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Republic of virtue, 2/08

Mandate of heaven this nation awaits PDF Print E-mail
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Wednesday, 20 February 2008 12:33

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The writings are on the wall. The graffiti of our national grouses and grievances are even written on the walls of that Petronas Twin Tower, a Caesar Pelli-an symbol of the Malay Agenda.


Dr Azly Rahman

aar26@columbia.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Sometime ago, I wrote these:

1)"Let our children learn that it is terrifying to be corrupt; such as to build palaces while the homes of the poor are demolished. Let us teach them to vote with their conscience."

2) "The current regime cannot solve the problems it creates. It must dismantle itself, die a natural death, destroy the symbols of power it has abused, and let a peaceful renewal take its natural course."

We have 13 days of campaigning period and after that, the opportunity to exercise our fundamental rights as Malaysian citizens. We are doing this at a time when our political system is in utter chaos – the three branches of government are growing more visible thorns and climbing onto each other, while the roots are diseased in this wasteland called democracy in which the air is foul and toxic. Is this a curse of our obsession with the number 13?

These 13 days are crucial for our nation's future. It might not be as dramatic as 10 days that shook Russia in October 1917 but nonetheless it is a time when the change we need is now. The process of getting there is "perestroikic". The previous ruling regime that has served Malaysia for 50 years too I believe is asking for radical change to happen. This feeling resides in the collective unconscious of our race-based politics. It will be our bipolarist Freudian moment of Malaysian Machiavellianism. The calm of Mahathirism is now creating a storm of unknown proportions.

Sense of fear

Mahathirism is giving way for Radical Multiculturalism, or to be more accurate Radical Marhaenism. There is a sense of meaninglessness in the word "Agenda Melayu" these days. There is also a sense of fear of holding on to power for too long when the rakyat has lost its trust in a government that is no longer gentle, let alone clean, efficient or trustworthy. The Internet is helping raise critical awareness of what actually is going on. The blogs have become our last frontier of the spaces of justice we are yet to discover. "Thus Sprach Cyberspace" as a philosopher would say.

What goes on inside the mind of the present coalition is this: it wants to have a strong check and balance as being a coalition with absolute power can also be a painful experience. More force is needed to stop the growing wave of dissent. How much of the ideological state apparatuses must one abuse? "Dissent is patriotic", as American philosopher statesman Thomas Jefferson once said. More water cannons, laced with chemicals are needed in a toxic democracy such as Malaysia's on the eve of choosing a new regime. To be patriotic, one must dissent.

But there is still hope for detoxification. We all want this – ruling party or the opposition, regardless. It is a dictate of the mandate of heaven. We must go for a strong check and balance system.

Malaysia has achieved the goals for Agenda Melayu. Time's up – game over? The 2007 report by Asli spearheaded by eminent scholar Dr. Lim Teck Ghee gave us a glimpse of objectivity in reporting what ought to be reported in regard to the economic pie Malaysians are so obsessed with.

We need to spend the next 50 years making Agenda Bangsa Malaysia a reality. We need a political will to go with it. We must be brave to ride the new wave of change – as brave as the astronaut we sent to experience the joys of being in outer space.

Agenda Melayu a bad excuse

Agenda Melayu has become a leit motif at best and a bad excuse at worst for the few to oligopolise this resource rich nation; a nation whose oil revenues should have best been used to finance the education, welfare and health services of Malaysians of all races instead of building tall structures and "corridors" to showcase the autocracy of our oriental despotism. Instead of building "corridors" all over, one might ask: why not build affordable houses for the poor and build minds that will learn how to live ethical lives and resuscitate this nation? These corridors will ultimately be of benefit only to local elites that will be plundering the nation in concert and in cohort with foreign investors from faraway and nearby lands. Or, why not meet the needs of Indian Malaysians and all those that are still in abject poverty?

Agenda Melayu is a base and superstructure of the hegemony of one race that lives and breathes the spirit of neo-cybernetic-feudalistic construction of elusive and heterogeneous power; a modern-day daulat that has lost the magic of "divine rights" that never was there in the first place – the power derived from materials, artifacts and the politics of language that colonises the mind of the silently-reproduced Malay.

