Sunday, March 01, 2009

Republic of virtue, 2/08

A Letter from Barack Hussein Obama PDF Print E-mail
Posted by admin
Friday, 01 February 2008 11:38

This is what I will bring to the office of the Presidency of the United States . I will deal with Muslims from a position of familiarity and respect and at this time in the history of our nation that is something sorely needed.


Dr Azly Rahman

aar26@columbia.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

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Dear folks,

I have been forwarded this "letter" several times for my comment and I do not know the source of it. I thought it would be interesting for us in this "republic" to comment on it. The message of tolerance and understanding is clear; characteristic of many and American presidential candidate, in fact. We need leaders in Malaysia with this sense of deep respect and understanding of all religions as well as all races. In the case of America, she needs a president that will immediately pull the troops out of Iraq and end the illegal occupation of the now incapacitated nation that is bearing the burden of destruction started by the Bush Family regime. The next president of the most powerful empire on Earth must have the most compassion, overshadowing the dictates of the "military-industrial" complex that has characterized the foreign policy of the United States, since perhaps the era of "Manifest Destiny".

I see the "multiculturalism" of Barack Obama worthy of deep reflection in and of our Malaysian context of cultural hybridism.

Best wishes,

Azly Rahman


The Muslim heritage of my family

Barack Hussein Obama

There has been a lot made in the recent weeks about the Muslim history of my family. Some of the things that have been said are true, others are false, so I am writing this letter to clear up the misunderstandings on this issue.

Yes, it is true that I have a name that is common amongst Kenyan Muslims where my father came from and that my middle name is Hussein. Barack is a name which means "blessing" and Hussein is a masculine form of the word beauty. Since there is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of blessings from God and the beauty He creates I fail to see the problem with these names. Some will say wouldn't it be a problem to have a president with a name similar to the deposed and executed former dictator of Iraq ? My answer to this is simply no; rather it is the strength and beauty of America that the son of an African man with a "funny sounding" name, born under British Colonial Rule, can now be a serious candidate for the presidency of the United States .

My father was a Muslim and although I did not know him well the religion of my father and his family was always something I had an interest in. This interest became more intense when my mother married an Indonesian Muslim man and as a small child I lived in Indonesia and attended school alongside Muslim pupils. I saw their parents dutifully observing the daily prayers, the mothers covered in the Muslim hijab, the atmosphere of the school change during Ramadan, and the festiveness of the Eid celebrations.

The man my mother was married to was not particularly religious; but he would attend the mosque on occasion, and had copies of the Quran in different languages in the home, and books of the sayings and life of the Prophet Muhammad. From time to time he would quote Islamic phrases such as "no one truly believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself", "oppression is worse than slaughter", and "all humans are equal the only difference comes from our deeds".

Growing up in Hawaii with my mother and her grandparents Islam largely escaped my mind. My mother installed in me the values of humanism and I did not grow-up in a home where religion was taught.

It was later while I attended college at Columbia University and Harvard Law that I became reacquainted with Muslims as both schools had large Muslims student populations. Some of them were my friends and many came from countries that our nation now has hostile relations with. The background I had from my early childhood in Indonesia helped me get to know them and learn from them and to me Muslims are not to be looked upon as something strange. In my experiences up until college a Muslim was no less exotic to me than a Mormon, a Jew, or a Jehovah's Witness.

After college I settled in my adopted hometown of Chicago and lived on the South Side and worked as a community organizer. Chicago has one of the largest Muslim populations in America (estimated to be around 300,000) and Muslims make-up some of the most productive citizens in the area. I met countless numbers of Muslims in my job as an organizer and later on in my early political career. I ate in their homes, played with their kids, and looked at them as friends and peers and sought their advice.

Therefore, when the tragic terrorist attacks of 9-11 occurred I was deeply saddened with the rest of America , and I wanted justice for the victims of this horrific attack, but I did not blame all Muslims or the religion of Islam. From my experience I knew the good character of most Muslims and the value that they bring to America . Many, who did not personally know Muslims, indicted the entire religion for the bad actions of a few; my experience taught me that this was something foolish and unwise.

Later I had the chance to visit the homeland of my father and meet Muslim relatives of mine including my grandmother. I found that these were people who wanted the same things out of life as people right here in America and worked hard, strive to make a better way for their children, and prayed to God to grant them success.

