Friday, January 02, 2009

Chomsky on US-Israel alliance

1 comment:

Wintermute said...

Chomsky has things the wrong way round and, as a Jew, he knows it. It is not the US which tells Israel what to do but the 'American' Jewish Diaspora (over 50% of Democratic Party funds and about 35% of Republican Party funds donated by the 2.3% Jewish section of the US population)which controls the supine Americans, thereby allowing Israeli writ by proxy, at least in Middle Eastern policy. I saw Chomsky on BBC's Hardtalk and his Jewish Supremacism was barely concealed. He also castigated the US "and Britain" for their parts in the Vietnam War. Someone should inform the animus - laden, anti - White Chosenite that Britain was not a participant in that conflict. Sadly the BBC's Stephen Sackur was too much in awe of his guest to point out this obvious solecism.

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