Tuesday, March 18, 2014


by azly rahman

war of perception
war on informational monopoly
war on truth and manufactured consent
war on battling more secrecy
war of her own people demanding the full story
war waged by the international media in the name of international transparency ...

it is a battleground
a malaysian mahabharatta of metaphysical madness and maneuverability

where art thou arjuna?
where art thou krisna?
where art thou brothers pandava?
sound the sirens of the conch shells
duryodhana and the rakshashas disguising as yudhistira are all here
attacking from outside
attacking from the inside
only because -- of an apocalypse now

how will the story end?
will there be poetic justice?
the triumph of eros over thanatos
of calming down of a catharsis ..

you tell me, o' wise poet vyasa
blind you maybe are ...
write us a story well-illuminated
so that our world shall be ---
as bright as the countless lights of sita devi ... 

              -- ar

1 comment:

arbee36 said...

If looking for the Real Truth, I find it in the Holy Book called he Qur'an. I believe in Allah's Will and nothing happens on earth, albeit, in the Universe without HIS will. If HE does not will it, nothing happens. The humans are only agents who can propose and work towrd the objective, BUT without HIS idzin, nothing can happen. In HIS book there's no accidents. All preplanned. Wallahualam

Grandma’s Gangsta Chicken Curry and Gangsta Stories from My Hippie Sixties by Azly Rahman

MY MEMOIR IS NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON!  https://www.amazon.com/Grandmas-Gangsta-Chicken-Stories-Sixties-ebook/dp/B095SX3X26/ref=sr_1_1?dchild...