This is what I will bring to the office of the Presidency of the United States . I will deal with Muslims from a position of familiarity and respect and at this time in the history of our nation that is something sorely needed.

The author is a Democratic presidential hopeful in US.

Comments (46)Add Comment
written by SUV, February 01, 2008 11:43:28
i hope ppl masuk youtube,n see obama's "yes we can" speech.
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written by Umar Rentaka, February 01, 2008 11:46:01
God bless you in your efforts to win the Presidential, Obama. If, I'm an American, I'll vote for you for you represent the change we hope to see all over the world.
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written by Baronshah, February 01, 2008 12:35:55
Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!

I whole heartedly agree that we should more BARRACK OBAMAs in this world esp our country Malaysia.

best regards
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written by Presiden Mesia, February 01, 2008 12:46:49
IF OBAMA become a President of USA I hope he can reduce islamophobia among their people...
Islam is peace
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written by renoir, February 01, 2008 13:03:46
Hahaha! I post excerpts of the article below without comment.


Why does Obama hate Iran, support Israel??

....from wsws;

"Saturday, July 28, 2007 :This month's issue of Foreign Affairs carries an essay by Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama outlining his foreign policy. Obama gets to the point early on. Noting the catastrophe in Iraq, he writes: "After thousands of lives lost and billions of dollars spent, many Americans may be tempted to turn inward and cede our leadership in world affairs.
But this is a mistake we must not make."

The senator's words must be seen in context. The foreign policy establishment that constitutes the key audience of Foreign Affairs generally recognizes that the debacle in Iraq represents a disaster for American military and geopolitical hegemony. In evaluating presidential candidates, these elements are looking for leaders who will not equivocate in the assertion of US primacy. Obama certainly gives them no cause for disappointment. To this end, he writes: "To see American power in terminal decline is to ignore America's great promise and historic purpose in the world."

How is this dominance to be preserved? Obama does not leave us in suspense: "We must use this moment both to rebuild our military and to prepare it for the missions of the future. We must retain the capacity to swiftly defeat any conventional threat to our country and our vital interests. But we must also become better prepared to put boots on the ground in order to take on foes that fight asymmetrical and highly adaptive campaigns on a global scale."

In concrete terms, Obama recommends adding 65,000 soldiers and 27,000 Marines to the standing military."


What else does Obama say about good ol' apartheid in Israel??

This from wsws;

"Obama goes on to recommend that the military capability economized in his "pullout" from Iraq be used elsewhere in the region, including in support of Israel: "Our starting point must always be a clear and strong commitment to the security of Israel, our strongest ally in the region and its only established democracy. That commitment is all the more important as we contend with growing threats in the region — a strengthened Iran, a chaotic Iraq, the resurgence of Al Qaeda, the reinvigoration of Hamas and Hezbollah. Now more than ever, we must strive to secure a lasting settlement of the conflict with two states living side by side in peace and security. To do so, we must help the Israelis identify and strengthen those partners who are truly committed to peace, while isolating those who seek conflict and instability."

As is obvious from the above passages, Obama is not an "antiwar" candidate by any stretch of the word. What is most striking about the article is the degree of similarity between the theoretical, political and even rhetorical underpinnings of Obama's foreign policy and that of the Bush administration."

For ANY African-american in the U.S. to openly call Zionist Israel's apartheid system an "established democracy" brings new meaning to the term "Uncle Tom", how can Obama ignore the brutal reality of daily apartheid faced by the Palestinian people in Israel's occupied territories? Does the apartheid wall/fence around Palestinian occupied territories not bear some resemblence to the barbed wire fences of apartheid South Africa? What happened to solidarity with oppressed people living under another apartheid regime, even if they are a well funded Zionist regime willing to donate money (via AIPAC, CUFI, etc..) to eager politicians in the U.S.?? What's Obama's problem with Hezbollah, they have far more popular support in their home country of Lebanon than do ANY of these phony-ass U.S. politicians (including Uncle Obama) here in occupied North America!!

Then the continued verbal attacks by Obama against Iran adds evidence to the claims that the USA is a two-party imperialist dictatorship, anyone who runs for public office under either Democrat or Republican party backing must tow the line of U.S. military dominance here and overseas. Any deviation from this platform of global U.S. militarism will result in candidate being excluded from the public debate forum, or join the third party (Green, Libertarian, Peace & Freedom, etc..) status of shouting over riot police with a megaphone outside of the convention..

