Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Finally -- a book on multiethnic Malaysia!

Multiethnic Malaysia hits the bookshelves Print E-mail
Written by Helen Ang
Monday, 17 August 2009 16:19

Multiethnic Malaysia: Past, Present and Future' is now available. [See attached flyer.]

Jointly published by UCSI University and SIRD, the book of some over 500 pages is edited by Lim Teck Ghee, Alberto Gomes and Azly Rahman.

The editors have collated various perspectives from eminent historians, economists and sociologists such as Khoo Kay Kim, Terence Gomez, Johan Saravanamuttu, Diana Wong, Wan Zawawi Ibrahim as well as political commentators including Ooi Kee Beng and others on many key aspects of the country's historical and contemporary development.

The over 20 essays in the volume touch on a wide range of subjects of current interest to the general public including controversial ones such as the abuses of the social contract, the New Economic Policy, and the ‘Ketuanan Melaya’ concept. The essays also highlight the role of the various ethnic groups as well as the diverse stakeholders that have contributed to the making of Malaysia as the country is today.

Prof. Wang Gungwu in his preview recommends this book for "displaying a sharing of experiences and probing thought that should make the book a light for future Malaysians"

Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam notes that this book is "written by some of the most prominent and intellectually honest academics and political analysts" and expresses the hope that the book "will contribute greatly to the new era of open debate and discussion and go a long way to promoting more balanced and independent thinking and stronger national unity".

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim is "delighted and proud that the editors have come together to keep alive the discourse on multiethnicity". He believes "There is a huge reservoir of support for a united Bangsa Malaysia out there. The strength is our multiethnicity, our diversity. We all just have to work for it".

Multiethnic Malaysia: Past, Present and Future

Back Cover Reviews

"The challenge of a multi-national state can be met by faith and patience. The authors in this volume project a brave new vision of what Malaya/Malaysia promised over 50 years ago. They affirm that it is achievable because the majority of its people have practised patience and held to their faith. The various perspectives presented make the volume one of the most important contributions to the study of Malaysian politics this past decade. They display a sharing of experiences and probing thought that should make the book a light for future Malaysians ".

Wang Gungwu, National University of Singapore

‘Written by some of the most prominent and intellectually honest academics and political analysts this book is a ‘must read’. These analytical essays comment critically but constructively on the most divisive issues that have plagued our country for a long time, such as the abuses of the social contract, the New Economic Policy and the relatively recent negative concept of ‘ketuanan Melaya’. I am sure this book will contribute greatly to the new era of open debate and discussion and will go a long way to promoting more balanced and independent thinking and stronger national unity’.

Ramon Navaratnam, ASLI Centre of Public Policy Studies

‘1 Malaysia, and other “unity” slogans, always ring hollow. The words do not mean much to the ordinary people as the real government policy over the years is not to recognise or give much credence to multiethnicity. In fact the policy is the reverse – the protection of the dominant group that dictates the underlying policies on language culture and legal rights. So I am delighted and proud that the editors have come together to keep alive the discourse on multiethnicity. There is a huge reservoir of support for a united Bangsa Malaysia out there. The strength is our multiethnicity, our diversity. We all just have to work for it’.

Zaid Ibrahim


Anonymous said...

“sharing of experiences and probing thought” ~ Prof Wang

What Ethics/Law do the ultra vires mala fide home grown rogue organisms in the corporate & political circles abide by, Muslims or otherwise?

Space is violated as much - to ensure one gets humbling/humiliating expose/exposure in the very moment of weakness to coerce one to yield.

By conceit & deception, they have no qualms to launch a proud concerted effort, including but not limited to, I.n.v.a.s.i.o.n o.f P.r.i.v.a.c.y - along with accompanying C-r-i-m-i-n-a-l A-c-t-s of Picking Locks of the Home, Office & Car - to wire tap room, phone & video cam to freely broadcast daily their Perceived Brand of Reality of the bland life of consciencious citizen - that believe u me wont just stop there.

It is nothing short of demeaning & despicable by any description. So Who needs SS Gestapo? Mo sad lor.

Anything goes.

Media Moguls/Controllers of Advertising Billboards, Dyna HAHA Screens - even pirate dvd peddlers - in cahoots with their agents/employees/contracted Line Leaders & their Band of Forever Willing & Merry O Mercenary Men are ever ready to either misshape tots/perceptions or by act of omissions condoning others who do the distortion/concealment of true facts – historical/economic/what have u I wont list.

Good that they had to eventually forego a *fortune of air time* having to give up taking Easy Candy from poor forlorn Pre pay Subscribers. Shorn bottomlines that did.

& good also that Media Men sit up to take heed of Common Intelligence.

Dont u miss the single channel B&W RTM teaching simple folks English & their mannered Way of Life 40 years ago?

& what do Patriotism, Intrigue, Honour, Justice, Family Sobs, Plight of the Common Prairie/Walton Man, that Mixed Vege Soup for the Soul mean to open hearts?

Yet what is it thats now shown for yr kids to grow up on today over last 25 years? Cross dressed toons?

Man will continue to be violated if one chooses not to conform to their Multi Media Set Of Norms.

Thats Mind Control of The Masses in their bid to Indoctrinate per their Agenda.

Yet, If even they choose NOT to understand any Word, Latino or otherwise, would anyone ever hope they could appreciate the Concept?

Btw Such Fate could have happened to just about anyone. Find out what KanggAnnei will do (developmentwise & politically) with lots of mesian money brought over to Homeland Island soon after the tigers are gone for good. The Shell being sold back to u having been made Suckers.

Melayu hari ni tak kenal apa itu Tunggau. Dah tak reti beza dedak, keladak, cekadak, padi, huma & hama. Apa yg gatal menggigit, apa tak.

But most still dont get it even if they see so many pictures in their eyes.

The same. Over & over.

hedonese said...

Thanks for your provocative and enlightening writing, Dr Azly. I always look 4ward to them

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