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Grandma’s Gangsta Chicken Curry and Gangsta Stories from My Hippie Sixties by Azly Rahman

by azly rahman it was the period of rock music whose influence came from down south, Singapore .. words reflecting the sociolect of t...
The political-economy of the monarchy by Azly Rahman The issue of the limits of political involvement of the Malaysian monarch...
isnt this from bowling for columbine?
Tamerlane said...
“The notion of superior chosen race was created by the children of Jacob. Hitler must have been the messiah they were waiting for.”
Your emotional (anti-Zionist) statement is truly racist and illogical as you suggest the German fascists were taught the idea of "superior race" from their very victims whom they put in gas chambers and murdered.
If you are a Malaysian, shame on you to try to distort history and a member of the human race. Do u deny that every race and ethnic in Msia has an equal place in the sun or is there a superior race?
If the Jews believed they were a chosen people by God, it is a spiritual belief rooted in the Bible and not a racist privilege to kill, steal and plunder.
The roots of fascism and racism are tribalism and usually these movements gain momentum during times of economic hardships. (don't blame the Jews, they only accounted for less than 10% of employees in pre WWII Germany.)
Is that right Anon? Is that why they murdered every man women and child when they took jericho? And that no prophet is legitimate unless hecomes from the line of Jacob? I think you’ve been reading too much lies masked as the book of God.Besides Hitler alone could not have done what they claim he did without the help of the German people. I adore adolf. Without the Nazis and the Japs the Brits would never have relinquish their colonies. Say all you want but them Nazis aint done nothing to me. See, unlike you, I refused to be brainwashed by the Zionists or the victors of WW2
Again you have descended into emotionally loaded words (legitimate, lies, brainwash) that confuse the whole issue.
If you refuse to make some intellectual effort, I suggest you limit yourself to watching Star Wars or playing computer games with Zionists as your targets.
Three completely different issues are somehow woven together thru your ideological rant:
1. The rise of Fascism in Germany and the basis of their genocide of the Jews. There are many factors that caused the German people to allow Hitler to do what he did. But there are also many German dissenters and underground militants supported by German citizens who were against the Nazis.
2. The idea of the chosen people in the Bible did not cause any genocide to be committed. Name me one in the last 2,000 years. Are we talking about people in Jericho as an ethnic? Anyway, totally unreleated to the Nazis and the Holocaust.
3. Yoour theory of the Nazis versus the end of colonialism is ridiculous and an insult to Gandhi and all the freedom fighters of the colonies.
4. So u choose to be brainwashed by the losers of WWII, i.e. the Palestinians who had to deal with the formation of Israel in 1949? Why not go join the fascist parties, there are many in Europe today, some are pro-Islam and some anti-Islam.
Intellectual honesty involves separating facts from opinions and dicerning the fine line between religion and state.
The new 1Malaysia vision can only be succesful if Malaysians of all races pursue an inclusive non-racism, i.e. respect for all races that God has created (including Jews and Arabs). Unless you wish to believe in a God that commands you to murder and banish one particular race.
No wonder Adolf has so many admirers.
Malaysian Zionist,
The chosen race committed genocide last December when they massacred Gazans and ever since 1947 with their systematic displacement of palestiinans and judaizing of the land. The reason they didn’t have any holocaust the last 2000 years ( pre ’47) was because they ceased being a military power having tasted the wrath of God for turning against Jesus and murdering him. God had forsaken the ancient Israelites and destroyed Jerusalem. Contract revoked. If you read the old testament, you will find all sorts of murder, genocide and atrocities committed by these so called chosen people.Things that don’t make any sense but done because thy are the chosen race.
What is fascism? Isnt that the use of brute force to subdue others using superior machinery technology etc? Isnt that the same method used to defeat the Nazis and currently employed by te Zionists? Like it or ot Might makes right. Adolf has so many admirers because he’s not a hypocrite. He did what has been done by coquerrors throughout history, only he did it better. He is potrayed as the ultimate evil because the zionists control the media. The British, Americans etc all have committed genocide and attack other peoples lands. Just because Adolf is smart enough to whack the whites instead of the African, Asians etc, he’s somehow the worst? Maybe you should put on your luke skywalker outfit ad masturbate with the lighsaber.
I do not choose to be brainwashed by the losers (or winners) of any war, that is the opininion youre desperately trying to shove down my throat. I have my own opinions and I stick by them.
And screw Gandhi and all his crap. He hasn’t brought anything new, His non violent crap was copied from Jesus and it was merely an assault of the British conscience and morality. The real aassault was by the Japs and the Nazis with the superior V2 war machineries. Britain owed the USA the ass. The wre ashamed to have colonies, unlike the USA who at that time was fast replacing Britain as a superpower. Britain lies in ruins after the German campaign. The Japs have shown that smaller Asians can defeat the mighty British empire. Britain couldn’t risk uprising in all her colonies and rebuild England at the same time. It’s just a face saving gesture that independence was given. Most colonies got their freedom within the first 5-10 years after WW2 . Is that a coincidence? Why Not pre '45? You can pound that white man history book crap on me all you want but I aint gonna let you poison my mind. I think you better go watch some Zionist propaganda films like Schindlers List or crap nazi WW2 movies that jewllywood have and will produce the next 300 years.
The belief that might makes right is precisely what will bring humanity to the level that is worst than animals.
If you are such a great admirer of Hitler and think he is a great conqueror, then ask yourself where will you and your loved ones stand in Nazi Germany. Anyone who is tanned-skinned or not of the Aryan lineage (including gypsies, arabs, jews, africans, asians, etc) would not be working in a nice office for the Fuhrer.
No, we know what happened to these people based on the colour of their skins and the fact that they were too weak as a minority in the face of the gas chambers and the death camps.
I rest my case. You have already answered your own dilemmas and proven your hypocrisy in supporting a mass murderer who would have no qualms in including you as his victims.
God bless you and reveal to you the truth of "do what you would have others do unto you."
But I’m not in Germany Am I? Im not encroaching on their territory, controlling their economy,parasiting on their resource etc. I’m no threat to germany. No matter what you say asia at that time was under a European power anyways, brits, dutch, french german, who cares.
How am i a hypocrite again? Do you think that i dodnt know what adolfs treatmentof me wil be like in germany? Youre the naive one. When did i say adolf will spare me? Again youre trying to put words in my mouth. Ad i dont agree in migh makes right but thats the way it is. Then, now and forever.To claim otherwise makes you a hypocrite
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