Sunday, January 18, 2009

Nuclear weapons powerhouse in the Middle East


Tamerlane said...

Not only has it nuclear weapons which the french helped build but also second strike capabilities from submarines and ships provided by the US. The question is why does the zionist need 400 nukes (belived 2b in their possession)when their conventional military weapons are far superior then their neighbors.

I think theyre up to rule the world as a new colonial empire. This regime isnt just a threat to their neighbors but to the world! So wheres the sanctions and boycott by the US knowing that this country has WMD? oh thats rite, the amrican leaders are pupets for their masters in tel aviv

Anonymous said...

When was the last tine Israel threatened to wipe an Arab country off the face of the earth. As for Iran, many times against the Jewish state. Very. very big difference

Tamerlane said...

Ahmanijad refered to the zionist state, not to the jewish people. So by your argument, if you dont make claim to wipe out whatever, its okay to have nuke weapons? Why dont every counntry build one then, especially africans. They never openly threaten anyone.

btw, Israels has provoked and attacked its neighbors, Irag nuke program and are eager to destroy irans. Israels has made threats to nuke Iran recently. Iran isnt stupid to use nuke knowing the zionist has second strike option.It is essential for every nation in that region to have nuke as means to self defense against the zionist aggression. Countries that have nuke dont fight with each other. Thats a fact. Its a peacemaker

Anonymous said...

war starts because of human emotion ie one party thinks that it has been slighted or offended by. Anyone who thinks that mankind is logical is not living in this world. Push a man hard enough and he will lash out in pain and take you along with him.

So to say that if everyone has nukes the world is safer is totally wrong. The odds that someone somewhere will use it will definately increase.

Anonymous said...

The american gave the japanese the "peacemaker". If the american has no balls to use the "peacemaker", do you think the japanese will surrender. In order for the "peacemaker" to be effective, a "demonstration" has to be made, Here lies the problem.

"Peacemaker" = "Death on mass scale"

Anonymous said...

In any case nukes are not the only mass destruction weapons. Chemical and biological weapons can also do this. Russia and USA used to have these before advancing to NUKES. They still have these weapons.
So Iran may not have nukes, but they do have chemical and biological weapons. Only thing is that chemical and biological weapons are harder to deploy.

Anonymous said...

if Hamas has the nuclear bomb then ...WW3 has been began. They dare to send the bomb to Israel any time ..without thinking properly. Do you think USA,Russia,etc keep silent??????? They will strike back ....then Malaysia may become one of their target!!!!!

Anonymous said...


You mean when you nuke Israel only Zionist will die while Jews will survive the nuclear attack?
What kind of naivety is this or is it something worse.

Tamerlane said...

When did japan have nuke? Japan attacked a military installation of pearl harbor. The US took revenge by dropping not one but two atomic bombs on civilian populations.

The US and the soviets both had nukes. When did they go to war? They only "battled" through proxies in afghanistan and vietnam. For centuries Britain and frence have slaughtered each other, will they do so now knowing each has nukes?They are more likely to resolve differences diplomatically. The closest nuclear conflict was the cuban missile crisis. And it is very unlikely that India and pakistan will go to a major war using nukes.

Vinan oh vinan, still snorting that curry powder is it? Countries in that area need nuke to safeguard themselves against the zionist agression. The enemy is zionism not the jews. Once zionism is no more, peace will arrive in the holy land.

Its better to have a gun and not need it than not to have one when you need one. Even americans understand the right to bear arms, why are they denying others of such right?

Anonymous said...


The JEWS cheated the White & Yellow Sucker Secularized Godless Tax Slave Payers to fund everything you see in Tel Aviv, Interim Capital of The Holy Land

JEWS are obsessed with The Return Of The Riches of Solomon NOT Restoration of The 3rd Temple

By hook or crook or manipulation of IRS -- since the Day their Pimping Forefathers switched to investing their ill gotten usurous gains into Techonology of Steam Engines that powered Steam Ships & Rail Roads & Steam Rollers used to MacAdamised Roads which Suckers of Opiam willingly break their bones to digg out and flatten hillslopes -- they are most proud merely to migrate in order to own a piece of Dreamland, or else any piece of its Shit as long as its valued in Dollars in exchange for either their sweat or perceived valued INTELLIGENCE.

