by Azly Rahman
O' lovely one
Might this be the end of the journey?
to walden pond --
as i walked back home from the marketplace
found this text written some time ago
pinned to my favorite apple tree
a text of conversations in search of truth
and truth in each and every word?
said to myself--
ah ... never can I think in straight lines
for, is it a square in search of a center?
a fractal coming home in search of that one-cell structure?
or is it us-- looking at the self in search of the other?
think of me come day and night
when you look at yourself with eyes wide shut
look at the beauty of things in state of sobriety
for-- on a clear day you can see eternity
and is this a logical and sensible enough journey?
in the river that runs deep
you become the mountains
the sky
the stars
the morning sun
and in the river
i bathe in you
-- but still: is not separation a melancholic and painful beauty?

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