‘Allah’ adalah satu perjalanan, bukan satu
oleh Azly Rahman
Dalam dunia ini hanya di Malaysia sahaja kita menyaksikan perdebatan hebat mengenai siapa yang mempunyai paten perkataan ‘Allah’, yang diterjemahkan sebagai ‘tuhan esa’. Ia seolah-olah menjadi perdebatan bermusim untuk mendapatkan parti-parti politik untuk bergusti atas ciri linguistik atau semiotik perkataan tersebut: satu perlawanan yang memberi maksud dan menandakan ‘Kuasa Teologi’ yang Manusia telah cuba memahami, menghormati, menyayangi, dan menakuti tetapi tidak akan dapat memahami.
Ini disebabkan
kita berada di dalam matriks yang merangkumi kebenaran dan perlambangan, dan di
rumah-penjara bahasa (‘prison-house of language’) dan tidak dapat melihat apa
Realiti Muktamad sebenarnya.
Apa ada pada nama?
Mungkin tak ada apa-apa. Mungkin segala-galanya. Dan lebih-lebih lagi jenis
permasalahan Shakespeare ‘mawar ialah mawar’ (‘a rose is a rose’) ini yang
kelihatan relevan dalam dunia yang penuh manipulasi politik seperti di Malaysia
di mana bangsa dan agama adalah penentu berkembar dalam evolusi politik.
mengenai asal-usul perkataan ‘Allah’ jelas menarik untuk dijadikan topik
disertasi atau sebagai tema siasatan (‘inquiry theme’) dalam bidang seperti
bio-semantik, bio-semiotik, falsafah linguistik, ilmu bahasa, atau kajian
aliran rentas budaya bahasa seperti penulis ini sendiri telah mulakan mengenai
asal-usul perkataan ‘Cyberjaya’ dan ‘Putrajaya’ dalam disertasi yang diserahkan
kepada Universiti Columbia, New York beberapa tahun lalu.
Untuk memastikan
asal-usul perkataan ‘Allah’ juga mungkin menggerakkan mereka yang
mempelajarinya untuk meneroka asal-usul konsep ‘tuhan’, ‘agama’, ‘kitab-kitab’,
dan juga konsep soteriologi dalam kajian agama - perusahaan manusia yang
bermula dengan masyarakat pertanian dan apa yang ahli sosiologi tersohor Jerman
Karl Wittfogel istilahkan sebagai ‘masyarakat hidraulik’.
Percubaan untuk
menamakan ‘tuhan’ dan memanggilnya dengan ‘kata nama khas’ telah menjadi
latihan kognitif manusia sejak Manusia cuba untuk memikirkan apa yang
menyebabkan tanamannya subur atau rosak atau musnah, mengapa malam menjadi
gelap dan matahari menerangi, atau apakah nasib puak beliau pula apabila puak
itu bergerak dari satu kawasan penanaman kepada yang lain selepas menebas dan
membakar tanaman.
Pencarian ‘tuhan’,
mungkin dikenal pasti seawal penemuan lukisan gua di Perancis Selatan dan
memaju kepada konsep Ilahi dan Realiti Muktamad, kepada kelahiran
Zoroastrianisme, ke agama Yahudi, Kristian, dan Islam (di kawasanTimur Tengah
yang subur atau ‘The Fertile Crescent’ ) dan dalam konsep yang tidak mempercaya
monoteisme dalam falsafah kebudayaan seperti Hindu, Jainisme, Buddha, dan Sikh
(di lembah Indus).
Ini adalah antara
cara-cara Manusia telah cuba menamakan apa yang tak dapat dinamakan, dan
menerangkan yang mana tidak dapat dijelaskan, dan untuk memahami apa yang sukar
Saya tidak pasti
jika terdapat kontroversi atau manusia membunuh satu sama lain yang mempunyai
hak ke atas nama tuhan ini atau itu. Orang-orang Rom dan Greek mempunyai
tuhan-tuhan yang sama yang memainkan peranan yang berbeza, tetapi saya tidak
pula terjumpa krisis dan konflik dalam penamaan tuhan-tuhan mereka dalam
kedua-dua tamadun ini.
Tak usah berkontroversi
Pada ketika ini
dalam evolusi manusia, di zaman damai ini dalam kalendar pasca Maya, rakyat
Malaysia (terutama sekali Kristian dan Muslim) harus jangan kebudak-budakan
dalam perjuangan menaruhkan paten dan penjenamaan kepada perkataan ‘tuhan’. Ia
adalah nama yang difahami dengan cara yang berbeza pun, berbeza sebagaimana
setiap jiwa mentafsirkan Ilahi.
