Monday, March 18, 2013

Love Song

by Azly Rahman

only when the sacred and the profane meets
and a marriage of heaven and hell produces the seeds
will humanity sees the world wipe its tears
and dispel fears
only when the deep conversations
of franny and zoey
of andre' and wally
becomes like a catharsis of our sanity
will the world smile again
and embrace secularism
in all its entirety
bid farewell to those cages in one's soul
erected by those who have grown too old
we have repented
from our sins of of our souls born demented
have the promise of heaven become a story too tall a tale?
fit only to be told in between chants and mantras gone stale?
you and i know the deepest secret
too open we could see it all like an ancient minaret
what have we done to this world?
a wasteland of words becoming flesh only to be torn apart
in an endless cycle of discourse that are tedious arguments
as voices singing the love song
as men and women go in and out of those rooms
my apologies to you, t.s. eliot
for singing your love song
of j. alfred prufrock
i shall bid all goodnight instead
and let the stairway to heaven unfold
like dreams long foretold -- ar

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