Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wuthering Heights II

Wuthering Heights II
by Azly Rahman

And his glorious eyes, like a thousand arrows from Indera's bow
pierced into mine from a pasture unseen yet aglow
into my soul a thousand blows
become seeds made of fireflies' souls glow

And sought thee not in heaven, nor earth, nor wind, nor fire
for he resides in the deepest dungeons of human Desire
of him many a life-time long a seeker longs like the ages of Man
                                           -- one Right a path through many wrongs

Never raise a coward cry in thou's search
for that with the thousand eyes
for he sees thine soul in momentous joys and silent cries
Cease not to think
Cease not to be
These are the hands of the minds
                    That plow the fields of eternity

Seek thee that spirit, seer
Through the sands of time
If thine eyes may catch yet a thousand blows
From Indera's arrow
Though in the pasture of thine soul a thousand rivers of forgetfulness flow
And never one had thou seen his glorious eyes
Neither in heaven, hell, earth, and water
Never once in this lifetime
But at least one has not ceased to think ... nor to be

Cease to think nor be
For therein lies the signs of thine's path to serenity
If thine's journey like Ulysses in Homer's story
Becomes thine’s own in thine's own glory

Seek not the one who shoots arrows
Nor one thou seeks in vain that will come to Humanity
                                     for a better tomorrow
For therein lies human folly and the burden of thine's sorrow
To wonder in disgust what ails one as one plows through those sorrows
of yesteryears till there is no tomorrow ...

The signs of times are the signs for thee
For in thee lies unbridled eternity
That which seeks the glory of the Humanity
wanting to become-- and to be
Arrows that pierce one's heart and soul and the signs inside of thee
are but reminders of the Thou in love with thee ...

Seek in thee the origin of Humanity
In the darkness of the early morn as it awaits the colors of glory
In the silence of the thundering explosion of the Universe and its story
Lies the birth of thee,
witnessed by the angels with deep jealousy

How many eyes are blinded by the brightness of pitch dark reality
Bathed in the river of forgetfulness mistaken as a Ganges of prosperity
How many eyes are pierced by those arrows of eternity
Mistaken the gift of sight to bathe in the glory
and worship the gods and goddesses of materiality

O' humanity
Did you not remember the day in which
                             on one fine darkness of neither day nor night we met?
In which thine has kept the promise to be free and to agree to walk with dignity?
That time when no forms nor substance nor appearance nor encapsulation makes thee?
Have thou forgotten that moment of deep silence that resounded gloriously like a symphony?
Did you remember what was told to thee?

Time is created for thee in this journey
So that thine heart will always be close to remembering thine self  in all its glory
Time, like the goddesses Kala, wait no Man nor promises Eternity
Time, when will thou unfold thyself
                                            for these earthly things that take pride in destroying boundaries?

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