Sama ada kita
memanggil tuhan itu Allah, Tuan yang Agung, Brahma-Siva-Vishnu, Bhagwan,
Waheguru, Yahweh, atau Hashem atau tidak memanggilnya apa-apa pun tetapi
merujuk kepadanya dalam diam semata-mata dan lamunan, matlamat utama adalah
untuk ‘menghubungi’, dan dengan itu istilah Latin ‘religio’ yang secara longgar
bermakna ‘untuk menguhubungi’. Di sinilah terletaknya had bahasa setakat
penamaan ‘tuhan’ berkenaan.
Tidak ada sebab
untuk terperangkap dalam kontroversi tetapi lebih munasabah untuk melibatkan
diri dalam meneroka kreativiti manusia dalam usaha untuk memahami Realiti
Mutlak atau yang Muktamad.
Kerana kita adalah
makhluk sosial menjunam ke dalam dunia materialisme dan kewujudan kita sentiasa
dalam pertentangan dialektik dengan dunia Rupa dan Realiti, jika kita mengambil
Teori Platonik Bentuk (‘Plato’s Theory of Forms’) sebagai satu rangka analisis,
dan kerana kita sentiasa melibatkan diri dalam dunia realisme terutama sekali,
tumpuan perlu diberikan kepada bagaimana untuk menjalani hidup yang
diperiksa/dimusabahkan sebagai masyarakat manusia yang sentiasa empati terhadap
kehidupan orang lain yang kurang bernasib baik dan untuk kita mengutamakan
persamaan dan bukannya perbezaan.
Kita harus memberi
tumpuan kepada memastikan rakan-rakan lelaki dan wanita diberikan asas-asas
kehidupan yang cukup - makanan, tempat tinggal, pakaian - dan bagaimana ini
semua akan menyumbang kepada pemupukan maruah, hak, dan tanggungjawab.
Di Malaysia, ini
bermakna rakyat dari semua kepercayaan agama memastikan bahawa kasta dan kelas
dalam masyarakat dihapuskan secara beransur-ansur, dan memastikan yang kaya
tidak akan menjadi lebih kaya dengan apa jua cara manipulatif dan perlu.
Masyarakat yang
benar-benar sedar yang termasuk puak berperang ideologi, yakni orang Islam dan
Kristian yang berjuang atas perkataan ‘Allah’ patut sedar apa yang akan terus
membahagi dan menakluk mereka, supaya praksis mereka atau perbuatan
menterjemahkan teori/perspektif untuk amalan demi untuk kebaikan bersama tidak
dikabur atau dilemahkan.
Saya ingin
mengatakan bahawa mungkin perlu untuk membolehkan mana-mana agama untuk
menggunakan perkataan ‘Allah’, jika perkataan itu membawa makna semua yang baik
dan mengakibatkan puak-puak ini melakukan kebaikan yang unggul. Islam dan
Kristian juga mungkin perlu melakukan penyelidikan filologi dan kajian
linguistik-genealogi ke atas perkataan ‘Allah’ bahkan sejarah perkataan ‘tuhan’
itu juga agar akan menjadi lebih sedar terhadap isu dan tuntutan atau pemilikan
Terkejut mungkin
mereka memikirkan bahawa kita semua pada satu ketika dahulu adalah
penghuni Menara Babel yang cuba
memikirkan apa perkataan yang boleh digunakan untuk menamakan apa yang tidak
bernama, dan apa bentuk boleh diwujudkan untuk yang tidak berbentuk.
Selagi kita orang
Islam dan Kristian belum sampai ke persimpangan dialogikal ini, jalan
manipulasi politik di Malaysia sentiasa diturap dengan herotan linguistik untuk
memenuhi niat kripto-kroni kapitalis!
Malaysiakini, 28
Disember 2012
'Allah' a
journey, not controversy
by Azly Rahman
Only in
Malaysia is the world perhaps witnessing a raging debate on who has the patent
to the word ‘Allah’, simply translated as ‘the/that god.’ It seems to be a
seasonal debate to get the political parties to wrestle over the linguistic or
semiotic of the word: one that connotes and denotes 'the Force of Divinity'
that Man has attempted to understand, revere, love, and fear yet can never
This is simply because we are in a matrix of truth and representation, and in a prison-house of language unable to see what the Ultimate Reality looks like.