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written by FFT, February 01, 2008 13:09:25
Looks like LChuah beat me to the laugh.

All I am willing to say is that this is a pretty smooth move from the other camp.

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written by DontPlayGod, February 01, 2008 13:15:09
I think the Jewish community and those with strong links to Israel will not want to see Barack in the Presidency. Not that they don't trust him, but the element of doubt will be there, that, a person with links to Islam may not fight for the defence of Israel in the face of hostile Arab countries.

Of course, being a Malaysian none of these is my business.
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written by cruzeiro, February 01, 2008 13:37:15
Give up Israel?

Not Oba-ma-@$$!
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written by turun padang, February 01, 2008 13:41:48
ohh.. mine...
i don't wanna be a party blopper..
but barrack hussien obama is actually a christian.

This is the different in indonesia or america where, your father religion is not a must to be your religion too..

(Only in malaysia.. Only in malaysia)

And for those who wanna know more about Obama...
Please refer:
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written by sickofitall, February 01, 2008 14:23:19
I'd question the authenticity of this letter, as I remember seeing Obama on CNN recently confirming that he is Christian and attends church regularly. Better Ron Paul than any of the other Democratic or Republican fellas, though! Ron Paul preaches a non-interventionist foreign policy for USA.
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written by Rozlan, February 01, 2008 14:59:39
Islam datang dan menawan Barat..Barat telah dan sedang di tawan oleh Islam.Bukan dgn senjata tetapi kekuatan akidah...Ini pendapat ulamak terkenal Yusof Al Qardhawi.. smilies/smiley.gif
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written by Bukit Chandan, February 01, 2008 15:26:47
His father may originally be born as a Muslim but that does not necessarily make Barack a Muslim. That’s how Barack got his middle name. Barack has been a Christian for the past 20 over years with the Trinity United Church. Check him out in Wiki.

However, there is a good potential that he may become a Muslim later in his life.

Best Regards.........
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written by bexe, February 01, 2008 15:40:31
In Malaysia when he (obama) dies they will snatch his body and bury him as a muslim
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written by Jos, February 01, 2008 16:46:20
In Malaysia ... we call him "MURTAD".... so, Allah will not bless him ..
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written by Saint, February 01, 2008 17:05:45
Obama is a single individual and he cannot do much.
American Jews will finish him if he learns too much to the Islamic countries
If Obama tries to correct the Muslims, a price on his head will be placed by them
It is best he just brings peace between Israel and Palestinians
That will be the greatest achievement for any US president.
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written by aryn, February 01, 2008 17:33:09
I believe this was the letter sent out by an aide of Hilary Clinton to discredit Obama. The person responsible has since been sacked by the Clinton camp. Obama's reaction was that he never was a Muslim and that he is a devout Christian. That's what I read according to news of the Democratic primaries run-up to the presidential election.
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written by renoir, February 01, 2008 18:30:06
DontPlayGod wrote:
>I think the Jewish community and those with strong links to Israel will not want to see Barack in the Presidency. Not that they don't trust him, but the element of doubt will be there,]]

He wouldn't have come thus far without AIPAC, and if AIPAC finally decides he cannot be trusted, he won't be President.

My posting above has referred to Obama's speech to AIPAC. A few more details below:


AIPAC Policy Forum (Chicago, Illinois)
March 2, 2007

SENATOR OBAMA: ...Now, most will travel to the holy sites when they visit: The Church of the
Holy Sepulcher, the Dome of the Rock, or the Western Wall. They make a journey to be
humbled before God. And I too am blessed with seeing Israel this way, up close and on
the ground, in quiet spaces and quiet moments.

But I'm also fortunate to have seen Israel from the air. On my journey that day, I flew on
an IDF helicopter to the border zone. The helicopter took us over the most troubled and
dangerous areas in that narrow strip between the West Bank and the Mediterranean Sea.
And at that height, I could see the hills and the terrain that generations have walked
across and generations have dreamed about. I could see and truly appreciate how close
everything is and why peace through security is the only way for Israel.

Our helicopter landed in the town of Kiryat Shmona on the border. What struck me first
about the village was how familiar it looked. The houses and streets looked like ones you
might find in a suburb in America. I could imagine young children riding bikes down the
street. I could imagine the sounds of their joyful play, just like the sounds that my own
daughters make in Hyde Park. There were cars in the driveway. The shrubs were
trimmed. The families were living their lives.