The rise of Makkal Shakti (People Power) through Hindraf, the emergence of a yellow wave through Bersih, the persistence of rallies, the uncertainty of socio-political stability, and the increase in the use of state apparatuses to crush dissenting viewpoints – all these are the symptoms of mass dissatisfaction against the regime in power that is begging for a fresh mandate.

Un-embarrassingly too, Malaysian education ministries avowed their contradictory stand on political culture by releasing statements the students can cast political votes but cannot be involved politically. Education as an enterprise to create good citizens and through ars liberalis (the arts of the free man/women) has become a huge conveyor belt to create minds filter-funnelled with ideologies of an outdated race-based politics surviving on the modus operandi of fear, ferociousness and phantasmagoric proclamations of world-class this or that.

The writings are on the wall. The graffiti of our national grouses and grievances are even written on the walls of that Petronas Twin Tower, a Caesar Pelli-an symbol of the Malay Agenda. We want to reach the heights that imitate the advanced industrial nation but our political and civic consciousness can at times be in the pits of neanderthalism. The height of this abysmal consciousness is embalmed in the Royal Commission of Inquiry, epitomised in the ideology of "Lingam-ism". The narratives that we read on the proceedings of inquiry into the conduct of the judiciary is like a freestyle of a most vulgar form of gangsta rap that humiliates the minds of Malaysians yearning for blind justice to prevail.

Issues before the elections

The issues before the Malaysian general election are plenty, amongst these:

As it affects Malaysians of Malay origin, the continuing growth of the abject poor, now sprawling in the urban areas, the continuing exposure of corruption amongst primarily Malay leaders of the ruling regime, the clampdown on dissenting views in public universities and the recent warning by the minister of higher education for students not to be engaged in politics, the unresolved mystery of the Altantunya murder case involving Malay suspects, and the rising prices of basic necessities as a result of the rise of oil price.

As it affects Malaysians of Chinese origin, the continuing dissatisfaction of the way the NEP has favoured one race over others in terms of educational funding across the board.

As it affects Malaysians of Indian origin, the continuing marginalisation of the community left to fend for themselves in abject poverty, the demolition of Hindu temples, the neglect of their basic education via neglect of Tamil schools, and the continuing detention without trial of the five Hindraf activists as a result of the clampdown on now the internationally-broadcasted rally for their rights.

As it affects all Malaysians, the uncertainty of what is to be derived out of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the "Lingam Tape" in which the public is now confused on the matter of how much information is being given to ascertain if indeed the entire workings of the judicial system is based on unethical practices; one allegedly based on rigging of the appointment of judges.

As it affects the rights of the indigenous people such as the Orang Asli and the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak, the systematic effort of failing to protect their rights in face of hypermodernity the government has embarked upon.

The tightly controlled government media has been playing up and down issues before the general election. It has played up Barisan Nasional's "confidence of a winning big" at a time unlike the previous elections in which the Internet was never a tool of counter-hegemony. It is assumed that the ruling party will continue to be given the mandate (more that 2/3 majority) at every election even though the issues mentioned above continue to be unresolved. The nation continues to see parties carrying their baggage and unresolved critical issues into this election.

New masks, old spirits

The ruling party assumes that by announcing that "new faces" will be introduced to replace the old despots, the system will be rejuvenated, somewhat like a political dialysis. This reminds one of the blood transfusions of Keith Richards, the stoned-aged-but-still-alive guitarist of the legendary rock group The Rolling Stones; whose life defies the stories of the dangers of drug addiction. It is assumed that by getting new individuals to run in the elections, a fresh mandate to carry out the Malay agenda will be given.

But the issue is not about propping up new individuals – it is about ideology and institutions that support it. It is about a race-based ideology that is no longer in sync with changing times, as if the cognitive capacity of the nation will never progress and surpass the ideology of the Malay Agenda.

The overplayed doctrine of "Malay dictatorship/hegemony" (Ketuanan Melayu), an arrogant sounding developmentalist agenda pillared upon arrogant and truncated theories of development which brushes off new findings on the ownership of the NEP, continue to dominate the mind of campaign strategists.

