Friday, March 30, 2012

Christianizing the Johoreans?

JOHOREANS WAKE UP !! ... why not listen to more talk on the continuity of the message of monotheism, piety, patience, and love, instead of trapped in a nonsense called the "threat of Christianization"? when are we going to learn about peaceful messages and find similarities rather than propagate hate and absurdities? Bankrupt are the politicians .. for they are the warmongers ... blessed are the peacemakers . 

Those in Malaysia yelling on the "threat of Christianization," this is what the early Muslims owe the Christians .. and did not Prophet Muhamammad, upon receiving the first revelation of "Iqra .." , was brought by Khadijah to Waraqah ibn Nufail asking the pious and learned Christian man to validate what is being said about the coming of Muhammad in the Bible? Know your history before spreading hatred ... or, are those Muslims spreading hatred in Johor simply in denial of the idea of universal truth ...? Wage peace, not war ... else we'll see more church burning, dragging of cowhead, pig's head thrown into masjids .. all these probably done by well-paid punks and those Mat Rempits used well as Malaysia's newest Hitlerian Youth groups -- ar


Nik said...

Change can only happen when more Muslims speak out against Muslims that do wrong. And more Christians speak out against Christians that do wrong. That goes for any religion or peoples.

I've followed your articles from time to time. It is truly a Blessing to have luminaries like you who speak for a world so in need of love and peace. The enemy has never been any religion but what a man of religion conjures in his mind. What is more tragic is in their hatred and madness, there are people looking to follow them. Is the world so lost and so full of hatred? But in all that, there is hope, in personalities like you. But still, you are a rare gem in a pile of dirty soil. How much can a few do? It feels so hopeless when a few hundred corrupt and prejudiced leaders desperate to hold on to power and wealth have kept 28 million divided, fearful and suspicious of each other enough to ensure their regime has ruled for over 50 years of our history. We will win sooner or later, I pray.

Wintermute said...

I am sure that Johore's devout and pious Muslims will resist this evil attempt to change their imported beliefs to the imported ones of their racial cognates, the infidel Filipinos.

Wintermute said...

If the West had absentmindedly "lost" as many of its criminality - prone, welfare - dependent "Detritus - of - Empire" Muslims as the Islamic nations have conveniently lost their Christian populace, the disgusting UN Thirdworldist Marxoids would be writhing in paroxysms of anguish.

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