Yeah.. Despite Solomon's Prayer to God never again to grant a Mighty Rich Kingdom like his to anyone else till Kingdom Come, the JEWS & Corrupt Associates will collaborate with even AL DAJJALL to establish their ONE WORLD KINGDOM BASED IN JEWRUSALAM to control Sea, Land & Air Waves

ANYONE so naive to think that all those Ponzi Scheme moneys have all vanished into Outer Space?

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had only blessed the People of Sham (Syria) & YeMen (HadraMaut) -- not the decadent Najd (Saud)!

Yup.. The End Is Nigh

Abraham is but 1900 - 2000 years Before Jesus' 1st Appearance

Wouldn't His Second Coming to complete his Mission not be 2000 years thereafter you reckon?


P.S. Moses is 600 years after Abraham



Be a Smart Aleck

Anonymous said...

Right now they are battling via proxies. But once eveyone get nukes, there are no proxies anymore only direct conflicts. USA and Russia are competing ideology but the people/governing bodies are logical. They are fanatic but not sucidal. That is why deterrence works. It is a different ball game in the middle east. They are fanatic AND sucidal. It will be bad for the world when these people obtain nukes.

How much nuclear contamination from nukes exploding can the earth take ? Even if there is no contamination, the amount of earth thrown up into the sky might be equivalent to volcano eruption (big ones), If enough dirt is thrown around, mankind will face extinction.

Tamerlane said...

Since its invention, how many people has nuclear bombs (not atomic) killed? How many people has the normal gun/military hardware killed since its invention?

Just like an airplane.If it crases, many will die but the probability of a plane crash is much less than a car crash. Lifes a risk. the suicidal aspect you mentioned are individual based. It is highly unlikely that an individual can develop a nuclear weapon with a suicidal mindset. In order to have nuke one must posess great scientific knowledge to comprehend its powers which also create an equal responsilbility to contain it. With such powers of destruction one would learn to appreciate the meaning of life, a unique phenomenon that has been documented on earth so far in our solar system. Any nation that has mastered the nuclear technology is less likely to be suicidal i would think.

Anonymous said...

I would say mastery of nuclear technology or for that matter any technology has nothing to do with morality or ethics e.g. cloning.
The fact that we can do it doesnt mean that we must. One should differentiate the person activating the bomb than the person develping it. The maker is probably interested in monetary or just in the challenge. The one using the bomb has neither such agenda. It only takes one person in charge of the bomb to make a life changing experience for the rest e.g. aldoft hitler.

This has nothing to do with nation but in the fallability of human being. In a crunch the US will definately use the bomb if you nuke or launch a biological strike
against the US. No matter who the US president is, he will have to listen to the people. If the people bray for blood, no president can stand aloof in any country.

Anonymous said...

probably 200000-300000 directly from the 2 drop in Japan. But secondary effects e.g. cancer....etc probably closer to a millon.

We are not talking about individual suicides but about
ideology that expouse suicides as an acceptable form of military action e.g. japanese kamikaze pilots in service of their "god" emperor. All the japanese soldiers were prepared to die in service of their emperor. The japanese society is mostly about "face" values.

You keep thinking that the nation and everyone in it is of the same mindset. That is totally BS. Take any country and you will find 1001 different shades of opinion.

Anonymous said...

Another thing if the person is so moral, he will have nothing to do with building one regardless of whether it will be use or not.

The fact that the person is involve in building a nuke already says much about the moral/ethics of that person. Why do people build bombs? Do you think it is going to be use? or in your words become "peacemaker".

Imagine using normal guns and bullets countless millions has already died. How many more will die if those people has nukes instead!

Anonymous said...

In africa it is not guns and bullets that killed the most. Bullets cost money. The preferred weapon is the machete used in slaughtering your enemies esp women and children.

More people has died by the humble knife/sword. No matter what weapon is available, it will be used sooner or later.

No weapon has ever been build for "peace".

The problem has never been about weapons but the men who wield/use them.

It is "questionable" how much faith you place in such "men" to decide your fate. Even among your friends, there are some you do not place your life in their hands.

Now with nukes, it is no longer "nations" but mankind as a species. If you do enough damage to planet earth, there is no other place in the universe for us to live in.

With nukes the less there is the better it is for mankind.

Tamerlane said...