The biggest issue before this election is the ideological shift. Because Umno as the dominant party actually does not have an ideology, except sentimentality and authority to deploy the ideological state apparatuses, and because the dissatisfaction of the masses/rakyat is growing in leaps and bounds and is tsunami-ing the streets, we have got a national problem.

What will the election bring us? It is you and I who will decide.

Did Marx the historian not say that we must become makers of our own history?

Or - if we are to become a superstitious nation who believes in numerology, we must also believe in a mandate of heaven, where it rains change predictably.

Comments (21)Add Comment
written by NRR, February 20, 2008 14:00:00
An excellent article, well thought and expressed eloquently. The way I see it there will be no change again. Just look at the the optimistic intentions of the ex currency smugglers and rapists, to run for the elections. Don't they have any shame or conscience? They must be thinking the rakyat are fools and can be hoodwinked again by just expressing allegiance to the ruling govt. The fact that these people do get support and get elected goes to show that it is back to status quo as far as the Malay Agenda is concerned. So mandate from heaven is what the down trodden can hope on.
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written by rayfire, February 20, 2008 14:38:52
Excellent and timely article.
We have to look and most importantly believe there is need for change in our mindset to see this nation progress to a higher level.
It is not who, or which party rules, but it is a question of having true leaders who for a start accepts all Malaysians as Malaysians and wish to lead and serve this nation for the love of it.
Despite some hiccups amongst the opposition as well as ruling party, my sincere hope is they will select candidates for their capability and not simply because they are of this race or they are from this party and such.
We the rakyat are in desperate need of good leadership to see us through the storms of uncertainty.
God bless the author and hope politicians and people in general realise, the time for change is now, shed the racial political inclination and unite as Malaysians to decide OUR FUTURE TOGETHER!
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written by Eskay Lim, February 20, 2008 15:25:52
An excellent piece of writing but will the real holders of power of Malay Supremacy be ready to give up easily without a fight? Don't think so unless all Malaysians regardless of race, colour & religion force them to this coming GE.
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written by thegodfather, February 20, 2008 15:52:25
Dr Azly sir, your writings are fair, rational, well thought out and always filled with love for humanity as a whole. How I wish our leaders here have at least a tiny fraction of the concern and love for the rakyat that you display.
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written by turun padang, February 20, 2008 15:55:53
Apasal tak tulis dalam BM?

Dr. Azly ingat semua orang bagus english macam Dr. ke?

Kalau nak buat perubahan.. kena la dapat sokongan dari keseluruhan rakyat.

Dan jika nak dapatkan sokongan dari rakyat.. kita kena la bagitau dan mengajar mereka berpikir macam depa.

Kalau Majority rakyat (terutamanya- yg luar bandar, yg kurang arif dalam english, yg selama ini sokong BN & NEP, yg kurang beminat nak berubah dan yg tidak keluar mengundi) tak paham kenapa mereka harus berubah dan memangkal yg bukan BN..

Kan lebih baik cakap dgn mereka yg masih didalam kegelapan dari cakap dengan mereka yg dah paham?
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written by cwy, February 20, 2008 16:03:31
It is a pity that those who have good brains are not running our country!

While the leaders in the government are equated to Monkeys ( and clowns ), Nik Aziz is considered as polite to call those in the UMNO as ‘Orang Utan’.

Now, is it time for the opposition to form a new government ? Or, let BN rule for another 50 years?
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written by ez24get, February 20, 2008 17:38:38
The BN and UMNO is all what is wrong to this beloved country of ours for half a century:

1.They create imaginary foes and bogeymen from non-malays who came to rob and compete with them of their religious beliefs, wealth and business opportunities. They make the peace loving Malaysians hate and distrust each other so that they can perpetuate their rule. That’s the reason in brandishing the kris in the UMNO general assembly, the fiery speeches on prolonging the NEP and attack on the non-malays year after year to instil fear, distrust and divide the ordinary malays and non-malays.

