(maybe this is the reason why each muslim must produce his/her own fatwa)
1. The Fatwa: Grand Mufti Sheikh Ibn Baaz: The Sun Revolves Around the Earth
In a 2000 Fatwa titled “The Transmitted and Sensory Proofs of the
Rotation of the Sun and Stillness of the Earth”, Saudi Arabian Grand
Mufti Sheikh Ibn Baaz asserted that the earth was flat and disk-like and
that the sun revolved around it. He had insisted that satellite images
to the contrary were nothing but a Western conspiracy against the
Islamic world.
Source: Al-Ahram Weekly Issue 477, 13-19 April, 2000.
2. The Fatwa: Ayatollah Khomeini: Kill for A Book None of Us Can Should Read!
In 1988, publication of Salman Rushdie’s novel “The Satanic Verses” led
Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini to issue a fatwa
against Rushdie, with a huge bounty for his death. This triggered
several attacks on the novel’s translators, publishers and booksellers,
including the murder of Japanese translator Hitoshi Igarashi. Millions
of Muslims around the world who had never read a single line of the
book, and who had never even met Rushdie before, wanted him dead.
Interesting fact, 24% of Iranians at the time couldn’t even read.
Source: “The West Is Choked by Fear”, Der Speigel Jan 4, 2010, Henryk Broder
3. The Fatwa: Malaysian National Fatwa Council: Tomboy fatwa
A University of Massachusetts study recently reported that girls who
play sports have higher self esteem, and are less likely to enter (or
remain in) abusive relationships. Could this fact have threatened the
he-men at the Malaysia National Fatwa Council? Maybe. Perhaps that’s why
Kuala Lumpur had a near riot on their hands when the Sisters in Islam
marched against a Malaysian fatwa banning tomboys, which branded any
girls who act un-ladylike as violating Islamic tenets. Fortunately, the
as-yet undefined punishment for Malaysian girls in t-shirts and jeans
hasn’t been incorporated into Sharia law yet.
Source: The Malaysian Insider
4. The Fatwa: Muhammad Al-Munajid: Bring Me the Head of Mickey Mouse
That’s right, somebody put on hit on Mickey Mouse. Calling Mickey “one
of Satan’s soldiers,” Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajid decreed that household
mice and their cartoon cousins must be “killed in all cases”, according
to the U.K.’s Daily Telegraph.
And get this—the guy’s not your
average nutjob, either—Munajid used to be a former diplomat at the Saudi
embassy in Washington D.C. He made the remarks on Arab television
network al-Majd TV after he was asked to give Islam’s teaching on mice.
But don’t worry, Mickey won’t be alone. Munajid also put a hit on Jerry
from “Tom and Jerry”. Maybe they could rent a flat with Salman Rushdie
Source: Report: Saudi Cleric Says Mickey Mouse ‘Must Die’.
5. The Fatwa: Multaqa Ahl al Hadeeth: Emoticon fatwa
I can almost get behind this one. Sure, they’re annoying, but evil?
Really? Well, to a Muslim forum looking to make a name for itself—yes.
According to Muslim Internet Forum Multaqa Ahl al Hadeeth, “Emoticons
are forbidden because of its imitation to Allah’s creatures whether it
is original or mixture or even deformed one and since the picture is the
face and the face is what makes the real picture then emoticons which
represent faces that express emotions then all that add up to make them
Haram.” Additionally, “A woman should not use these images when speaking
to a man who is not her mahram, because these faces are used to express
how she is feeling, so it is as if she is smiling, laughing, acting shy
and so on, and a woman should not do that with a non-mahram man. It is
only permissible for a woman to speak to men in cases of necessity, so
long as that is in a public chat room and not in private
Source: Jihadwatch
6. The Fatwa: Football fatwa
No, not even the beautiful game is safe from stupid fatwas. As part of a
government drive to eliminate frivolous fatwas, the Saudi newspaper Al
Watan lampooned one very real edict setting out new rules for football.
Ridiculous demands included “do not play with 11 people like the
heretics, Jews, and Christians”, and “play in your pyjamas or regular
clothes (because) colored shorts and numbered T-shirts are not Muslim
clothing”. Especially ridiculous is the edict to “remove the crossbar in
order not to imitate the heretics and in order to be entirely distinct
from the soccer system’s despotic international rules.”
Source: “A Fatwa on Football”, The Guardian, Monday 31 October 2005.
7. The Fatwa: Infidel Vaccine
Polio is actually increasing in India, Nigeria, Afghanistan and
Pakistan. Why? Because an anti-polio fatwa by anti-Western clerics
forbid Pakistani children from immunizations, because the clerics are
saying the vaccine is a conspiracy to make Muslims sterile. Ironically,
it’s the clerics’ plans that would produce this result, as
dead/paralytic kids don’t breed all that much.
Source: “POLIO ERADICATION: Looking for a Little Luck”, Roberts Science 6 February 2009
8. The Fatwa: Rashad Hassan Khalil: No Nudity for Sex
In 2007, the former dean of Islamic law at al-Azhar University in Cairo
issued a fatwa that nudity during sexual intercourse invalidates a
marriage between husband and wife. Debate was immediate. Suad Saleh,
head of the women’s department of Al-Azhar’s Islamic studies, pleaded
for “anything that can bring spouses closer to each other” and Islamic
scholar Abdel Muti concurred, saying “Nothing is prohibited during
marital sex, except of course sodomy.”
For his part, Al-Azhar’s
fatwa committee chairman Abdullah Megawar backpedaled and said that
married couples could see each other naked but should really cover up
with a blanket during sex.
Source: SimplyDumb
9. The Fatwa: Sheik Ali Gomaa: Urine Fatwa
According to Egypt’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh Ali Gomaa, drinking the urine
of Muhammad is deemed a great blessing. What, they have a lot of this
stuff lying around, going to waste or something? Remember, Muhammad
never claimed that he himself was divine—so why does his piss have magic
properties? Failing to pass the laugh test with Muslim scholars, Mufti
later recanted, saying it was only his “personal opinion”.
Source: “A Fatwa Free-for-All in the Islamic World”, New York Times, Michael Slackman Published: Monday, June 11, 2007
10. The Fatwa: Ezzat Attiya: Adult Breastfeeding in the Workplace
In May 2007, Ezzat Attiya wondered how unrelated men and women could
work together in the same office, when Islam forbids men and women who
aren’t married or related to be alone together. His answer: let her
suckle him FIVE TIMES. Yes, that’s right, an adult female breastfeeding
an adult male coworker will defuse all sexual tension in the office.
See, the female worker will now be the male worker’s foster mother, and
they can be alone together anytime. Attiya’s ruling was
intergalactically mocked, and quickly condemned on the homefront as
well. He was later suspended from his job, pilloried in Arab newspapers,
and issued a hasty retraction saying it was a “bad interpretation of a
particular case.”
Source: “A Fatwa Free-for-All In the Islamic World”, New York Times, Michael Slackman, Monday, June 11, 2007.
SOURCE: http://listverse.com/2010/02/25/top-10-bizarre-or-ridiculous-fatwas/
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