Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My philosophy of teaching

‎"To evolve into wiser individuals with enquiring minds, we must ask questions and reflect upon the answers suggested to us. If we are afraid to ask questions, our mind and consciousness will be owned and manipulated by those who think they have the right answers, or by those who wants to use force to tell us what the right answers shall be."
– My thoughts on the nature of learning

"I currently firmly believe that education should first be a dialectical and dialogical tool to mediate and resolve the contradictions between Existentialism and Cyberneticism, and of Cultures of Disabilities, ...and next be a Deconstructive-Reconstructivist tool and social force to engineer personal and social revolutions and progress towards the realisation of a personal republic of virtue, ethics, multiculturalism, and metaphysics; so that human beings endowed with the Natural Rights to be free may collectively become educated to rise above hegemony, domination, and oppression and in the final analysis, journey towards a Pastoral and Natural self ."
- My personal philosophy of teaching

1 comment:

samgoh88 said...

TEACH & LEARN - 270911

To teach is to learn
While to learn is to teach
If imparting knowledge is what you yearn
You still need, without preaching, minds to reach

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Tue. 27th Sept.2011.

Grandma’s Gangsta Chicken Curry and Gangsta Stories from My Hippie Sixties by Azly Rahman

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