2.They control the militia and police by giving handouts, land, timber concessions, retirement top positions in GLCs and closing a blind eye over widespread corruption. Should there be any disturbances, these people can be relied upon to rein in the oppositions and trouble makers. If they decide to pull the noose on a few people to show that they are doing something about corruption, it mustn’t be too tight (e.g. the $27m cop) and it must only be the small fishes in the rank and file so that there will be no revolt.

3.They give handouts and contracts to BN politicians and their family members so that they can go back to their constituents and convince the people to give their continued support and votes to BN. Many of them are nobodies who became multi-billionaires overnight. They became so rich until they became arrogant and flaunt their wealth in palatial mansions, helicopter pads, multi-million dollars divorce settlements, etc, among the ordinary malays.

4.They control the Attorney General, Chief Justice and judges by opaque, selective promotions so that the results of any commercial or criminal cases are tilted to their favour. Meanwhile they pursue their religious agenda without regard to the Federal Constitution by putting friendly judges in positions. That’s why they put useless and corruptible judges such as Ahmad Fairuz, Eusoff Chin as CJ.

5.They control the ACA and PAC so that they can let the big fishes swim away safely and return again to plunder. As a result, the ACA has evolved into an organisation like the olden days Gestapo and KGB collecting and paying for dirty linen information on people to keep them in check and taking anti-corruption actions only on selective opposing fractions of the powers to be.

6.They award titles like datukships, Tan Sris, PJKs, etc, to prominent ethnic leaders in the BN component parties, the chambers of commerce, trade associations whom the people look up to as authority to garner the continued support of their followers.

7.They tailor the school education system for their own selfish agenda and alter the history books to make them look like the only hero and good guy.
8.They fudge statistics and conceal the methodologies; they use the idiotic par value of shares in the NEP calculation so that the target can never be reached and helps in concealing leakages so that their stash can be brought out of the country unnoticed.

9.They control the media to control what you should hear and what not to hear. They control what you should speak and not to speak by curtailing rallies, independent publications, issue of ridiculous court orders, spraying of acid-laced water, firing tear gas and arrests of innocent civilians and using ISA on political opponents.

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written by ez24get, February 20, 2008 17:40:17
10.They hijack Islam under the guise of Islam Hadhari which is even more radical and intolerant than PAS and is becoming more Taliban by the day! Demolition of temples, eradicating pig-rearing livelihoods, refusal of inter-faith dialog, adversity to crosses and statutes in missionary schools, passing haram fatwa on religious statutes, creeping islamisation into schools and universities, forced counselling for “misbehaved” school children and people leaving Islam, body snatching, asking Malaysians to leave Malaysia or having their citizenship revoked, their own narrow interpretation of the Federal Constitutions when it comes to religion, human rights, rallies, etc

11.They cover up their plunders by using OSA and “ketuanan melayu” to prevent questions into their misdoings. They enter into secret and lopsided agreement with their cronies. They marked up the cost and siphoned the monies through "intermediary companies" owned by proxies and cronies. Other people can build a highway for RM 300 million but the crony toll operator builds it for RM 600 million. The Rakyat ends up paying RM 600 million. If that isn't enough, they use the taxpayer monies to bail out these companies should they fail.

12.They give you salary increments, bonuses and dividends out of the government coffers (tax payers monies) only to be quickly taken away by them and their cronies through the increase in prices of petrol & cooking gas (Petronas), water (PBA), electricity (TNB), quit rent, assessment, parking fees & business licenses (Municipal councils), newspapers (Star), rice & flour (Bernas), APs & cars (Proton, Perodua, Naza & AP cronies), tolls (toll concessionaires), taxi permits, bus fares and other transportation costa (various UMNO cronies), etc.

13.They paint you the rosy picture of how Malaysian’s per capita income and nation’s GDP has increased many folds since gaining independence under their rule. The truth is any donkey could have done many times better had not the rich resources of Malaysia been plundered by the greedy politicians and their cronies. Even if a donkey has in rule sitting on its ass without doing anything, the millions upon millions of barrels of oil, natural gas, the tons upon tons of rubber, palm oil, fruits, vegetables, fishes, prawns, harvested from the land and sea of Malaysia since independence until today at today’s prices would have made every Malaysians far richer and having a per capita income and cumulative GDP far exceeding the current statistic boasted by this regime. But today why is Malaysia so much lacking behind Singapore who has gained independence later and having no natural resources? Where have the monies gone to? To the lavish wedding ceremonies, multi-million dollar divorce settlements, helicopter pads, palatial mansions, lavish overseas spendings, purchase of expensive overseas properties and cars, fixed deposits in swiss accounts!