If a society has advanced enough to master nuclear it would also have developed maturity that comes with the right to exercise such doomsday option. Also what right has one country to have nuke and its technology while depriving others? Would US have dropped the atomic bomb on japan if it knew japan had such atomic retaliatory measure? Would japan have attacked the US or britain if it knew that the US or japan has a n atomic weapons and Japan has none? Moral or not no wars has occured using nukes (not atomic) because to use it would be suicidal and the end of humanity. Suicidal thinking is the last option when all else fails. It is an act of desperation. Did Japan use kamikaze planes in the beginning? Would the suicide bombers blew themselves up if they have the same weapons as their enemy instead of rocks or antiquated guns? What is the difference suicidal and standing to the last drop of blood? Both are prepared to die at any cost. The ultimate show of defiance. Would thermopillaye considered as a military suicide? Or Karbala? Or masada?
Argue all you want but you cannot deny the fact that the atomic bombs ended WW2 and brought about "peace" and contemplation for both sides.Did nuke not guarantee Cuba from american Invasion?

Nuclear is the only means of safeguardng a country against agression of a military power.A necessary evil. Without such any country with nukes feels that it has the military advantage and keeps on bullying the weaker one by invasion, embargo etc etc.He can invade if he feels like you have WMD, or deal drugs,or dont like your goverment or whatever pretext. The zionist recognized this. that is why they started their program as long as the 50s. When youre a nuke power, you belong to the big boys club, you own the liscense to bully. We know that the UN security council is nuclear nations and they set the tone of what can be done to whom. UN is just a front whose majority menbers are mere suckers. Nuclear is todays check n balance. After all life is temporary, every living thing dies.

Anonymous said...

Just 1 genius in a nation of morons and idiots is needed to create a nuke. To argue that a nation morality/ethics is based on that person is total rubbish. Weapons are weapons. It is a means of destructio n not peace.

It is not a question about right or wrong. It is a question about fear of dying at the hand of someone in procession of an ultimate symbol of destruction.

Even if japan has nukes, the US would still use it because the US knows the japanese would not hestitate to use it. Both sides will use it because not to use it implies that they will probably lose. Once someone use a nuke, there is no other response than an all out exchange.

atomic weapons did not end the war. The war would have ended one way or another with/without atomic weapon. The point is once a "weapon" is available, it will be used. Japan was at the brunt of such a weapon.

Nukes are not the only scary weapon. Genetic engineering has advance very rapidly. Biological warfare can be as devastating as nukes. The mentality is that I want a bigger stick. This is not a mentality for peace, it is a mentality for war. You think you are being bullied and need "protection". So you go around building one, and once you got it. Who to say that you havent become a monster yourself during your journey.

Sure everything dies, but how you live and let live defines the character and the legacy you leave behind.

For you nukes are a means of projecting power. The power to bully/threaten your neighbours.
Some nations are already threatening others without the nukes. it too horrible to think what will happen when these nations gets nukes.

I keep saying nukes are not the problem, it is the people in charge of the nukes. We dont want
"crazy" people to get hold of it.
It will be the "end of the world" sooner or later.

Tamerlane said...

That depends on ones definition of crazy. Lunacy take many forms. When you define a nation of morons, that alone is a conndescending bullying statement usually coming from those who think they are better off simply having nukes. I dont see why some should have and others not. All should have. How sure are you that the US would use it even to its own destruction in WW2? Why ddnt they use it against the Germans? Are the slant eyed japs less of a human?

Threatening and having the means to carryout the threat are two different thing. A country can bark threats all night long but if you got no nukes, i wont feel threatened if i have superior firepower. The Game changes and threats are even more real if the issuer has Nukes.Until my theory is practically proven wrong. It still stands as a peacemaker and a necessary evil. After all, Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Anonymous said...

Some people cannot be reasoned with e.g drug addict, serial killers, psychopath. Too bad if you think a drug addict or a serial killer should also have the same rights to process a nuke. The world would not be a safer place if that was the case.

I am not sure whether you know that the Germans were in a race with the US to make the first atomic bomb. The germans industrial complex were hampered/destroyed by carpet bombing in its last days.

Germany lost the war before they can complete the bomb. The US did not get to use it because germany has been invaded and conquered before the US completed the bomb.

Germany has created the first jet fighter too late in the war to turn the tide. Germany has a lot new toys like superior tanks, v2 rockets and planes. Only the mighty industrial power of the US has churned out inferior machines but enormous quantity has allowed it to overcome those superior weapons.