And then I saw a house that had been hit with one of Hezbollah's Katyusha rockets. The
family who lived in the house was lucky to be alive. They had been asleep in another
part of the house when the rocket had hit. They described the explosion. They were
fortunate that only their dog was killed. They talked about the fire and the shrapnel. They
spoke about what might have been if the rocket had come screaming into their home at
another time when they weren't asleep but were sitting peacefully in the now destroyed
part of the house.

It's an experience that I keep close to my heart, an experience that I think about whenever
I think about the issues that we confront in the Middle East. Not because it's unique, but
because we know that too many others have seen the same kind of destruction, have lost
their loved ones to suicide bombers, and live in fear of when the next attack might hit.
Just six months after I visited, Hezbollah launched 4,000 rocket attacks just like the one
that destroyed that home in Kiryat Shmona and kidnapped Israeli service members. And
we pray for all the service members who have been kidnapped. Gilad Shalit, Eldad
Regev, and Ehud Goldwasser. I met with the Goldwasser family this week in my office,
and I offered to help in any way I could. And I was struck by the bravery and
determination, but the understandable welling sadness of a family who had heard nothing
about their beloved son.

It's important to remember this history -- that Israel had unilaterally withdrawn from
Lebanon only to have Iran to supply Hezbollah with thousands of rockets....
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written by Dr Azly Rahman, February 01, 2008 19:11:13
Good perspectives and information on Barack. Let's keep the discussions going.
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written by educationist, February 01, 2008 21:25:48
' We need leaders in Malaysia with this sense of deep respect and understanding of all religions as well as all races.' I believe this statement sums up the reasons for the sense of disillusionment with the UMNO dominated BN - for no such leader has led the country since the Tunku's days.
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written by Dr Azly Rahman, February 01, 2008 23:05:10
Folks, great comments!

But answer these, please.

Can a leader truly sympathetic of all races emerge out of the current political paradigm? What will be the scenario be like if the present race-based political arrangement continues? How many General Elections will it take to have Malaysian politics to see a good "two-party" system? I suppose when we arrive at this stage, we can start shifting making choices not based on race but on how much each party can deliver promises and sustain the ideology of radical multiculturalism.

What changes will happen in each and every ministry if we are to arrive at this juncture?

I envision in decades to come a good "republic of virtue" emerging out of the ruins of race-based corporate crony capitalism. What do you think of this proposition?

But first and foremost -- how do we take the progressive strands of the mission statements of each political party and draw out a single, unifying manifesto that will not only eliminate racism but also curb enthusiasm for huge projects and contain elements of egalitarianism suitable for multicultural Malaysia?

Where do we begin? Even in the mind there is revolutions and counter-revolutions, activists and reactionaries. How do redesign the State Ideology regain the balance of power so that the Executive, the Judiciary, and the Legislative will not trample on each other?

A philosopher-ruler must be created.
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written by Dharmal, February 02, 2008 00:16:18
First, it should be made illegal for any political party to exclude anyone wanting to be a member because of his religion or ethnicity. Then, things can start changing
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written by carlitos, February 02, 2008 02:19:13
This letter is obviously written by Billary's campaigners, one thing for sure is Obama will never write and talk on and on about Muslim or Islam right now.

He will be committing political suicide in US if that letter is indeed written by him. Sorry to say but this letter is fake.
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written by Dr Azly Rahman, February 02, 2008 07:19:32

As I have said in my introduction, I am yet to ascertain the source of this "letter from Barack Obama". Thank you all who emailed me regarding the authenticity of it. LChuah first pointed out the issue. Maybe the answer lies below. The author, one "Umar Lee" claimed it is satirical piece:


Note, Obama Did Not Write The Letter, and Please Read Things Till The End
Jump to Comments

This is a note to everyone who read the satirical Letter From Barack Obama that I wrote. Please take time to read it, at the bottom of the post it clearly states that this letter was written by Umar Lee and Not Sen. Barack Obama and this is what I wished he would write but has not.

I am putting this up because apparently this post has been emailed around by a lot of people. Some of these people sending it out are Muslims thinking masha’Allah it was a good letter by Obama and some of those are people trying to spread disinformation about Sen. Obama for political gain and it is unfortunate that it has been used in that way.

