Monday, May 14, 2012

RAMLEOLOGY: on land issue of the 70s

RAMLEOLOGY: was the iconic malay film maker p. ramlee demonized by the government-owned media because he was trying to "clean up" society through his work in the arts? did his sharp commentaries on society pose danger to the ruling regime? what was the nature of the fourth estate/media back in the times of Prime Minister Razak Husin? --ar

one must remember that the FELDA scheme was started by Razak Husin (Najib's father) during the 1970s as part of a World Bank -IMF program that brings peasant economy to the global marketplace; the end of the "moral economy of the peasant" society (see James C. Scott's thesis in work such as Weapons of the Weak and The Moral Economy of the Peasant Society). It is a all about the capitalist paradigm as a continuation of the feudal system. Do the peasants have thinking tools to analyze the condition they are in? Then it was called "progress", under the (Walt) Rostowian paradigm of development (US-led, World Bank and IMF dictated five stages of grown paradigm of economic development for the Third World) . Today, the FELDA settlers are bought with more money to possibly conclude what the FELDA scheme started , " Brazilian Mrracle" re-enacted in times of troubling Wall Street of today. Have we not had enough of "the benefits of globalization" embraced uncritically by the malaysians? Neo-imperialism rules -- this time the native oppressing each other .. there are no nationalist in this country - all are opportunist and economic sadists. Learn from Castro's Cuba if you must ...

I like this clip on the issue of "haram" land: 

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