14.They control your daily lives and siphon your monies from the moment you wake up (mosque prayer call), brush your teeth (PBA), flushing the toilet (Indah water), reading the newspaper on the breakfast table (Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, Star, New Straits Times), travelling to work in your car (petronas - petrol, proton/Perodua - car, TOL), driving past the plantations (Felda, Synergy Drive), paying your taxes (LHDN), deduction from your salary (EPF), coming back from work and retrieving your email (Jaring, TMNet), cooking dinner on the gas stove (Petronas), eating dinner consisting of fried rice (Bernas), calling your mother-in-law (Telekom), watching the TV with your family (Media Prima, Astro), switch off the light (TNB) and going to sleep serenaded by the soft music (RTM) under the moon light (Dr Sheikh Muszaphar). When you die in come cases they also control the corpse (JAIS)!

We have had enough of UMNO, BN and their lies! Give them the boot!
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written by fireduck, February 20, 2008 19:42:24
It's a good piece, Dr Azly. Kind of verbose and intellectual so the goons like Zam and Muhd2 won't get it. Too cryptic for them.

But then again, it may be too much for the general folks too. And not many out there are as good in comprehending the English Language. So, definitely a Malay or Chinese translation would be good. There are a lot of good points ( and ezy24get has also summarize quite a bit more too), but all these must get out to the populace in general, and specifically to those in the rural areas and the non-Net connected.

I would also suggest that these opinion pieces be printed out and then we all go and show it to our folks, and use our bahasa pasar or colloquilism to express all the ills we face with this ruling elites. A few strategically placed tiu-nia-mahs in out translations to the older folks would do wonders to their understanding of the issues and groundswell of discontent. smilies/cheesy.gif

This election campaign is not about racial tension. Its not about instability. Its not about being unpatriotic.

Its about loving our country enough to change the status quo of our political system.

Its about caring enough for our children and grandchildren to seek a stop to this culture of corruption and arrogant feudalistic practices.

Its about fighting back for all the good that we once were, where honesty is highly valued, and tolerance and friendship in the brotherhood of man is our living practice and not just lip service.

Its about taking us back to where truth is a treasured commodity, and where morals means being able to see right and wrong as clear as day and night.

Its about making a change to our national mental attitude and our national identity. Not one of greed and patronage, but one of genuine concern and service.

If we do not do it this General Election, we will never do it again, nor will be ever have the fortitude to effect drastic change. We will probably condemn our future generations to more of the same selfish culture and attitudes, along with the whole plethora of undesirable problems that we are currently facing.

Be patriotic. Make the change happen. Vote to ensure that we have proper check and balances in the system.

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written by Task Force 101, February 20, 2008 21:15:01
Dear Dr Azly,

For one who has looked down on your previous articles, I must admit that the above is a wonderfully written piece and a joy to read. I can only hope for the following:-

1) That someone will translate this to BM and circulate it to all and sundry
2) An intellectual and forward thinking mind such as Dr. Azly will come back to Msia and help build this nation destroyed and raped by leaders bankrupt of ideas and drunk on power and heal this nation wounded by racist policies for last 39 years.

Excellent and articulated article.

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written by Cash Money, February 20, 2008 23:18:55
Dear Dr Azly

Thank you for sharing your "value- free" findings as Max Waber implied.
You have keep up with the fundemantal value that of Scientific Integrity.

Sad to say that we have a battle in our hands for the same Umno spies who are sent out to capture information are not free of bias, simply because the information is tailored to the idiology and ambitions of their superior for the past 50 years.

This superoir is no other then Mahathir himself. Mahathir must be held accountable, for instead of eliminating "Ketuanan Melayu" Mahathir has nutured his ideology to the extent of where we are today.Malaysia is in a self distruction mode it is a matter of time only and there is only one culprate in my findings.


