Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Remembering A. Kugan while the nation still mourns for Teoh Beng Hock
Deputy ministers to be summoned for questioning
Charles Ramendran
PETALING JAYA (Jan 22, 2009) : Police will call up two deputy ministers who were present at the Serdang Hospital mortuary during an incident where about 50 family members and friends of 22-year-old lock up detainee A.Kugan who died in police custody allegedly forced their way into the place to view his body late on Monday.
Selangor police chief DCP Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said a police report was lodged with Sepang police by an official at the mortuary who alleged that several dozen people who turned up at the morgue had barged in and wheeled out Kugan's body of of the cold room.
The hospital official also alleged that the people had handled the body and took photos of it.
Khalid said police have classified and are probing the case as trespass with criminal intent and also for criminal intimidation.
He said it was wrong for anyone except for hospital officials to handle the body as a post mortem had yet to be conducted and there is an ongoing probe into the death of the man.
He said the hospital official had called the police and a police officer at the scene permitted only a family member to identify the body at the time of the incident but this was defied and the crowd rushed in.
Although he did not name the two deputy ministers, it is understood that they are Datuk S.K.Devamany and T.Murugiah, both who are with the Prime Minister's Department and were present at the hospital during the incident.
Khalid said a post mortem carried out out on the body of lock detainee A.Kugan showed that he had died of excessive fluid in his lungs.
He said the report also stated that the injuries found on the deceased's body was not the result of his death.
"However, I assure the family of Kugan that we will not spare anyone responsible for the injuries caused on him. We are probing and when we identify those involved and have gathered enough evidence, I will make sure justice is served."
"I give you my word that there will be no cover up as I do not cordone to such abuse of powers if that was the case.I urge the family members to be calm and not take the law into their own hands." he said.
At about 2.30pm, Kugan's funeral took place at his house at Puchong Kinrara. Among the 200 people who attended it was MIC President Datuk Seri S.Samy Vellu.
Kugan was arrested on Jan 15 for suspected car theft and remanded till Wednesday. However,on Tuesday during interogation by police, he collapsed and died.
Police had said that they made a recovery of 15 stolen cars at a warehouse in Puchong following his arrest.
His family, Kapar MP S.Manikavasagam and Keadilan's Selangor Youth leader Khairul Anuar Ahmad Zainuddin have each lodged a police report alleging foulplay in Kugan's death and urged a thorough probe be conducted.
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is this 2009 or 1960s Mississippi?
Malaysia sucks!! What sorry nation!! Something happened in Oakland CA. The cop is charged with murder. The city literally revolted. But Malaysia? people don't care.
I think youre wrong. I think many people are fed up with police brutality. We may have differences of opnions in terms of race relations but on this isuue i think we are standing on solid ground and this will be one of the issues that will seriously affect the next GE.
Yes Tamerlane. The issue might be politicized yest. But look at the took >1,500 youths to be killed b4 this can POSSIBLY affect people like u and me. Hindraf has been right all the while. majority killed by PDRM were Indian youth. In a raid a pregnant Indian woman was liiked a few years ago. We are very backwards in checking the trigger happy police carrying out duties/ killing even suspects.
We need an indpendent body (like in the UK) to investigate every death caused by police not only in custody.
We tax payers are paying the police to take care of us not kill at their will...
I dont necessarily agree with all the things that Hindraf says. The majority of crime committed by which segment of our society? Whatever it is, the police has no right to be behaving as they did. The entire force need a serious overhaul. Hire graduates and make them go through ethics. Put TV camera in every police car like in the US. See what theyre up to.Stopping people asking for money or harrasing foreign workers. Also seperation of powers like in the states where they have FBI,marshall, county police,highway patrol, Internal affairs,Sherriff, city police etc. When all the check and balances are in place we can safely agree to disagree.
"The majority of crime committed by which segment of our society?"This crime statistics is given by Police and yet how reliable it is???
A very simple example,a few days ago nearby my house two Mat rempits try to broke into a house but when all the chinese neighbours start to shout the rempits left their motorbike and runaway.They called the police to collect the motorbike and the chinese neighbours gave statement that it was two malay boys.Guess what,the police deny to take the statement and said the Malays never do this kind of things.However,only after another Malay neighbour confirm that they were two malays the police collect the motorbike.The chinese neighbours don't give a damn to follow up on the case as they know it is going to be a "kes tutup".The point is a thief is a thief and the police should punish them even if they're Malay,Chinese,Indian or others. Strictly NO to racism in police department as you're digging a big grave for the country by protecting the thief or any other crime activities in the name of race or religion.
Forget about race of a criminal, if an entire segment of a society has been marginalised, whatever race they may be, how do you think they would react. Lets look at the basic issues before we racially profile.
Nobody is claiming that other races dont commit crime but heh fact is that they are a minority and the percentage involving crime is disprotionate to their population. I used to live in a neighborhood where theres a huge Indian squatter area. Over time you will see all sorts of problems happening. If you accidentally enter that area you'll be shocked to see that its like a ghetto in bronx or southside chicago. there have houses that BUY "recycled goods". at 3-4am some drunkard will be shouting or standing next to your front gate etc etc. If i continue, i'm a racist right?
I always doubt the crime statistics.Yes,how reliable it is?
This is the case when only one race monopoly everything in multiracial country.No check and balance.
I have a lot of stories on Mat Rempit to share and I think others too but if I shared everything,I'm a racist right????
This is the reason why we have many crimes involved rempits but no recorded statistics on that.Why??????Well, you know why.
Mat Rempit become Mat cemerlang......but for the minorities group even good boys purposely charged for other peoples crime.
Now the doubts are getting unbearable...are those who are supposed to protect us are committing crimes?
I can see that the body is full of bruises, appears that he is badly beaten up.
The post mortem says that he died of fluid in the lungs...The doctor who perform the autosy is he qualified or ??
After much outcry from the public The AG cried murder.
Today the IGB says there's no foulplay and supported his Selangor Polis Chief conclusively that there is no contradictions (STAR 25/1/09).
Now AG looks like a bloody can there be murder when there's no foulplay.
What kind of IGB and chiefs are we having...are they playing the role of judges....?
I further pray that the Botak will not declare that the polis is only protecting Kugan from further torture.
I must be crazy to says all that but then those suppose to protect us are doing and saying crazy things. Forgive me please.
Only after a life is lost
Will some consider the cost
Who then dares to play host
Will have to cough up the most
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 250109
Sun. 25th Jan. 2009.
Even if we the rakyat chose Pakatan come next GE, the hooligans who sold their souls to the devil will still be in the police force, what we need to do now is to remove them out of office with the utmost that can be done now. This kind of torture should be meted out to the murderers of Altantuya. Personally I'd prefer hudud laws and the country run by the likes of police of Saudi Arabia.
I have always reserve my commence on this type of issue. having viewed the video and photos I asked myself why must the Selangor CPO come up and said there will be no cover up. Does he mean that he is trying to cover up himself. By his statement in any other governments he will be suspended with immediate effect This CPO has again and again
went on the opposite directions to serve the ppl. It is a shame that he is in our ROYAL police force.
Its indeed hilarious to think that the police harm indians in lock up but get punched up recently by mat rempits .
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