Tuesday, June 30, 2020


and the attempt to "de-platform" me re: Gerakbudaya issue

I just found this while collecting data for my very brief memoir.

I don't know who these people are, in the sequence of the conversation, except Prem Chandran of Malaysiakini. It's worth writing about this, from the point of view of individual thought process, ideology, institutions, intentions, and what I see as a person's right to be informed or ignorant, to be illuminated or having the illusion of knowledge. Did this person call for the "de-platforming" of my Gerakbudaya talk?

This person who tweeted does not seem to have any clue what he's talking about nor understand the context of what I have been tweeting, nor he has any idea of what life in the USA is about. That's my assumption, based on what he concluded.

1. When I said I am glad that that public order is in place and I am glad that the violence, the looting, the burning has subsided, what is the problem? Why would I wish the mayhem continues?

2. When I tweeted that the government will bring in the National Guard or other forms of law enforcement agencies to protect the lives and properties of citizens, do you have a problem with that? Whether one is a Democrat, Republican, Socialist, Conservative, whatever -- is that not the right of the citizens to ask for protection? So that the country would not turn into Guatemala, Venezuela, Afghanistan? Or a Malaysia on May 13, 1969? Is there a problem with that tweet?

3. If I tweet that I have worked with great police officers in my community to help young people stay in school so that they could graduate and earn an honest living, and I have done that for many years and seen successes -- with the help of the Community Resources called "The Police" - what is wrong in tweeting that? Do you even understand how the local, city, state, county, and federal policing system works?

4. If I tweet that I feel safe for another night and in fact every night that only police cars pass by my house to ensure my community is safe and quiet after 10:00 pm and the neighborhood appreciate this because as taxpayers and home owners we contribute to paying the salary of the police, the teachers, the firefighters, the town officials -- how is that a problem to you?

5. If I condemn violence and that violence begets violence and you equate me with being a Trump supporter and white supremacist, what is wrong with your thinking?

6. If I tell you that I have been involved with the work of improving the lives of especially African-American youth (as well as Hispanic, Asians, etc. too) and see them through high school and college and they have come back to convey appreciation and I have done this without chanting slogans, protesting, cheering at burning buildings -- long before you learn how to ride the bicycle perhaps, what would you say?

7. If I tweet anything I wish to tweet to educate and not to aggravate, because I believe that as an educator working in the field of at-risk, pre-incarcerated, "oppressed youth and adults" and "teaching teachers who will be teaching in the inner-city schools in the Bronx and Harlem" or anywhere gangsta of a neighborhood -- who are you to pass judgement based on what I tweeted to my liking? Based on your no-knowledge of what I have done to improve all lives that matter?

I do not condone any form of violence to affect social change. Education -- slow a process it may seem -- is what will guarantee personal, spiritual, cultural and social change.

Those who called themselves "leftists" may think bringing down everything, burning down everything, or rationalizing these may think so. Your right. Your right to also be dealt with. With the rule of law.

I want peace. So that I could continue my work, my career, my calling on education for peace and justice, in a system that too promotes freedom and talent. And of course, hard work.

I believe as an educator of more than 33 years, the lives of my students matter. And there is never a better timing than anytime.

Understand my stand? Or do you still think I do not understand my own tweets and posts?

Let me know if these explanations make sense. Otherwise, go through life. With an open mind. And craft your own path. Not of those than have been sloganized.

You may find the road not taken. And hopefully that will make a difference.

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