Monday, December 29, 2014


of floods and foolishness

And thou shall not blame god for the flood that came
like the Red Sea that parted and came back with vengeance
-- an answer to arrogance of the pharaohs who build the pentagons of power and the pentagons of greed by raping Nature and shaving the mountains bald and forcing the poor and the powerless to kowtow to the signs and symbols of aristocratic deceit while drowning in the sorrow of being slaves, though born princes and princesses

And thou shall not blame the god for the wrath that befalls
like the plague of our souls darkened by the light of Materialism and Greed
- an answer to the never-ending war of words and actions we have created in the name of this or that god, in the name of Allah we use to strike fear amongst each other, to maim, to amputate, to behead ...

And thou shall not blame god and god's law not set in place
like the mad sudden anger of the crocodiles of the Nile River feeding on human beings in such a haste is thine punishment
-- an answer to the decades of corruption left unpunished, murders in high places left unresolved, thefts in broad daylight by glorified robber barons unspoken of ...

And thou shall not blame god alone for the flood that continues
like the sudden plague that visits the entire nation, bodies diseased with the fungus of the food consumed out of the enslavement of each other
-- an answer to the years and years of unrepentance of what thou have taken from Nature with such brute and arrogance ...

May thou be flooded by the foolishness of thine own Nature
until an exodus cometh to conclude the story of gods and kings, masters and slaves ... wander for forty modern years thou shall without direction -- in the desert of thine Ignorance, still blinded by the words from the sweet words and the pharaohs and the politicians and the false prophets amongst thee ...

-- azly rahman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is omnipresent, omnipotent and impotent at the same time. This theory that floods are punishments for our wrongdoing does not hold water. Why punish people who have not done any thing wrong. Well some may argue that the good people stood and did nothing as the wrongdoing was done.

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