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written by Dr Azly Rahman, February 21, 2008 03:05:57
Dear all,

Very nice and encouraging comments. They are enlightening. Please excuse my English- I get carried away when words start rhyming in my head. I suppose that's the price of too much love for the language and too long a period teaching English-speaking Americans. But I can still write well in Jawi though smilies/smiley.gif

Th root of hegemony, control, and totalitarianism is in the 22 year-rule of the previous regime. The current regime is trying to create the same formula, not realizing that our Berlin Wall is crumbling. The younger politicians in the ruling regime are not reading the signs on the wall. They are still lulled by the ideology. The middle class has evolved. To demand for respect is wrong, the politicians need to earn them-- not force the rakyat to accept them via threats. This is still happening even in our public universities, let alone in schools and the rural areas.

The Internet is going to be the biggest winner in the GE-12. "I blog, therefore I am" as I once said in a gathering of Malaysian students in Washington.

The rush to become powerful by the younger politicians is not going to be a smooth journey. Alternative media will play its role in checking them and also check-mating them.

But what changes doe you see are going to happen to policies, after the General Election? Already we are seeing that the current regime is like a Santa Claus, bringing goodies to the people.

I hope the universities are asking the current regime to release them from the shackles of the UUCA and the Akujanji and to teach our students how important it is to be politically conscious and to have the ultimate freedom in choosing their political future. In America, any student group can be formed based on political affiliation-- so that college students can decide the next government free of threats. We are doing the wrong thing in Malaysia. Terribly wrong for the students and lecturers to be threatened if they are involved in raising political consciousness.

What will be the student/faculty respond to this threat?

Whatever the outcome of the GE-12 will be, demands for more freedom will continue to be made.Since 4 years ago, we have seen how the current regime has been "deconstructed" and made accountable to what they have done. Of course things have worked quiet well but many are still terribly wrong. Criticisms on our democratic practices is an evolving act. Ultimately, I think, race-based politics and political arrangements is going to lose its relevance, making way for a truly multicultural two party system that is going to be evaluated based on the merit of their honesty and commitment to humanistic and humaitarians ideals.

Essentially, we must educate each other that race, ethnicity, and color are merely "constructs" and works well with the ideology of "social dominance" such as "ketuanan Melayu" or the "ketuanan of any race". The real basis of human nature is the DNA. It is with this premise that we can look a the children of all races as "gifts of the Creator" to be fully developed, nurtured, and educated out of the prejudices of their parents. Through the lens of the DNA, we will not need the NEP, nor any form or mutation of race-based politics. Even the "myth of the lazy native" will remain a myth.

Sounds idealistic? But what is the alternative then?
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written by mypanida, February 21, 2008 05:16:36
Thank you Dr.Azly for this enlightening analysis. I especially liked the mandate of heaven as God is all seeing and all knowing.

if only this piece is translated into Chinese and Malay and Tamil for the wider audience of our fellow Malaysians.

As usual, I took my hat off to you.

To be patriotic, one must dissent, so dissent we all must....with a clear conscience too. Let them lock us up in their Kamuntings, we shall prevail, we must.

Thank you again good Dr.

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written by hakunamatata, February 21, 2008 15:01:45
A beautiful article by Dr.Azly.
Sometimes I wonder why is Malaysia in this present predicament when we have thinkers like Dr.Azly,RPK,etc.
None of our Leaders have the will to do anything constructive in nation building except merely working on the construction sector.Maybe nation building to them means merely construction of buildings like what TDM was famous for. It shows with the under utilised KLIA and swampland to Putrajaya.None of them really want a Bangsa Malaysia because they are scared that they will lose their privileges - such a short sighted view.
To be proud to be called a Malaysian is when one feels the country treats all its citizens equally immaterial of race or religion.
Is asking to be treated equally a crime?
There is NO land that belongs to anyone - WE all are merely temporary occupants - the land will be there but we will perish - so why the greed - you may leave something , maximum until your great grand child but after that what?
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written by NSTPravda, February 22, 2008 08:48:04
Mandate of heaven this nation awaits
For our fundamental frights to abate
In view of the assault on our common sensibilities
By our divine leaders of their versions of reality