What's in a name? Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. And even more so this Shakespearean "a rose is a rose" type of problematique seems relevant in a world of political manipulations such as in Malaysia when race and religion are the twin determinants of political evolution.
The debate on the origin of the word ‘Allah’ is obviously interesting as a topic of dissertation or as an inquiry theme in fields such as bio-semantics, bio-semiotics, linguistic philosophy, philology, or the study of the transcultural flow of language as yours truly embarked upon on the origin of the words ‘Cyberjaya’ and ‘Putrajaya’ in a dissertation submitted to Columbia University, a few years back.
To ascertain the origin of the word ‘Allah’ might also yield those studying it to also explore the origin of the concept of ‘god’, ‘religion’, ‘scriptures’, and even the notion of soteriology in the study of religion – a human enterprise that began with the agriculture society and what the sociologist Karl Wittfogel would term as the ‘hydraulic societies’.
The attempt to name ‘god’ and to call it by ‘special nouns’ have been a human cognitive exercise since Man has been trying to figure out what causes his crop to do well or to be damaged or destroyed, the night to go dark and the sun to illuminate, or the fate of his or her clan as the tribe moves from one planting area to another after slashing and burning crops.
The search for ‘god’, perhaps noted as early as the discovery of cave paintings in Southern France moving on to the conceptualisation of the Divine and Ultimate Reality, to the birth of Zoroastrianism, to Judaism, to Christianity, and to Islam (in the Fertile Crescent) and in the non-monotheistic conception of it in cultural philosophies such as Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism (in the Indus valley).
These are ways that Man has tried to name the un-namable, explain the unexplainable, and conceive the unconceivable.
I am not sure if there have been controversies or people killing each other over who has the right to the name of this or that god. The Romans and the Greeks have gods in common playing different roles, but I have not come across crisis and conflict in such naming of gods in these two civilisations.
No need for controversy
At this point in human evolution, in this age of reconciliation of the post-Mayan calendar, Malaysians (especially Christians and Muslims) need to be less childish in the fight over patenting and branding ‘god’. It is a name conceived differently anyway, as different as how each soul conceives the Divine.
Whether one calls god Allah, The Lord, Brahma-Shiva-Vishnu, Bhagwan, Waheguru, Yahweh, or Hashem or not call it anything at all but refer to it in mere silence and reverie, the ultimate aim is to ‘connect’, and hence the Latin term ‘religio’ which loosely means ‘to connect’. Herein lies the limits of language insofar as the naming of ‘god’ is concerned.
There is no reason to be locked into controversy but all the reason should be to engage in exploring human creativity in trying to understand Absolute or Ultimate Reality.
Because we are social beings plunged into a world of materialism and our existence always in dialectical opposition with world of Appearance and Reality, if we take the Platonic Theory of Forms as a framework of analysis, and because we are always engaging in a world of realism first and foremost, our focus needs to be on how to live a life examined as societies of human beings always empathic to the lives of others less fortunate and to dwell on similarities rather than differences.
We ought to focus on making sure fellow men and women are accorded the basics of life – food, shelter, clothing – and how these will contribute to the cultivation of dignity, rights, and responsibility.
In Malaysia, this means people of all religious faith ensuring that caste and class in society is gradually, but surely abolished and that the rich will not become richer by any means manipulative and necessary.
A wide-awake society that includes the ideological warring factions called the Muslims and Christians fighting over the word ‘Allah’ ought to be aware of what will continue to divide and conquer them, so that their praxis or the act of translating theory/perspective to practice for the common good is not clouded or even debilitated.
This is simply because we are in a matrix of truth and representation, and in a prison-house of language unable to see what the Ultimate Reality looks like.
What's in a name? Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. And even more so this Shakespearean "a rose is a rose" type of problematique seems relevant in a world of political manipulations such as in Malaysia when race and religion are the twin determinants of political evolution.
The debate on the origin of the word ‘Allah’ is obviously interesting as a topic of dissertation or as an inquiry theme in fields such as bio-semantics, bio-semiotics, linguistic philosophy, philology, or the study of the transcultural flow of language as yours truly embarked upon on the origin of the words ‘Cyberjaya’ and ‘Putrajaya’ in a dissertation submitted to Columbia University, a few years back.