The US was able to produce better planes/tanks... etc only during the latter part of the war.

The Japs were a lot more fanatical than the germans. Iwo Jima cause the US a lot of casualty. To defeat Japan the US would have to invade. Looking at how they fought at Iwo Jima, the casualty would have been millions on both sides. The atomic weapons were let loose to break the japanese spirit or more correctly the emperor spirit.

I am also entitle to my opinion.
where there is smoke there is fire! The first thing any bully do is to threaten. Whether it is actually physical or not it signifies the intention to cause harm.

Intentions between nations are what drives relationship between them. What you say does factor in.
You threaten them, they will respond in kind.

Anonymous said...

In any case the genie is already out of the bottle courtesy of pakistan. Because of Iran nuclear ambition, the saudi has already bankroll pakistan. No one is sure that the saudi has them but it very likely that the saudi already has procession.

Tamerlane said...

I dont think iran can be categorized as a drug addict nation. Their civilization goes back much longer, in fact one of the earliest in recorded history. Only their enemies woould want to catagorize them as less than human.

i also dont think the saudis have nukes as yet. The US and Israel would have made sure that they dont. Israel also made sure US stop selling any military technology to the saudis that would equal theirs. Saudi should have bankrolled long ago the OIC and invest technology and in making military machines especially advance jet fighters. Look at pakistan. They are being embargoed by the US and the russians wont supply them jets so theyre pretty much screwed except for having nukes.

So from your story of the JAp, atomic weapon did end the war and saved lives compared to conventional guns. Thereby sealing modern Japans role as a vassal state to the US...

Anonymous said...

Who says anything about equating drug addicts with Iran or that a nation of morons was Iran?

Those points that were brought up was meant to emphasize the point that some nations cannot be trusted not to pull the trigger or that maker of bombs are not the people that activate the bomb.

The fact is that some nation haing an itchy finger at the trigger and values death over life frightens a lot of nations.

How can you be so sure. Pakistan was caught selling technology to North Korea. How sure are you that Pakistan didnt sell saudi a bomb?
For the saudi a completed bomb is easier to obtain than to have the means of building it.
Israel and US can do nothing to stop this. The US was too late with north korea.
why bother with jet fighters when you can get a ready made bomb?

The US lifted the embargo against Pakistan and gave them military aid to the tune of several billion for the war on terror.

Regardless of military embargo, Pakistan has no hope of matching India conventional arms because Paskistan is bankrupt. India economy is strong and growing stronger while Pakistan is bankrupt. Were it not for US aid pakistan would not been able to afford new F-16 jets,...etc

The war would have ended one way or another. The US was on its way to Japan after defeating Germany.
The atomic bomb speeded up the end. Believe it or not Japan is not love by its neighbours. They still remember what Japan did. Japan is no more a vassal than any other country that depends on good relationship with the US. Afterall the US drag Japan from a feudal era into a more modern era and rebuilt it into a powerhouse production economy. After world war 2 practically the only country left relatively untouch by the war was the US. The US pumps tons of money to rebuilt europe and Japan.
Would you also classify German as an US vassal state? The Germans, French are like a torn in the US side.

US is a giant that no one wants to offend unnecessary.

Tamerlane said...

The question Is Iran a threat to the world or to Israel? Its thousands of miles away from the US and pose no threat whatever to it. If either country issue a threat to invade or attack, which is more real to the world? Iran with its armies jumping up and down every time the word america is spoken or The US which has mobile army bases around the world on top of nukes. Which threat is more credible? Which country is more likely to invade you under whatever pretext they cook up?

Most countries, britain especially is a vassal state. Its also probably the 52nd state after Israel. Bush says fetch Blair fetch! German is also at the mercy of the US. They have no army of their own. Theyre screwed. Economically theyre well off but theyre bound by the agreement written by the victors of WW2. Just like Japan. Right now Nkorea have nuke and Japan is banging balls because of it. koreans can drop one and Japan cant do anything but beg for Uncle sams intervention. The only country i can think of at the moment thats not at the mercy of the US is Russia. Even NK, Iran and venezuela or whatever know they cant challenge the US in military prowess.