There is one and only one issue in this coming poll
How best the election can be bought with existing bankroll
We all know that the election is in UMNO’s bag
Other “issues” are mere formality to fill the slag

We can sing and shout from hell to eternity
Against the likes of the cronies of Oxfart Khairy
Still after the votes are counted on election day
Even the dead will vote that UMNO’s semua-nya OK!
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written by sampalee, February 22, 2008 15:49:10
Thy will be done.Man proposes,God disposes.Inshaallah.
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written by Milo, February 22, 2008 18:08:25
The trouble with most religious-based principles is they naturally have to assume that others' beliefs are wrong and yours are the only right ones. The worst is such an attitude insensitizes those in power to consistently introduce undefendable idiotic policies that are causing problems everyone can see. The hypocritical form of Islamisation, especially the brand invented by UMNO to outdo PAS has vastly contributed to the dismay state of the country. Religion should never be allowed to creep into politics as its tenets are not universal to all belief systems for all. And don't think that Islam is the only culprit! The Bush administration, which foul up nearly everything in its tenure, is guided by so call christian principles. Core values, such as responsibility, compassion, care, love for people, etc., are innate qualities in human nature that cut across religious lines, and these are all that are needed to develop principles of governance for a country to be great. Religion should be kept at the personal level - the place of worship is the home! You should not make others suffer just because you think that's the way to go to heaven.
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written by glock17, February 24, 2008 14:45:41
Dear Folks,

The fight is on for all rakyat Malaysia against the 'corruptive-racist chauvinist ethno narrow-minded nationalist'. Yes, BN will formed the next goverment due to their money politics via misusing goverment machinery and postal votes but we must do our best before we are beaten into submission of their evil satanic regime.

Be strong, resilience and patience but most of all tell to your friends, families, and relatives to give PKR,DAP and PAS a chance to represent us all the honest, hard working and law abiding citizens tat we all had enought of Umno craps !!!

In this 2 weeks, encourage yur folks to hear opposition ceramah to understand more the importance of denying Beruk Nasional 2/3 majority in parliament. Do yur best to encourage your folks to go and vote. One vote is vry important for this country future generation to enjoy their God given right as citizen of Malaysia and not base on creed,class, religion, ethnic superiorty, or political ideology but basic universal human right practiced in any democratic country. We must form a new united single nation, and wiped out racial politics which which is the mother of all political-economic-social ills in Malaysia that stun progressive development in today global challenges.

Its now or never, if BN wins a and I will pay for a very very steep price for many many years to come. Our future generation will forever caught in the vicious-cylcle of racist politics and will have no sense of hope and security caused by Umno evil selfish ruling dynasty.

GOD be with Us ALL,

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written by Fart Fart Wah, February 25, 2008 14:35:55
Who gave them this liberal corrupt way of thinking???
Our fourth Indian prime minister........
All Hail to "to the Malay dilemma"..
All Hail to you Mammukutty!!!
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written by Raymond, February 26, 2008 21:23:27
Lyrics from Les Miserables - "Do you hear the People Sing"

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you give all you can give
So that our banner may advance
Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance?
The blood of the martyrs
Will water the meadows of France (heh.. u can change this to Malaysia)!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
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written by Wisdom above, July 05, 2008 15:29:24
'Mandate of heaven this nation awaits.'

The writings are on the wall. The graffiti of our national grouses and grievances are even written on the walls of that Petronas Twin Tower, a Caesar Pelli-an symbol of the Malay Agenda.By A REPUBLIC OF VIRTUE,Dr Azly Rahman.

The Grass & Trees of the Fields Groans. Lightnings & Thunders roared above.

Wisdom ,Righteous & the Truth shall prevail.

The enemies will destroy themselves in haste.

The 'Fear from above' will consume them & their evil plans.

Syabas to all Peacemakers.
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Grandma’s Gangsta Chicken Curry and Gangsta Stories from My Hippie Sixties by Azly Rahman