A disgustingly sick news that came my facebook way ... a psycho-Islamic preacher sanctioned by a semmingly deranged state and a strange interpretation of the Shariah? READ: http://rt.com/news/saudi-preacher-fine-rape-333/
Public anger has gripped Saudi Arabia after a prominent preacher who raped and beat to death his 5-year-old daughter was sentenced to a few months in jail and a $50,000 fine – known as 'blood money' – to compensate the victim's relatives.
According to Islamic law, the 'blood money' can be paid in lieu of the death penalty. The preacher's fine was reportedly half the usual amount because the victim was a girl.
Saudi preacher Fayhan Ghamdi, a frequent guest on Muslim TV networks, confessed to using cables and a cane to inflict the injuries, AFP reported, quoting activists from the group ‘Women to Drive.’
Ghamdi reportedly doubted that his daughter, Lama Ghamdi, was a virgin, and forced her to undergo a medical inspection.
In December 2011, Lama was admitted to hospital with multiple injuries, including a crushed skull, broken ribs and left arm, and extensive bruising and burns, according to the activist group. Hospital worker Randa Kaleeb said that the girl's back was broken, and that she had been raped "everywhere."
Ever thought how much damage has been done to the Islam that is imported from Saudi Arabia? -- land of the marriage between Wahabbism and the Saud Dynasty?
Each culture, each nation must disengage itself from this embrace of Islamism and instead go for the cultural, the jugular, and the real based on its own roots drawn from its unique cultural philosophy if its wishes to craft an "Islamic philosophy" that responds to changing times.
A disgustingly sick news that came my facebook way ... a psycho-Islamic preacher sanctioned by a semmingly deranged state and a strange interpretation of the Shariah? READ: http://rt.com/news/saudi-preacher-fine-rape-333/
Public anger has gripped Saudi Arabia after a prominent preacher who raped and beat to death his 5-year-old daughter was sentenced to a few months in jail and a $50,000 fine – known as 'blood money' – to compensate the victim's relatives.
According to Islamic law, the 'blood money' can be paid in lieu of the death penalty. The preacher's fine was reportedly half the usual amount because the victim was a girl.
Saudi preacher Fayhan Ghamdi, a frequent guest on Muslim TV networks, confessed to using cables and a cane to inflict the injuries, AFP reported, quoting activists from the group ‘Women to Drive.’
Ghamdi reportedly doubted that his daughter, Lama Ghamdi, was a virgin, and forced her to undergo a medical inspection.
In December 2011, Lama was admitted to hospital with multiple injuries, including a crushed skull, broken ribs and left arm, and extensive bruising and burns, according to the activist group. Hospital worker Randa Kaleeb said that the girl's back was broken, and that she had been raped "everywhere."
Ever thought how much damage has been done to the Islam that is imported from Saudi Arabia? -- land of the marriage between Wahabbism and the Saud Dynasty?
Each culture, each nation must disengage itself from this embrace of Islamism and instead go for the cultural, the jugular, and the real based on its own roots drawn from its unique cultural philosophy if its wishes to craft an "Islamic philosophy" that responds to changing times.
It has somewhat a historical mistake that Islam of the tribalistic Arabs has been globalized without much filterization, negotiation, and normalization of the rites, rituals and practices, in the name of fear or favour of the most "exalted nature of unquestioning loyalty" and the "promise of Paradise" to an ideology that is filled with cultural contradiction.
Haven't we had enough of the arguments enforcing long rob, long beard, and long gowns to cover up hypocrisy such as the one displayed by the psycho-Islamic criminal gone scott-free? Is this what Islam is all about these days and has it not been the reason why newer interpretations of Islam abound to the maginitude of the Protestant/Lutheran Reformation of the 16th. century that brought the birth of coutless denominations in Christianity?
Haven't we had enough of the arguments enforcing long rob, long beard, and long gowns to cover up hypocrisy such as the one displayed by the psycho-Islamic criminal gone scott-free? Is this what Islam is all about these days and has it not been the reason why newer interpretations of Islam abound to the maginitude of the Protestant/Lutheran Reformation of the 16th. century that brought the birth of coutless denominations in Christianity?
I would say that it is inevitable that Islam needs reinterpretation, reconstruction, and re-encultalization in a paradigm of free-flowing humanistic ideas so that innovations need not be looked upon as blasphemic and apostic but rather as necessary as a counter-hegemonic act to initiate a revolution against the ridiculousness of Arabic-tribalistic practices fashioned in the name of "Islam".
This world is too much for me today ... too much my head is spinning! -- ar
This world is too much for me today ... too much my head is spinning! -- ar
My Dear Doctor,
I cannot agree more with you. Islam now unfortunately appears to be a religion where the minority is imposing on the majority through force, violence and threats. Through threats and possibly death or something violent, the critical thinkers are cowed into silence...without critical thinking, religion will slide backwards. One must be able to think through whether age old practices are truly brought down by God and are wise practices in the light of changing world circumstances or are they only applicable to those particular times and harboring on the moods of the so-called wise men who wrote the holy books... for all we know they could have a biased or distorted mind...or be influenced by the environment they lived in... who knows?