If you look at the bottom of the original post it says that I wrote it and not Obama and I have done similar pieces ( such as a fictitious letter from President George W. Bush) in the past.


The question is:

What is the point of this satire? What's the message behind linking Barack's family background to how he is to deal with the Muslim world? Is this to test the "readiness" of Americans in dealing with a not-so-purely Christian presidential candidate or maybe future president?

There is an element of complexity involved in this sort of political narrative. different is it in the Malaysian context?
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written by Rozlan, February 02, 2008 09:36:11
whoever Obama is does not matter.US president is not the real power.The real powers are the zionist jewish and christians elders.They are the one who call the shot.The late John F Kennedy tried to go against them and got murdered.

Even if Obama win.Nothing much change in US foreign policies..Its business as usual
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written by malaysianohope, February 02, 2008 10:23:08

This guy reminds me of our infamous pm who Malaysians mistakenly supported him due to his misguided massage of hope.

See what we got in return.
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written by SUV, February 02, 2008 10:34:09
orthodox jews,n the lobby can go to hell smilies/grin.gif
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written by Dr Azly Rahman, February 02, 2008 11:20:49
Maybe there is no conspiracy. Maybe it's not about this or that people lobbying, but about corporations -- multinational corporations working to impact American foreign policy.
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written by FFT, February 02, 2008 11:35:22
Dr. Azly Rahman said:
What is the point of this satire?

A Muslim's delusional projection of the importance of his religion?
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written by Rozlan, February 02, 2008 17:26:17
I am very sceptical about Obama..However lets hope he win...maybe he could do something to change the american oppressive policies and clean up US images.However dont be surprise if he become more brutal to the muslim world than previous president.In fact in his campaign he did announce many of his stands that did not favor the muslim world..He still felt that US has the birthright to plunder the world..So how can I trust this guy.He have no choice but to please the zionists..
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written by Sword of Justice, February 02, 2008 18:35:08
I would like to see someday in Malaysia a non Malay non Muslim who have a chance of becoming the Prime Minister. Will it ever happen in this rascist country we call Malaysia.
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written by Rozlan, February 02, 2008 21:07:58
here is Obama stand on Islam...

Barack Obama: 'I'm not a Muslim, I'm against Hamas and Arabs, and I'll protect Jews'

Barack Obama, democrat senator from Illinois, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, on Monday gave a telephonic interview to journalists of "Haaretz" newspaper, as well as to a number of correspondents of Zionist newspapers of America.

During the conversation, Obama said that there is a "constant virulent campaign" being waged against him, in which he is "accused" in secret commitment to Islam and disloyalty to "Israel".

The presidential hopeful said he would ordinarily ignore such comments, but he fears that they have been "getting some traction" and are being tuned into by public ears. Thus he said, he has asked the Jewish newspapers and Haaretz to use their "megaphone" so people can hear "from the horse's mouth" that all such accusations against him are unfounded.

Obama believes in Israel "as a Jewish state." He does not accept that a right of return for Palestinians can be interpreted "in any literal way." The senator also said that he opposes talks with Hamas as long as the "Islamist organization" refuses to recognize Israel. Moreover, he assured reporters that in the event of victory in the presidential election he will be "a guarantor of the security of Israel".

At the same time, Obama believes that the issue of Jerusalem should be decided in negotiations with the Palestinians and the Iranian with Tehran.

In May this year, Barack Obama said in an exclusive interview with "Haaretz" that the current level of world pressure on Tehran is "insufficient".

"Iran remains the main threat to the United States and allies", the newspaper quoted the words of senator.

During this interview Obama reiterated that Washington, in his view, should compel Iran to accept negotiations, but it should be a "low-level talks". And they must continue until there is "the first signs of progress" - such as voluntary decision of Tehran to freeze uranium enrichment.

Kavkaz Center

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written by non conformist, February 02, 2008 22:34:32
Someone who know: is it really true that the Quran is available in different languages?
I had a conversation with a Muslim friend some while ago, and I was given the the impression that Quran cannot be translated from its pure and original Arabic, and once translated, it is no more Quran.
I would like to hear some intelligent comments on this.
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written by Dr Azly Rahman, February 02, 2008 23:17:10
Dear "nonconformist"

The translation of the Quran is available in many languages, just like the availability of translations of the Bible, the Torah, the Bhagavad Gita, the Ramayana, The Mahabharatta, The I Chng, The Granth Sahib, etc.

