like a voice holding my hands into the woods in which the future reveals itself
like a world of wonder that unveils a curtain
to a congregation of the hearts chanting to ease pains
what must i write? will i have an audience?
must i whisper to you poetry; what i saw ... what i can see?
must i keep silent and let the loudness of the chants overwhelm me?
poetry has come again
whilst i open my arms
to catch rainbows
by the river Styx
poetry: you have come again
tell me what this is all about?
Did you not tell me
when I was a child
That there will be so much love to share
In a world that will grow older, colder, with the cries
of a hungry child left in a huge dumpster of Progress?
of a young girl driven to the brink of madness by the elegance of the neon lights?
of a grow up man crushed of his torso by the heavy blow of daily toil?
of a woman in twilight years whose Love having flown leaving her wilting like a rose dried up
----like a raisin in the sun?
poetry: did you not tell me all these whispered into me those moments we we up on that tree?
did i not ask you to whisper to me what the ultimate answer is?
or did i not whisper that to you
before you become you --- o' poetry?
poetry: you told me that rocks would speak to me in my alone-ness
as they roll down the hill
gathering moss
that i would catch rainbows
with open arms as i wade through the river styx
bidding farewell to the one i love
you told me these, poetry
all these
did we not agree that Life is a child of Death?
Poetry: my first love ... my last
have you not flowed into my veins
build castles in every cell of my body?
become each breath that i take
reproduce yourself in every breath i give back
into this Finiteness of the world outside of you and i poetry?
i shall bid the world goodnight as poetry and i dance in our dreams

Dear Dr Azly,
I wonder how one could love so deeply earnestly and passionately like this...
Poetry is God's gift to you
When it comes to you and
you care to write it down
you accept God's gift with good grace.
When you're so kind to share
your poetry with everyone
your poetry becomes God's gift
to humankind.
thank you enta and anonymous ...
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