is alien and alienating to the masses. It is a transplantation of a mantra not understood by the local elites who benefit from the real estate projects associated to "cybernetics".

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written by Spear Bing, February 13, 2008 14:09:46
The turn of the millennium witnessed the growth of internet based technologies which resulted in the dotcom boom. Unfortunately, Malaysia has not reached a critical mass of IT knowledge workers to put Cyberjaya in the world map. At best, TDM only managed to gather together owners of IT companies of 'Microsoft' fame, to give some 'handouts' to TDM. Cyberjaya cannot equate itself with Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India.

Maybe it will take another decade for Malaysia to embrace the mantra of Cybernetics.
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written by Cash Money, February 13, 2008 14:42:48
Social transformations is thru trail and error but in Malaysia's case the Mantra is (STYLE MAHU KALAH TAPAH ).

Good example is the sorry state of DAYA BUMI- MAHATHIR'S first WHITE ELEPHANT build by the sweat of our proletariats who today are alienated from its mere existence.

March the proletariats demand that the surplus value from petronas is re ploughed into the community not into the elites pocket.
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written by wiltda13, February 14, 2008 17:32:06
"Please note that although the content here might be of a sexual nature and intended for adults, there is no pornography or erotic images on this site. This site is intended as a technical resource only."

An example on how far the technologies can go, be used and abused, shared and controlled. The limit is only in your imagination. smilies/wink.gif
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written by indianputra, February 15, 2008 08:11:58
Just to inform you that the Malaysian Airlines pilot recently convicted in Australia for possession of child p'graphy is a declared Malay, Muslim , AHMAD SHAUQI BIN AHMAD SAID, staff number 1086993 and is non other than the son of the Director General of the Anti- Corruption Agency of Malaysia , DATUK SERI PANGLIMA HAJI AHMAD SAID BIN HAMDAN who has himself come to a CORRUPT agreement with IDRIS JALA , the Managing Director and others in Malaysia Airlines , ' not to take disciplinarry action as required in the company policy ' against his son for his criminal conviction.

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written by Joe, February 15, 2008 12:00:42
What would I do if my son was caught with porn in his notebook?
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written by Spear Bing, February 16, 2008 17:27:11
Dear Indianputra,

If your source of information is factually true, then you should start circulating this news to all the blog sites known to you. This is one piece of news that the opposition parties would love to talk about in their ceremah during the election campaign.

Also forward this to UMNO website, ACA website, etc.

Good to go!
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written by wiltda13, February 16, 2008 23:18:39
Oh yeah.

The Maria android programming language controls androids, robots,love mecha or automata, attached to the computer giving the device a personality and interactivity (responding to user actions).


No use talking about cybernetics bla bla bla without having the technical prowess..
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written by Rozlan, February 17, 2008 20:15:22
In each phenomena of social transformations, lies the history of dominant idea and of power, technology, and ideology. In the case of Malaysia's corridor, the idea is alien and alienating to the masses. It is a transplantation of a mantra not understood by the local elites who benefit from the real estate projects associated to "cybernetics".

The last paragraph by Dr Azli had summarized the real intentions of UMNO elites to hurriedly developing the socalled supercorridors.At the expenses of malaysian people of course smilies/cry.gif
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written by SUV, February 18, 2008 22:13:28
macha wilt,
woaah,the androd progamme wanna make a maCHINE more sensitive..just like human la..i suppose artifial intellinge oso masuk in
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written by Saint, February 19, 2008 09:04:24
I do not thing any of the UMNO ministers actually digested what Dr. Azly wrote.
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