Translations are easily available online these days.
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written by Rozlan, February 03, 2008 13:34:17
Dear non conformist

The original language of Al Quran is arabic.The words of Al Quran had never change and nobody could change them until now because AlMighty Allah had promised that it can never be adulterated..I think this is what your friend was trying to tell..

However as what Dr Azly said you could find the translation in many language
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written by Chaptokam, February 03, 2008 20:32:28
If America can elect a black president , why can't Malaysia have a Chinese Prime Minister ???????? Might be good for the country and the region .
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written by Bandit, February 03, 2008 22:10:26
"IF OBAMA become a President of USA I hope he can reduce islamophobia among their people...
Islam is peace "

Islam is peace???? LOL LOL LOL LOL smilies/grin.gif
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written by zule, February 06, 2008 18:17:20
Malaysianohope wrote:

This guy reminds me of our infamous pm who Malaysians mistakenly supported him due to his misguided massage of hope.
Massage of hope? Not a typo, I hope because I like it. Massage always has an objective.

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written by Malas-yu, February 07, 2008 08:09:49
While the very obvious culprit for the letter would be the opposition. Could this be double-bluff.
Whatever it is, Hussain aka Barack Obama should be advised not to come to Malaysia. On the say so of some idiots purpoting to be religious Immams, he would be arrested as an apostate and interred in the Ulu Yam detention centre till he recants. If he dies in Malaysia his body would be snatched. Allah save Malaysia from the idiots and from the holier than thou nutters.
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written by Wisdom above, February 09, 2008 02:53:13
.....The letter posted on is actually a satire written by a popular Muslim blogger called Umar Lee. Umar has clarified this here....

Umar Lee said the letter was not written by OBAMA.

Were the contents expressed in an exposition as a satire by Umar Lee " untrue " ?

Was the contents of the satire 30% untrue or 50 % untrue ?

Remember, all events happened yesterday & today were all illogical.

'Malaysian Love Malaysian '
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written by Dr Azly Rahman, February 10, 2008 04:08:28
Thank you for your clarification on the authenticity of the letter. We had a good discussion on this, nonetheless. Congratulations to all commentators.
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written by zizjaa, February 10, 2008 05:25:25
Heard of a new religion?? Its called POLITICS, and above all moral and values. I am just waiting to see if Nostradamus read it correctly. THE THIRD WORLD WAR WILL BE STARTED BY A BLACK AMERICAN. Powells didn't quite pull that trigger.
By the way, Obama could have been a good catch for the Jewish lobbyists in the US. The Arab Muslim will further be ridiculed, not to mention by their own silliness this far. As Malaysian, being a muslim or not, it will be a good lesson to learn from. Let's just add more moral to our POLITICS.
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written by MERCYNOTJUSTICE07, February 12, 2008 16:04:33
We should not take side or judge harshly on any religions other than ours. as a practising christian i know perfectly well i am not complete or perfect. Seriously, i struggle with fear in my daily walk with God. And in such a scenario or state of mind, who am i to judge others. Of course, if Israel acted inhumanely against its enermies, then we should condemn them or for that matter anybody who acted wrongly. We, christians see people other than our faith as lost along the way and our main concern for them is to bring them back to the truth and if the other parties refuses then our burden is washed off our hands. We do not called them pigs or dogs and ought to be killed. We do not see ourselves as superior or super spiritual and refuses to mingle or interact with others. In short we do not practise religious apartheid and constantly accused others of not respecting us or oppressing us. If provoke we do not burn other people places of worship or properties. We obey our God command to live in peace and not to revenge, for indeed revenge belong to God. We do unto others what we want others to do unto us. If ever oppressed, persecuted we face it with divine strength for our faith knows that one day the entire world would be turn into ours. Thats the spiritual strength we christians have to face this rotten world. Our enermies are not the americans or israelis ours (enermies) are firstly ourself, worldliness and Satan Himself and not another fellow human being be they arabs, americans or israelis. Love, peace and joy to all of you out there.
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written by Vik, February 22, 2008 18:20:13
Wow. A fake letter, and so much to say! This is gonna be fun.
First things first.

written by Jos, February 01, 2008 | 16:46:20
In Malaysia ... we call him "MURTAD".... so, Allah will not bless him ..