Why can't wisdom and compassion apply and common sense prevail... So long as the minority (including the so-called religious leaders and preachers) waves their weapons threatening dissenters, there is little hope in immediate change. Perhaps we should wait for another 100 years when the zealots themselves get tired and lose faith in their onerous quest and learn to accept dissenting thoughts and other faiths and live peacefully, not just being tolerant. If you have noted, I said "accept" instead of "tolerate". I find tolerant to be basically a racist word... there is no acceptance in tolerance... the word is akin to a deep seated non-acceptance and dislike, but for the sake of peace, yes, just get along and "close one eye"... This is tolerance to me and totally unacceptable. And this is what is taught by most people... tolerate your neighbors, other faiths etc.. Well, hope you write an article on the meaning of tolerance and acceptance...
Very Enlightening Dr Azly........
I read this news on Harakahdaily and I really felt like vomiting. I just cannot find the words to express my disgust.
Surprisingly, there has been a deafening silence from those who defenders of the faith (Harussani, Ibrahim Ali, Hasan Ali, Zulkifli Nordin etc) at home.
Yours is the first response I have read thus far.
I am speechless how some one in the name of religion and akin wolf in a sheep's skin could get away in the name of the religion. The world has moved forward by Islam is still in the dark ages.Muslims would disagree with me yet take a look at your Syariah Laws and you'll see what I mean or more so what is happening throughout the Islamic world. By the way this is not just about Islam but also about Christianity,Hinduisms and other religion of the world.
Allah is The Supreme,The Al mighty.Islam is from him .
Nothing to stop his followers ,either he is the King or the Precher or Tok Guru to to commit make mistake and commit act against his teaching.
We have Iblis and Syaitan ,also Allah cratures,that continue to influence His followers to commit crime.if they folloe Shaytan way,the will go to Hell.
We dont need to reinterparted his teaching,which is alreadt vary clear and simple to follow.
One of my friends speculated that Arab/ African dilemma wasn't due to religion but DNA.
Without proper family name system, close breeding likely to occur and this may contribute to easiness for violence gene to be expressed.
“Priest sodomizes young boys, preacher rapes young girl, evangelist cons followers of their money, terrorist beheads an infidel, youth shoots schoolchildren, a national leader mass-murders whole communities…..” the list is endless.
Dear Dr, you're betting on “…reinterpretation, reconstruction, and re-encultalization in a paradigm of free-flowing humanistic ideas…” to arrest these incidents? Sure sounds nice. But the 64dollar question is, WHO gets to decide the new “interpretation, reconstruction, and re-encultalization”? Those who spew expletives in lieu of rational argument? Or maybe those “highly evolved” fellers who shout that atheism is the answer to all these “religion-caused” problems? Or those mysterious “new-age geniuses” who came up with the 500million world population cap? Or maybe the “brilliant legal-eagles” who ruled that you don’t need a motive to be found guilty of blowing up an unknown foreign woman?
Dr, every stomach-turning horror-story that hits the news is a call to self examination. Why do these things continue to happen? What’s the common denominator in all the above atrocities? A set of beliefs that the perpetrator subscribes to? It’s so easy to jump to that mistaken conclusion.
The inescapable truth is, both man and beast always act in accordance to their inherent natures. That is the universal law of nature. All the above acts merely highlight the inherent nature of those persons involved. The beliefs/religions are merely their convenient cover, never the motivating factor.
A person who beats his wife or hits the bottle, is just being his natural self, and he will naturally gravitate towards any belief system/religion that condones/justifies it. It is not the belief system/religion that CAUSES him to do it.
As long as we refuse to acknowledge and deal with this universal FACT of our self-gratifying nature, such terrible atrocities will continue to baffle us and sadly be forgotten until the next one hits the headlines, and then we argue some more and blame religion/politicians/society.... anything but the human nature.
"Out of the HEART comes all manner of evil that defiles the man." - Jesus Christ.
oh Dr Azly but you must understand the preacher only follows this sahih Hadith from Bukhari:
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64
Narrated by 'Aisha
That the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that 'Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death)." What you know of the Quran (by heart)'
unfortunately, no sane parents would give their female toddlers to old men to marry. probably that's why he used HIS OWN DAUGHTER instead.
IMO, clearly this hadith is a slander against our prophet and his wife. sadly, lots of muslims defy all logic and uphold this terrible hadith.
At last I ve found someone who I can relate to...
I totally agree with yr statement" would say that it is inevitable that Islam needs reinterpretation, reconstruction, and re-encultalization in a paradigm of free-flowing humanistic ideas so that innovations need not be looked upon as blasphemic and apostic but rather as necessary as a counter-hegemonic act to initiate a revolution against the ridiculousness of Arabic-tribalistic practices fashioned in the name of "Islam".
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