(that makes sense to me)

1. "on halal and haram in music"
There is nothing wrong in listening to music, any genre of music, or play any kind of music you like as long as it makes you happy and not bother other people or hurt others or try to proselytize others with your favourite music. For, music is life and life is music and music makes you grow in all life's diversity, so that you will not become an individual who hate music for all the wrong religious reasons and make the life of others miserable and music-less and life-less and form-less. You are wise enough to choose good music and lousy music. There is no halal or haram in it -- your ears make it so -- ar
2. "on when to leave a sermon/khotbah"
it is wrong and displeasurable to continue to sit in a religious sermon/khotbah of a preacher whose talk is filled with hatred for other religion, who insinuates other believers, who talks bad about people of other races and ethnic groups, and who talks down on women, and whose arrogance stinks to the heavens, and most importantly who speaks in a loud and shouting voice even with a microphone befitting of mick jagger's 90th. birthday concert ... it is right to leave such a talk/sermon/khotbah ... it is better to stay home and listen to one's iPOD -- ar
3. "halal and haram in what one wears"
it is right to wear whatever you feel is right and modest, by your own definition and not that of others or of some ancient scripture or by some hadith you cannot trust of its relevance to modern times ... the key is modesty and for one to be proud of one's beauty without drowning in vanity ... there is no point covering oneself up when one's mind is also closed shut to the diversity of ideas ... and besides, one must wear what one likes according to the appropriate season, weather forecast, and cultural pride ... that is the most halal thing to do, when it comes to choosing one's clothing -- ar
4. "on reading the halal and the haram"
one need not limit oneself to just reading the holy scriptures of one's religion; read the ones considered unholy too .. it will make one understand good by knowing evil .. that is best part of learning .. the most halal thing to do with knowledge .. again, one's inner conscience will be the best teacher and guide, and no one should tell you what to read only and what not to read .. that will be a haram thing to do; tantamount to imposing the other person's ignorance unto you ... -- ar
5. "halal and haram in driving a car"
it is halal to allow women to drive a car if she can pay for her car insurance and has a valid driver's license and if it means more business for the car industry .. it is haram to forbid women to drive as long as she does not drive other drivers crazy -- ar
6. "beautiful women, beautiful men ... "
with or without hijab any women will look beautiful if she feels beautiful inside ... with or without a long, unshaven beard, any man will look manly is he feels the manhood alive inside of him .. it is the most halal thing to feel about oneself ... again, modesty and rationality and not vanity .. rules -- ar
7. "on child marriage"
it is wrong for any man to marry a nine-year old girl. period. pick someone your age, for halal's sake! let her go to school and get an education. -- ar
8. "ulamas on TV"
it is haram for a society to allow its government groom and grow young ulamas and parade them on TV to show religiosity when in fact they are being used to blind society with hegemony and ideology that religious hypocrisy can be used to protect those in power who are corrupt and continue to bring to others untold tragedy .. it is the most haram thing to do. -- ar
9. "on the rights of the halal citizen"
it is haram to impose any kind of race-based apartheid system of politics, education, social services, award of educational scholarships and any kind of divisive and destructive tools and instruments for social advancement when the life of each citizen is halal based on the tax they paid and based on the righteousness of the principle of the dignity of Man ... all schools must be made to integrate for, it is a haram thing to segregate ... - ar
10. "a halal and haram university"
it is definitely haram to allow any school or university to promote one-race one religion ideology to support a bankrupt political party, so that they could turn into another nazi germany. the most halal thing to do is to enforce the teaching of philosophy and cultural diversity ... - ar
Hi, Dr.Azly, for point 10, what do you propose regarding public schools? Many chinese send their children to chinese schools as they want their children to learn the language (not because of racism) and also believe they provide a better quality education.
On #3, the least you could do is say "kalau saya tak mahu tutup aurat itu saya punya pasal lah". Bukan insinuate tak nak tutup aurat tu boleh jadi halal... as long as you feel it's right and modest and just because you feel the command came from "ancient scripture", not relevant to modern times. What is right and modest is subjective, no? And does it measure up to God's wisdom stated in His so called "ancient scripture"? And to say there is no point in covering up when the mind is shut, is also a stupid thing to say. Lebih baik dosa satu perkara (sekurang2nya aurat tutup) dari dosa dua perkara (dahlah minda bodoh/jahat, aurat pun tak tutup), betul tak? I get what you're trying to say... seriously... but the way it was messaged was extreme and child-like.
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