Saturday, January 17, 2009

Focus on Trengganu: WHAT DO YOU THINK?

I'd like to read analyses of the Kuala Terengganu by-election results. Please post your comments here. Where is the country heading, next? What are your hopes as a person of varying faith and culture?


T H E . M A L A Y . P R E S S said...

Salam Dr Azly.
Paradigm is slowly shifted. Saya harap begitu juga dengan sejarah realiti umat Islam di Malaya ini.

Disamping memperjuangan politik, mereka seharusnya juga berjuang membetulkan kembali sejarah yang dicatur penjajah.

Semoga segala kerak dan kotor yang lumurkan dan tinggalkan oleh Ingris dan agen-agennya dapat dicuci bersih oleh parti pemerintah Islam barisan alternatif daripada bersarang diminda orang2 Malaya hari ini.

(tengok sahaja tulisan Dr dalam bab keris 'violence'-itulah contoh paling nyata)


GreenBug said...

The victory in the KT by-election tonight is a clear message from the people they want a change from the current corrupt system which is ruling this country. Unless the ruling party accept this message and CHANGE, it will mean the end for them....

Tamerlane said...

I think what the result shows is the general sentiment of the people who want change from the old regime. Each group have their own agenda and united only to replace the current ruling elites. Perhaps on some issues like transparency, corruption, judiciary independence, merit based appointments etc etc many would agree but on others I don’t see any agreement even among the parties forming PR.

It’s funny to see a press conference where a PAS leader says that they will install hudud while a few minutes later a DAP speaker goes up to the mike and say, Hudud cannot be installed unless we all agree. Nevertheless, it’s a brave step in a new direction that the people in KT have taken. I wish PR can come up with a clear cut vision of their plans instead of just showing solidarity among 3 parties against a common enemy, BN. Its like the russians , brits and yanks uniting to take down the Nazis. After they won, we have cold war. As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But where does that lead us?

Anonymous said...

It's a welcome change!!! Especially victory at the opponent's strong hold. Sorry to say that the current bunch of guys are just PAID ACTORS.What matter most is their "pockets"

Year in year out they will give the same speeches,the same answers whenever there is
undesirable incidents happened, I think most of
you even knew the phrases of statements they are going to make.(pi mai pi mai tang tu)

Right or wrong does not matter,as long it is for the benifits for our party, we wil support.

So there is no truth and sincerity in their governance. Can you imagine how they would react if they won all the elections ???? They will talk anything under the sun as though they dont have to pay tax. (cakap tak paya bayar cukai) so what (will be their attitude) ??

Definitely we need changes. Good or bad there is hope and dream... if they are no good Rakyat know how to show them the exit...

The rakyat knows how to keep track of the new governor's promises,(dont worry,the loser- turned-opposition party is ever ready to assist in the excessments) give them a chance...syabas to Pas in KT...

Tamerlane said...

i expected Pas to win more than the 2631 majority. The Victory shouldnt be termed as landslide or desicive. Since many people in our society have grievances with the BN, for them BN to still get 30k + votes is worrying. It shows that almost half of the voters are unsure if they should vote for Pas islamic state...

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as PAS Islamic state. Syariah Law was already up and running before being replaced by the DYMM Queen of Great Britain's common law.

that's historical reality.

Anonymous said...

I see Malaysians going colour-blind in the future. To me this is only a matter of time as I see our younger generation progressively improve in this aspect. Notice how Saluran 4 (younger voters) are always the bigger supporters of Pakatan Rakyat.

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