Piss off Jos. He's pretty blessed already if you ask me. Whoever's up there has blessed him with intelligence, compassion, grit, perseverence and soon, power. And he's probably America's best chance for a fruitful future. Of whatever he has achieved so far, and of all three sentences that i have written before this one in this comment, does any one of them have anything to do with the fact that he's a Muslim or converted Christian? MURTAD? My royal backside.

written by bexe, February 01, 2008 | 15:40:31
In Malaysia when he (obama) dies they will snatch his body and bury him as a muslim

True dat! It would happen in broad daylight. And our Malaysian leaders would bend down to the Saryiah. Only this time, Badawi (if for some godforsaken reason gets elected), will have a SCUD missile up his ass. Hopefully Najib will get a share too, although he'll probably enjoy it. Good muslims all over the world will be shaking their heads at how truly stupid Malaysians can be.

written by renoir, February 01, 2008 | 13:03:46
What else does Obama say about good ol' apartheid in Israel??

For ANY African-american in the U.S. to openly call Zionist Israel's apartheid system an "established democracy" brings new meaning to the term "Uncle Tom", how can Obama ignore the brutal reality of daily apartheid faced by the Palestinian people in Israel's occupied territories? Does the apartheid wall/fence around Palestinian occupied territories not bear some resemblence to the barbed wire fences of apartheid South Africa? What happened to solidarity with oppressed people living under another apartheid regime, even if they are a well funded Zionist regime willing to donate money (via AIPAC, CUFI, etc..) to eager politicians in the U.S.?? What's Obama's problem with Hezbollah, they have far more popular support in their home country of Lebanon than do ANY of these phony-ass U.S. politicians (including Uncle Obama) here in occupied North America!!

Then the continued verbal attacks by Obama against Iran adds evidence to the claims that the USA is a two-party imperialist dictatorship, anyone who runs for public office under either Democrat or Republican party backing must tow the line of U.S. military dominance here and overseas. Any deviation from this platform of global U.S. militarism will result in candidate being excluded from the public debate forum, or join the third party (Green, Libertarian, Peace & Freedom, etc..) status of shouting over riot police with a megaphone outside of the convention..

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Learn the meaning of apartheid
Are you feeling for the people of Palestine because they are the same religion as you? Shame on you. If two people commited murder, would you be more sympathetic to one because he is the same religion as you? I feel for both sides, for the innocent. Cut the crap. However, if we are talking about the war in Palestine, we should be more specific. We should talk about Hezbollah. They kill Israeli's regardless of age, gender. Missiles are just fired into the Israeli border hoping to kill anyone... Residential areas with houses, with families. Suicide bombers in coffee shops in Jerusalem. Now Israel on the other hand, at least they kill Hezbollah, not Palestenians. There's a difference. For those of you who judge me because I support Jews, screw you. So what? However, its got nothing to do with me supporting Judaism or anything. I support Israel's cause against the Hezbollah.

By the way, to be very honest. Its many Muslims who should be accused of apartheid agains Jews. All I hear from Muslims I know is that Jews are scum .I grew up in an International School, where most of my friends were Muslim, as it was close to the Islamic University. Parents who used to teach at the uni would put their kids in my school. Discriminating a person because of something that he has no control of, is apartheid. Then again, I said Muslim, not Islam. I am pretty sure that Allah never meant for anyone to get hurt because of their beliefs.

The war in Palestine is anything BUT apartheid.
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written by GuaL, March 26, 2008 01:15:09
Bandit said:
Islam is peace???? LOL

And the rest of you voted it up for making this kind of INSULT??
Where has the "multi-racial" initiative went to?
And I'm not sure whether my vote for DAP is right if this is the end result that I'm getting from the rest of you....shishhh!!

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written by GuaL, March 26, 2008 01:26:09
Vik said:
By the way, to be very honest. Its many Muslims who should be accused of apartheid agains Jews...

Well, when the European Crusaders took Jerusalem in 1099 BC, they hacked to pieces 70,000 Muslims from the city, and dragged the remaining Jews off to the synagogue to be burnt and some of the synagogues were buried forever...

Is it fair for the Muslims to pay for these now when the Crusaders and the Jews are sleeping on the same bed again?

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written by GuaL, March 26, 2008 01:33:27
Vik said:
Now Israel on the other hand, at least they kill Hezbollah, not Palestenians. There's a difference.

Now I know that Hizbullah has an army consists of babies, kids and the old people as well...

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