To ascertain the origin of the word ‘Allah’ might also yield those studying it to also explore the origin of the concept of ‘god’, ‘religion’, ‘scriptures’, and even the notion of soteriology in the study of religion – a human enterprise that began with the agriculture society and what the sociologist Karl Wittfogel would term as the ‘hydraulic societies’.
The attempt to name ‘god’ and to call it by ‘special nouns’ have been a human cognitive exercise since Man has been trying to figure out what causes his crop to do well or to be damaged or destroyed, the night to go dark and the sun to illuminate, or the fate of his or her clan as the tribe moves from one planting area to another after slashing and burning crops.
The search for ‘god’, perhaps noted as early as the discovery of cave paintings in Southern France moving on to the conceptualisation of the Divine and Ultimate Reality, to the birth of Zoroastrianism, to Judaism, to Christianity, and to Islam (in the Fertile Crescent) and in the non-monotheistic conception of it in cultural philosophies such as Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism (in the Indus valley).
These are ways that Man has tried to name the un-namable, explain the unexplainable, and conceive the unconceivable.
I am not sure if there have been controversies or people killing each other over who has the right to the name of this or that god. The Romans and the Greeks have gods in common playing different roles, but I have not come across crisis and conflict in such naming of gods in these two civilisations.
No need for controversy
At this point in human evolution, in this age of reconciliation of the post-Mayan calendar, Malaysians (especially Christians and Muslims) need to be less childish in the fight over patenting and branding ‘god’. It is a name conceived differently anyway, as different as how each soul conceives the Divine.
Whether one calls god Allah, The Lord, Brahma-Shiva-Vishnu, Bhagwan, Waheguru, Yahweh, or Hashem or not call it anything at all but refer to it in mere silence and reverie, the ultimate aim is to ‘connect’, and hence the Latin term ‘religio’ which loosely means ‘to connect’. Herein lies the limits of language insofar as the naming of ‘god’ is concerned.
There is no reason to be locked into controversy but all the reason should be to engage in exploring human creativity in trying to understand Absolute or Ultimate Reality.
Because we are social beings plunged into a world of materialism and our existence always in dialectical opposition with world of Appearance and Reality, if we take the Platonic Theory of Forms as a framework of analysis, and because we are always engaging in a world of realism first and foremost, our focus needs to be on how to live a life examined as societies of human beings always empathic to the lives of others less fortunate and to dwell on similarities rather than differences.
We ought to focus on making sure fellow men and women are accorded the basics of life – food, shelter, clothing – and how these will contribute to the cultivation of dignity, rights, and responsibility.
In Malaysia, this means people of all religious faith ensuring that caste and class in society is gradually, but surely abolished and that the rich will not become richer by any means manipulative and necessary.
A wide-awake society that includes the ideological warring factions called the Muslims and Christians fighting over the word ‘Allah’ ought to be aware of what will continue to divide and conquer them, so that their praxis or the act of translating theory/perspective to practice for the common good is not clouded or even debilitated.
It would be
necessary to allow any religion to use the word ‘Allah’ I would venture to say,
if the word means everything good and brings them to do ultimate good. Muslims
and Christians alike may perhaps need to do a philological and
linguistic-genealogical research of the word ‘Allah’ or even the history of the
word ‘god’ itself in order to be more enlightened of the issues and attendant
claims or ownership.
Surprised they may be in discovering that we were once inhabitants of the Tower of Babel trying to figure out what word to use to name the nameless, and what shape to create to represent the Formless.
Until we Muslims and Christians come to this dialogical crossroads, the road to political manipulation in Malaysia is always paved with linguistic distortion in service of crypto-crony-capitalistic intentions!
Surprised they may be in discovering that we were once inhabitants of the Tower of Babel trying to figure out what word to use to name the nameless, and what shape to create to represent the Formless.
Until we Muslims and Christians come to this dialogical crossroads, the road to political manipulation in Malaysia is always paved with linguistic distortion in service of crypto-crony-capitalistic intentions!
Malaysiakini, 28 Dec 2012
The issue is they are trying to convert the Muslims. I like your writing on education. I hope u can write more. The essay on Teacher s day was mind bogling. Exploded my neurons. I am just a sekolah kebangsaan teacher. Hope can be like u someday...
The issue is they are trying to convert the Muslims. I like your writing on education. I hope u can write more. The essay on Teacher s day was mind bogling. Exploded my neurons. I am just a sekolah kebangsaan teacher. Hope can be like u someday...
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