Tuesday, September 17, 2013

CHIN PENG deconstructed ...

patriot or not
chin peng was a messenger
of an idea
whose time has come
a man who loved his country
and humanity
more than all the prime ministers
of a nationalist party combined...

wake up
that's only a lesson
in history
to be cherished
from here to eternity -- ar

Of Patriots and Nationalists

and what's a true patriot and a nationalist?
one who fights against the enemies from outside
so that the wealth of the nation can be safeguarded
for the peace and prosperity of the people on the inside
and not those who sells the country
to those outside
so that the wealth can be kept for oneself
and the family and friends and cronies ...
and dare call themselves
patriots and nationalists
while lying through their teeth
and taking the people for a joy ride .. -- ar


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