If paki sells to saudis so what? Who sold to the zionists? Who has copyright to nuclear technology? How sure are you that the Island down south dont already have one, always in collusion with the zionists? That would pose a grave threat to us and the only equalizer is a nuke of our own. See the logic.

And i dont think drug addicts or morons would get to a position of power needed to pull the trigger on a nuke.

Nuke weapons is just as the last measure and used as a self defense. Conventional military hardware is also greatly needed. Fighter jets should be the first priority of any nation. If you lose the air, you lose the war.having oil riches for decades, muslim countries should have invested in this area recognizing the zionist threat and other nations interest in their oil rich lands.

US alone didnt defeat germany. No single country could have defeated germany, hence the agrressive stance of the third reich. They knew they had far superior firepower and became a bully. Only through the combined force of nations was Hitler brought down, just like Napoleon etc. Japan not loved by its neighbors? Is this a new revealation? Do you think love is what the Japs were after? They had superior military hardware, and defeating the Russians bolstered their confidence, so they invade. Very simple. You think the chinks would have done it differently if the advantage was on their side?

My point is still valid that atomic weapons stopped the war, hastening or whatever you call it. "would haves" and "could haves" can be cast aside since its not part of history. Minor oonflicts will still occur which require the use of the normal weapons but if both sides have nuke, they will be prudent not to escalate that to a level which would totally annihilate themselves.

Anonymous said...

Iran is heavily into producing longer and longer range missile. At the moment it still cannot reach the US but i think they can reach Turkey or possibly UK.

Well saudi and Iran dont see eye to eye. That is saudi response to Iran wanting one. Yeah so what indeed. Too bad for Iran if that is the case.

Well a peaceful state does not issue threats all the time and make efforts to produce missile,nukes that can reach your shore. Yeah so what to threats. Iran actions has shown what it intentions are.

Hitler lost is because hitler didnt let his general run the show. Hitler would have conquer Britain. Instead he open a second front with the Russian. The russian were almost beaten but luckily the winter came and the germans logistically were unable to cope. On top of that hitler went and sink US ship causing the americans to join in. Most of US allies were on the verge of defeat when US came along with its industrial might replenishing all the war equipment and supplying manpower.

Well the japanese thought that the US were distracted by the German and launch an attack on pearl habour destroying most of the naval fleet. Too bad for the japanese as they have totally underestimated the war potential of the US.

Ha. You think Japan is weak. Japan will only need weeks to get its atomic bomb when it drop its pretense. Right now its people wants to hide behind US.

China at the peak of its military power when it has no equals has not gone around conquering others.
They were pretty smug about their economic, tecnological, military power to the extent that they stop learning from the "barbarian" outside. The "barbarian" improve on what China had and eventually force their way in military. Hoisting opium on to China as exchange for the nation wealth e.g. silk,spices,....etc

Japan is as cruel as Nazi. Where do you think all the biological warfare data came from?
They experimented on Chinese. The US took all their data and cover up the existence of such a program by the japanese.

men and their toys. Just a big stick will embolden them to the point of aggression.

So much faith in mankind goodness.
I dont share the same feeling.

Tamerlane said...

Iran has no choice but to join the arms race. Israel has already attacked Iraq and the neighboring countries. Iran is next. Besides the persians are proud people. Defeating them would be a moral victory for the zionists and revenge for aggression against the Israelites.

If Saudis and Iran are foes as you say have Nukes. Thats good news. There will be no wars between them. But But its probably bad news for the zionists who likes to attack others.

No no, i dont think japan isweak. I'm just saying theyre hands are tied by the outcome of WW2. In fact i dont think Japan considers themselves Asian.UsA distrated by germany? I thought they had some oil problem and Japan recalled its ambassador or sumthing like that. Isnt that a prelude to War?

China didnt conquer? Yes thats right they just fight among themselves and build a brick wall.China never tried to invade Japan? or the was no rivalry between them? That japan decided to adopt western style and chiona closed its door and press the rewind button to play the episodes of its past glories? Well, I must also be talking to a vietnames thats giving me wrong info. Ha ha ha.

I dint know that German was sinking american ship to draf teh US into the war. I thought their u boats were destroying supplies ship to britain. American already realized that if they dont get in the fight, europe, the cradle of western civilization will fall and they are next.

Good point. Japan is as cruel as the Nazi but after 60 years Nazi is the only ones still persecuted by the media, holiwood and history mostly owned by the zionists.

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